...Literature------------------------------------------------4 3.0 Banking Industry in Bangladesh---------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 What is a Bank? ----------------------------------------------------------------------5 3.2 Definitions of Bank form different view -------------------------------------5 3.3 Where does the word BANK come from? ------------------------------------6 3.4 Why Banks? Why don’t go to another financial institution? -------------7 3.5 Banking System in Bangladesh---------------------------------------------------7 3.6 Banking system is very from country to country because of Following 3 reasons---------------------------------------------------------------------12 3.7 There are different kinds of financial services firms calling themselves Banks---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 4.0 Major Problems Faced by Bangladeshi Banking Industry-------------------------14 4.1 Lack of Good Governance, Accountability and Transparency------------14 4.2 Low quality of asset -----------------------------------------------------------------15 4.3 Inadequacy of Effective Risk Management System--------------------------16 4.4 BASEL Slandered Implementation Problem ---------------------------------17 4.5 CAMELs rating problem-----------------------------------------------------------18 ...
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...March 2012. Pp. 16 - 31 Corporate Governance-Its Problems & Prospects in Banking Industry in Bangladesh Begum Ismat Ara Huq* and Mohammad Zahid Hossain Bhuiyan** Corporate Governance ensures to bring transparency, accountability and professionalism in the management system of a corporate body that enhances the credibility and acceptability to the shareholders, employees, potential investors, customers, lenders, governments and all other stakeholders. This is more true in case of Banking Industry. Since Banks deal in public money, public confidence is of outmost importance in this Industry. The study aims at finding out problems & deficiencies involved in Corporate Governance practice in Banking Industry in Bangladesh and also suggesting ways and means to remove the same in order to make the Corporate Governance practice sound and effective. In this study, both the primary and secondary data were used. The primary data relating to problems involved in Corporate Governance practice and suggestions to remove the same were collected on the basis of a questionnaire by interviewing 24 randomly selected Bank personnel such as Directors of the Board as the internal part of management and the Auditors as the external group. The secondary data were collected through an extensive literature survey on the subject. The study has identified some major problems in Corporate Governance practice in the Banking Industry of the country. The prospect of Corporate Governance practice is bright in...
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...March 2012. Pp. 16 - 31 Corporate Governance-Its Problems & Prospects in Banking Industry in Bangladesh Begum Ismat Ara Huq* and Mohammad Zahid Hossain Bhuiyan** Corporate Governance ensures to bring transparency, accountability and professionalism in the management system of a corporate body that enhances the credibility and acceptability to the shareholders, employees, potential investors, customers, lenders, governments and all other stakeholders. This is more true in case of Banking Industry. Since Banks deal in public money, public confidence is of outmost importance in this Industry. The study aims at finding out problems & deficiencies involved in Corporate Governance practice in Banking Industry in Bangladesh and also suggesting ways and means to remove the same in order to make the Corporate Governance practice sound and effective. In this study, both the primary and secondary data were used. The primary data relating to problems involved in Corporate Governance practice and suggestions to remove the same were collected on the basis of a questionnaire by interviewing 24 randomly selected Bank personnel such as Directors of the Board as the internal part of management and the Auditors as the external group. The secondary data were collected through an extensive literature survey on the subject. The study has identified some major problems in Corporate Governance practice in the Banking Industry of the country. The prospect of Corporate Governance practice is bright in Banking...
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...DEFINITION OF RISK MANAGEMENT 11 2.2. DIFFERENT TYPES OF RISKS IN BUSINESS 12 2.3. CONSTRAINTS 14 2.4. RISK ASSESSMENT 14 2.5. HISTORY OF RISK MANAGEMENT 15 2.6. PROCESS OF RISK MANAGEMENT 15 2.7. Enterprise Risk Management 16 2.8. ERM&CRO 18 2.9. BANKING RISK 19 2.10. Credit risk management in UK banking sector 19 CHAPTER 3 21 3. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 21 3.1. ECONOMIC CRISIS AND BANKS OF UK 21 3.2. Minimizing the moral difficulties involved in the originate and distribute model of banking. 22 3.3. Transparency of risk in financial products is essential if regulation is to work 22 3.4. Reform Basel ii so that it is not so pro-cyclical 23 3.5. RISK MANAGEMENT AND COSTS OF BANKING CRISIS 24 3.6. Costs of Risk 25 3.7. SIGNIFICANCE OF REGULATORY STYLE 26 3.8. KEY WAYS TO MITIGATE BUSINESS RISK 27 3.9. Risk dash board every bank needs 28 3.10. ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND 29 3.11. RISK MANAGEMENT AT KENYA COMMERCIAL BANK (KCB) 29 3.12. Risk management in hotel and tourism industry in India and in the whole world 30 3.13. The management of risk in agricultural sector in the United States of America 31 3.14. THE ROLE OF INTERNAL AUDITORS IN RISK MANAGEMENT 33 4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 35 4.1. CONCLUSION 35 4.2. RECOMMENDATION 36 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report is the main and final part of our MSc in Finance and Business Management course. To make this report I have got the guidelines from the tutors, breo, and support...
