...I do think that by doing so it looses a lot of its original meaning. I believe that literature can be interpreted in to many different meanings and ways that other people don't see. To one person Shakespeare can be a legendary writer and to anot her person he can be some idiot that wrote a lot of garbage. After reading this section, I find it interesting that Shakespeare can be interpreted in several various ways. I have seen a few different productions of Shakespeare plays and I can understand the different ways that people have perceived the various plays. Personally, I believe that the difference between a “more faithful” versus a “more free” adaptation of a Shakespearean play is that a show that is “more faithful” tends to follow the time frame and setting that the play was placed in, whereas a “more free” adaptation can change to different time frames and have different surroundings than the play was actually placed in. With a more “faithful” adaptation of Shakespeare we learn more about the history behind the play and what it truly is about. Unfortunately, with a more “freer” adaptation we can lose the history behind the play because the context of the play can change based on the decisions of how the play was interpreted. In a faithful version of a play, the language, setting, costumes, and all other major aspects remain as the author originally wrote them; a free adaptation may change one or more of these elements. A more faithful adaptation has the advantage of...
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...``Shakespeare Was Not OF An Age But For All Time`` I agree with the statement ``Shakespeare was not for an age but for all time. `` The words of praise probably the most famous ever written about Shakespeare , were penned by Shakespeare`s good friend and follow writer `Ben Johnson`. For the poet and playwright generally considered the greatest ever is also one of the least known of all literary figures. And his works were indeed created for the popular entertainment of his day with little thought to their immortality. Shakespeare did not take any steps to preserve his writings past their immediate use. (Fortunately his friends did.) With all the academic study of Shakespeare and the trappings of fine culture that have been wrapped around productions of his dramas over the centuries, we often forget what a rollicking, bawdy and entertaining spectacle his plays presented to their original audience — and still can to a modern audience, in the right hands. The timelessness of Shakespeare's themes continue to keep his plays fresh. He dramatized basic issues: love, marriage, familial relationships, gender roles, race, age, class, humor, illness, deception, betrayal, evil, revenge, murder, and death. The essential question that Shakespeare explored in his plays is, "what does it mean to be a human being?" The genius of Shakespeare is that he manged to show us ourselves in every conceivable light. It really doesn't matter when the plays were written since they are about the...
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...play will not be as heroic and godly as initially envisioned. This is because there is a shortage in the resources necessary to depict this great spectacle, and it is instead the audience’s responsibility to both create and imagine the play. The opening prologue alone sets the stage for how equivocally this war will be portrayed, and also how frequently the reader’s understanding of Henry will be challenged throughout the play. In Act 1, we are introduced to the crafty Bishop of Canterbury and Bishop of Ely, who discuss a bill that will cause the Church to lose a significant amount of money if passed. They then realize that if they can convince Henry to invade France in order to claim the throne, they can postpone the bill in the meantime, as Canterbury has already proposed to donate a generous amount of money towards the war. Soon after, we meet Henry for the first time, and Canterbury delivers a prolonged speech to justify his claim to declare war with the French, by reassuring Henry that he can indeed inherit the French throne. Leading up to Act 1, scene 2, lines 290-310, King Henry has been presented with a chest full of tennis balls sent from the Dauphin, as a form of mockery to suggest Henry’s immaturity and inability to lead a country. This provokes Henry’s powerful rant, a retaliation to the mockery. This speech provides an essential insight into Henry’s multifaceted personality. It portrays not only Henry’s unpredictable nature, but also in such ambiguity alludes to the...
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...The True Richard I have chosen to analyze the character of Richard III due to his cynical yet honest personality. One thing that sticks out about his character is his relationship with the reader and how he tells us exactly what he’s planning. Even when we are told what Richard will do, the reader is still surprised when he goes about the actions. For example, Richard tells us he is “subtle, false, and treacherous”(I.i), but there is nothing we can do to stop him from being that way. Another quality of Richard that sticks out to me is his ability to manipulate his peers. In act one scene two Lady Anne is mourning the death of King Henry VI, but Richard is set on manipulating her into loving him. Richard has no interest in Lady Anne, but instead wants to be closer and closer to becoming King. Richard’s dedication to achieve his goal no matter what obstacles come his way is a defining feature that sticks out to me. Throughout the play, Richard is faced with obstacles that test his commitment to becoming king. His first major test is when he has to win over Lady Anne. Richard killed Henry and knows Anne is out for his guts, but he has the courage to lie to her saying that he did not kill him. Later, Richard admits to killing Henry, but sweet talks Anne by making her believe that the murder was in an attempt to win her over. While reading this scene, we see Richard being honest to the audience, but a liar to the characters in the show. He knows that his actions have caused Lady...
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...The sport of basketball was able to create an infrastructure that would spark the invention of a foundation in American history and culture through various methods that would unite a nation, eliminate the differences of race found through a history of segregation, and would allow many athletes to create a change in their life through the sport. Throughout the history of sports, basketball has served a very important part in American culture as well as creating a foundation for a staple in the world of sports. Basketball is a very diverse sport that has been influenced by various types of changes and improvements to reflect various differences in American culture. American history has experienced a large amount change through the sport of basketball as the sport united many individuals through a very simple game that allowed players to focus on certain skills and thrive in the game. Basketball...
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...[pic] [pic] LOG BOOK CO-CURRICULUM FOR BASKETBALL SEMESTER 1 SESSION 201509 Personal Information Name :CHAN WAI YEE Student’s Reg. No :15WBR11337 I.C No :941021-14-5108 E-mail :vannyhuiyee@gmail.com Programme/ Course :RMK2 Current address :12A-1B PANDAN PERDANA 2/3A,TAMAN PANDAN PERDANA, 55300 KUALA LUMPUR. Performance Evaluation Throughout the practical session, the performance of all the students who enroll in the co-curriculum course will be evaluated through marks and graded. However, the grades will not contribute to the GPA and CGPA. Games/Sports & Cultural courses are evaluated based on the following: i. Attendance 20% ii. Log Book 20% iii. Involvement 10% iv. Achievement 10% v. Technical skills 40% Attendance 1. Students who are absent from the Co-curriculum course and present a letter/proof of the reasons stated below will be considered present with a remark: a. Medical Certificate (MC) b. Represent TAR College for external events c. Death of IMMEDIATE family member 2. Students who are absent with the reasons below will not be considered present: a. Involvement in club/societies/school activities b. Personal matters Course Content/ Lesson Plan (to be given) |Week 1 |Warming up exercise | ...
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...______________________________________________________________________________ Under Armour Enters the Basketball Shoe Market ______________________________________________________________________________ This case was written by Professors George E. Belch and Michael A. Belch. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was compiled from published sources. Company Background Under Armour (UA) was founded in 1996 by Kevin Plank, a former Maryland football player, who began by selling compression clothing that could “wick” sweat away from the body to college sports teams out of the trunk of his car. Plank was a football player at the University of Maryland, and hated wearing cotton shirts to practice in the hot, humid Maryland climate. Knowing that he would never be an NFL player, Plank devoted his efforts to starting a company that could make a product that would be an improvement over cotton, in that it would not absorb sweat and be much more functional and comfortable to wear. Once made, he started selling the shirts to the lacrosse and football teams at the University of Maryland out of the trunk of his car. In 1998, the football oriented movie “Any Given Sunday” was being filmed in Baltimore where Under Armour is based. The producers of the movie were looking for a product that would...
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...Decisions in Paradise, Part 1 Tiran J. Walker Sr. MGT/350 May 28, 2011 Robert Sell Decisions in Paradise, Part 1 There has long been a cry in the Kava area that it is hard to grow because people don’t like to invest in the area. Though costs are relatively low for such an accessible and desirable part of Kava, they often site the lack of qualified human resources as a deterrent. Nobody claims, however, that talented people don’t come from the Kava area; they only argue that talented people don’t stay in the Kava area. They move to bigger, better cities, with more opportunities and more entertainment options, and leave the rest behind to make the best of what Kava has to offer. What happens when the downtown scene witnesses a resurrection in its nightlife due to the entrepreneurial spirit of restaurant owners and club managers? What happens when the city invests in a state-of-the-art center for the arts? What happens when a high-school basketball legend returns from a stint overseas to launch a new professional basketball franchise? The cries turn to cheers and a community is invigorated. What happens next is entirely in our hands. The Kava Bearcats became the newest franchise in the American Basketball Association in May 2011. The first professional basketball league to feature a 3-point line, dancers during timeouts, and the slam-dunk contest, the ABA has a rich tradition dating back to legends such as “Dr. J” Julius Erving, Rick Barry, and “Iceman” George Gervin. The...
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...Negotiation Planning Outline Negotiation Planning Outline Negotiating is the art of convincing the other side that they should receive what they want. Knowing what they want from negotiation is only a small part of what it takes to anticipate the negotiation process. Success comes from developing effective negotiation strategies that convince the other side that what they want is fair and reasonable. This outline will indicate a negotiation plan from the position of Miami Heat’s General Manager, Pat Riley in the negotiation battle between National Basketball Association (NBA) Basketball Star, Juwan Howard, Washington Bullet General Manager, Wes Unseld, and Juwan Howard’s agent, David Falk. Goals Escalate the opportunities of the Miami Heat’s organization of achieving a winning regular season to a position that would allow the team to participate in the post season playoff games. Thereby, building a winning and championship team that would ultimately earn the title as National Basketball Association Champions. Issues A. The maximum amount of the contract offered to Juwan Howard to play with the team including bonuses and perks without exceeding the salary cap. B. The maximum number of years in the contract in relationship to the maximum amount offered. C. Other provisions to be included in the contract such as those listed in the...