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...Internship Report Impact of Credit Rating on Corporate and Banking Sectors of Bangladesh A Study based on Ratings of Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh Limited (CRAB) Exam Roll: 091127 Internship Report on Impact of Credit Rating on Corporate and Banking Sector of Bangladesh A Study based on Ratings of Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh Ltd. (CRAB) Prepared For: Chairman Internship Placement Committee Prepared by: Exam Roll Number: 019927 Class ID: 892 4th year, 8th semester Batch Number: 18th, BBA Program Academic Session: 2008-09 Institute of Business Administration (IBA-JU) Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka 1342 Date: 16.02.2013 Letter of Transmittal February 16, 2013 Chairman Internship Placement Committee Institute of Business Administration Jahangirnagar University Savar, Dhaka 1342. Subject: Submission of Internship Report Dear Sir, It is an event of great pleasure for me to prepare and present the internship report on ‘Impact of Credit Rating on Corporate and Banking Sectors of Bangladesh: A Study based on Rating of Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh Limited (CRAB)’ which is a requirement for the completion of BBA program. In this report I have tried to identify different aspects of the credit rating service and its impact on the corporate and banking sectors of the country. I have tried my best to organize all relevant information and do according to the instructions of preparing...
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...Affecting The Bank rating Executive Summery Credit rating agencies (subsequently denoted CRAs) specialize in analyzing and evaluating the creditworthiness of corporate and sovereign issuers of debt securities. In the new financial architecture, CRAs are expected to become more important in the management of both corporate and sovereign credit risk. The logic underlying the existence of CRAs is to solve the problem of the informative asymmetry between lenders and borrowers regarding the creditworthiness of the latter. Issuers with lower credit ratings pay higher interest rates embodying larger risk premiums than higher rated issuers. Moreover, ratings determine the eligibility of debt and other financial instruments for the portfolios of certain institutional investors due to national regulations that restrict investment in speculative-grade bonds. The banking sector in Bangladesh passed through significant changes in terms of structure and policies. Starting with six nationalized commercial and a few specialized banks after independence, the total number of banks has reached 48 at present including private and foreign commercial banks. The Bangladesh financial sector is under going through a phase of transaction, transformation and convergence. The regulators are more active then ever before to bring the sector up to an international standard. The competitive environment created with the presence of too many banks in a small economy has also been forcing the banks to increase...
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...PERFORMANCE OF BANKS IN NIGERIA CERTIFICATION I certify that this research work was carried out by MR ABOYARIN SALAMI TUNDE with Matriculation No.; 109025160 of the Department of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos. __________________________ ______________ DR. LEKAN OBADEMI DATE _______________________ ____________ PROF. W. IYIEGBUNIWE DATE HOD DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _______________________ ____________ EXTERNAL EXAMINER DATE DEDICATION This project work is dedicated to the Glory of ALMIGHTY ALLAH (SWT) to Him I say as always; ALHAMDULILAHI ROBIL ALAMIN!!! Special dedication also goes to the memory of my late father; Alhaji R.S.A Aboyarin. I pray his soul finds forgiveness and mercy before Allah (Amin. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CHAPTER ONE 1.0: INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Banks are germane to economic development through the financial services they provide. Their intermediation role can be said to be a catalyst for economic growth and development. The efficient and effective performance of the banking industry over time is an index of financial stability in any nation. The extent to which a bank extends credit to the public for productive activities accelerates the pace of a nation’s economic growth and its long-term sustainability. Amongst the various functions of banks, the credit function of banks enhances...
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...specific characteristics of CSR Reporting. Seminar Date 2014-06-02 Course BUSN69, Degree Project – Accounting and Auditing Author Georgios Papakostopoulos Supervisors Karin Jonnergård and Anne Loft Keywords Banks, CSR, Development, Reporting, Standardisation Purpose This thesis aims to examine the development of CSR reporting in the banking sector. The emphasis is set on a number of characteristics. Trends for standardization will be also examined Methodology The methodology undertaken is generally based on a qualitative research approach through a combination of content analysis with interviews. The research has a partly longitudinal, inductive and comparative character. Theoretical Perspectives The theoretical aspects that were used in the analysis were a combination of the theoretical framework of the Legitimacy, Stakeholder and Institutional theory with the reporting requirements from a number of standards, guidelines, initiatives and indices. Empirical Foundation The empirical material consists from Corporate Social Responsibilities reports that were available through banks websites. The sample contains three Greek banks. The primary focus was to include banks from one country in order to ensure that they operate under the same legal framework. Conclusions The thesis reaches into different conclusions. Firstly, the...
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...Bangladesh. The overall performance and structures of investment banks in USA and Bangladesh are shown in this report. Financial system of a country is always getting advanced and complex. Banking system in today’s world has evolved over long period of time. There have been lots of ups and downs or we can call financial crisis in this time period. One of the heavily regulated sectors in world economy is banking sector. This report focuses on how a bank performs in advanced economy and moderately advanced economic situation. There is a significant scope for Bangladeshi investment bank to compete in global market. Several studies have shown that investment banks play a major role along with government and in public finance. 1. East West University, Department of Business Administration. This project preparation is for academic and final year submission to project supervisor Quazi Sagota Samina. 1 The Evolution of Banking Banks are just one part of the world of financial institutions, standing alongside investment banks, insurance companies, finance companies, investment managers and other companies that profit from the creation and flow of money. As financial intermediaries, banks stand between depositors who supply capital and borrowers who demand capital. Given how much commerce and individual wealth rests on healthy banks, banks are also among the most heavily regulated businesses in the world. Banks have been around since the first currencies were minted, perhaps...
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...of the former State Bank of Pakistan and seventeen large commercial banks, two of which were controlled by Bangladeshi interests and three by foreigners other than West Pakistanis with fourteen smaller commercial banks. The newly independent government immediately designated the Dhaka branch of the State Bank of Pakistan as the central bank and renamed it the Bangladesh Bank. The Bangladesh government initially nationalized the entire domestic banking system and proceeded to reorganize and rename the various banks. Foreign-owned banks were permitted to continue doing business in Bangladesh. The insurance business was also nationalized and became a source of potential investment funds. Cooperative credit systems and postal savings offices handled service to small individual and rural accounts. The new banking system succeeded in establishing reasonably efficient procedures for managing credit and foreign exchange. Now, banks in Bangladesh are primarily of two types: Scheduled Banks: The banks which get license to operate under Bank Company Act, 1991 (Amended in 2003) are termed as Scheduled Banks. Non-Scheduled Banks: The banks which are established for special and definite objective and operate under the acts that are enacted for meeting up those objectives, are termed as Non-Scheduled Banks. These banks cannot perform all functions of scheduled banks. There are 52 scheduled banks in Bangladesh who operate under full control and supervision of Bangladesh Bank which is empowered...
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...Annals of the University of Petroşani, Economics, 11(1), 2011, 187-196 187 INTERNAL CONTROLS IN ENSURING GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS KOSMAS NJANIKE, MARGARET MUTENGEZANWA, FUNGAI B. GOMBARUME * ABSTRACT: This paper assessed factors that influence the internal controls in ensuring good corporate governance in financial institutions in developing economies with special reference to Zimbabwe. The research paper assessed how lack of internal controls affected good corporate governance and aimed to bring out elements of good corporate governance. It emerged that failure to effectively implement internal controls contributed significantly to poor corporate governance. The study discovered that internal control system overrides and the issue of “fact cat” directors also contributed to poor corporate governance. The study recommended that there is need for the board of directors to guarantee an organizational structure that clearly defines management responsibilities, authority and reporting relationships. There is also need to ensure that delegated responsibilities are effectively carried out to ensure compliance with internal controls of the financial institution concerned. KEY WORDS: internal controls; corporate governance; ethical behaviour. JEL CLASSIFICATION: G21, G28; G30; G38. 1. INTRODUCTION The year period December 31 2003 to December 31 2004 witnessed the collapse of a number of financial institutions in Zimbabwe. This period witnessed a...
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...The Effects of Culture on International Banking Disclosures George Hooia* aGriffith University, Australia Abstract This paper investigates the influence of national culture on banking disclosures. Seventeen developed and developing countries with a representative sample of 37 listed domestic commercial banks were examined in 2004. Long-term orientation is found to be a non-significant cultural value with banking disclosures. The explanatory power for banking disclosures is found to be similar to the findings in Gray and Vint (1995) with a cross-section of industries. More importantly, this study recommends that long-term orientation should not be used as part of the cultural framework for disclosures due to bias data. Hence, Gray’s (1988) hypothesis on the secrecy / transparency dimension should be maintained with respect to the original four cultural values. JEL Classification: G21, M41, O57 Keywords: Culture, banking disclosures, transparency 1. Introduction The objective of this paper is to report on the empirical findings of the two research questions proposed by Hooi (2004) that may improve the Gray and Vint (1995) model of cultural influence on accounting disclosures. The first proposal was that extending the Gray and Vint study with the new inclusion of Hofstede and Bond’s (1988) cultural value of long-term orientation gives the opportunity to better understand the association between national culture and accounting disclosures. The second proposal...
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... Where did the current financial crisis come from? Who or what is to blame? How will it be resolved? How do we undertake reforms for the future? These are the questions this paper will seek to answer. The analysis will have three parts. The first is a rough and ready sketch of the global roots of this crisis. Second, we will focus in a more detailed way on why it hit the financial sector, especially banks. Finally, we will end with some suggestions for future regulation, especially capital regulation. I. A Rough Sketch. It is always useful to start with the macroeconomic environment. In a sense, this is a crisis borne out of previous crises. An important difference between the recent period of sustained growth and previous periods is the low level of long term real interest rates over the last 5 years, certainly relative to the last two decades. Long rates fell following the collapse in investment in both emerging markets and developed countries after the crises in 1998 and the ICT bubble in 2001. Emerging market governments became more circumspect and increased budgetary surpluses, even while cutting back on public investment. For instance, in Philippines, investment fell from 24% of GDP in 1996 to 17% in 2006, while its savings rose from 14% to 20%. From borrowing 10% of its GDP, it now pumps out 2.5 percent as a current account surplus. Moreover, as industrial economies recovered, corporate investment did not pick up, at least not to the extent warranted by the growth...
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...CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Banking reached colonial Africa through the activities of colonial merchants, and the first bank in West Africa was established in 1894, that is the British Bank for West Africa (BBWA), which extended its operations to Ghana soon after in 1896. In Ghana, the Bank of Ghana is responsible for the banking sector. The Bank of Ghana was established in 1957 to oversee the health of the nation’s financial sector. Presently the Bank of Ghana is empowered by the banking act of 2004, Act 673 (amended in 2007) and the Bank of Ghana Act 2002, Act 612 to regulate banks in Ghana. The mission of the central bank is “to pursue sound monetary and financial policies aimed at price stability and create an enabling environment for sustainable economic growth.” In maintaining a stable banking industry, the Bank of Ghana ensures that banks playing a part in the pursuit of its goals are well leveraged to withstand any unforeseen circumstances. One way the central bank does this is to ensure that banks have capital adequacy to a certain level through the regulation of the minimum capital requirement. The issue of the minimum capital requirement, its increases and implications has always been an issue of hot debates amongst economists, and even politicians. The minimum capital requirement is the minimum level of security below which the amount of financial resources should not fall (European Parliament legislative resolution of 22 April...
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...Janata Bank Limited (If there is any contrary information please communicate with DSE through email: listing@dsebd.org) Disclaimer: The contents of this presentation are entirely based on disclosures made by the company. Therefore, DSE does not assume any responsibility on the authenticity of the facts and figures presented thereof. Brief Overview of the Bank 1. Formation of Janata Bank : Immediately after the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, the erstwhile United Bank Limited and Union Bank Limited were nationalized and renamed as Janata Bank. : May 21, 2007 : Tk. 20,000 million (as on 31.12.09) : Tk. 5,000 million (as on 31.12.09) 2. Date of Incorporation as PLC 3. Authorized Capital 4. Pre-IPO Paid up Capital 5. No. of Branches : 850 Details of the Issue History of Capital (Tk. in Million) Year 2004-2008 2009 Authorized Capital (Tk.) 8,000.00 20,000.00 Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up Capital (Tk.) 2593.90 5,000.00 Source of Capital Issue of Bonus and Rights shares Paid-up Capital after IPO Particulars Pre-IPO Paidup capital IPO Paid-up capital after IPO Ordinary Shares 50,000,000 10,000,000 60,000,000 Face Value (Tk.) 100 100 100 Premium Per Share (Tk.) 0.00 900 900 Total Premium (Tk.) 0.00 9,000,000,000 9,000,000,000 Paid-up Capital (Tk.) 5,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 6,000,000,000 Issue Manager : ICB Capital Management Limited Auditors : Howladar Yunus & Co. and A. Wahab & Co. Executive Summary Date of Incorporation as PLC : May 21, 2007 (Immediately...
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