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...–Module assessment – Semester 1 -2011/12 By Sergey Bogdanovich Basketball Arena [pic] Executive summary Basketball is one of the major Olympic sports. And Olympic presentation of it should be as good as possible, as millions of people will watch the action from East London closely. They all want an extraordinary exhibition and performance, so the constructions of a top quality Basketball Arena, which will successfully host the games, require a lot of attitude. It is essential to understand that the arena must be a part of an Olympic vision and should address all the proposals and ideas which Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) and London as a capital of Great Britain want to introduce during games and after them. It required a lot of effort, knowledge and an experience to achieve the overall goal in delivering basketball arena. In the end the project become one of the biggest of its type ever built for such an event. Several firms, agencies and organisations worked closely with each other to deliver a successful result on each stage of the project. Introduction The Basketball arena was a unique challenge. It was the first time a 12000 seat temporary arena with a span of almost 100 m had been built in UK. Because of the size, scale, complexity and the cost of the venue, it went through considerable scrutiny, deliberation and change throughout the course of 2006-2009. Location of Basketball arena was changed to the former...
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...became extremely successful till this day. Due to Michael Jordan’s amazing basketball career and his success as a businessman, he has changed the industry Michael Jordan has changed the game of basketball with his legendary career. Michael Jordan has some legendary stats that no one has ever accomplished in his time. “He was the first player to win both the scoring title and the defensive player award in the same season” (“Michael Jordan”1). No one in NBA history has ever done that before until Michael Jordan. He changed the game of basketball and made players train to be...
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...September 16, 2015 Did Geeks Take Over Basketball? The Rise of Analytics Sports are a major part of modern day American culture, and the nation’s top flight of basketball is no exception. The National Basketball Association, more commonly referred to as the NBA, is one of the most popular sporting leagues in the world. With that being said, it comes with no surprise that it continues to progress in all possible facets. One of the more intriguing facets is the rise of in depth analytics to create a new, more accurate era of basketball statistics. In an article for The Atlantic, Terrance F. Ross elaborates on the topic and the controversy surrounding it to during his brilliantly written piece entitled “Welcome to Smarter Basketball”. However, it is more than just the words themselves that give the article its desired effect. Several rhetorical strategies are imperative to Ross’ success in convincing his readers to embrace the analytical movement. The most glaring of these aspects is the rhetorical situation, also called the context of the issue. The issue of analytics in basketball is so relevant today because of the effective results that it has been yielding in recent time. For example, “The most-watched Finals since the age of Michael Jordan ended with victory for the Golden State Warriors over the Cleveland Cavaliers—both of which are teams that have heavily incorporated data analysis into how they play the game” (Ross 1). While this trend is becoming increasingly more...
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...Article 1: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/15/sports/olympics/olympics-venues-empty.html Part 1: The winter olympics have begun and fans around the world are excited. Many fans purchase their tickets ahead of time to make sure they are not sold out. Unfortunately those people have been very disappointed as there have been many time changes and postponements due to the weather for the outdoor events. These people are unable to attend the events they bought the tickets to see. Some people who have bought their tickets ahead of time struggle to make it to the events because of the time changes and simply do not come. This issue leads to many open seats within the venues that are said to be sold out. The stadiums are practically empty and many...
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...The Hardwood to the Diamond When the topic of baseball and basketball is mentioned, many only think about the differences between the two. What people do not realize is the parallelism between them. Comparing these two sports can vary from uniforms to the playing surface. Although athletes who take part in basketball and baseball complete different tasks, their ultimate goal remains the same: victory. The playing surfaces for both sports require constant maintenance. A baseball field requires much more (care or caring) than the basketball court, such as watering, mowing, and raking weekly, if not daily, depending on the use of the field. A basketball playing surface only needs waxed or resurfaced once a year and washed biweekly. Although baseball diamonds require far more work, the hardwood of a basketball tends to be more complex with the different lines from various sports running throughout the court. Much larger than a basketball court, the baseball field is typically located outside. Despite the differences, the games and practices take place on their own playing surfaces. They also contain a scoreboard located in a clearly visible...
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...October 2015 Basketball Coaching There are many kinds of basketball coaches, there are good ones and there are bad ones. The way that the team you are coaching plays all determines which one the coach turns out to be. A basketball team is either a well-oiled machine or they are dysfunctional. It is all up to the coach and how they teach them to determine if the team will be a good one or not. A basketball coach has many jobs that they do while coaching the team. They have to make drills, order uniforms, make sure everyone has rides to and from games, make sure that the team works well together, and make sure the team has enough players. The coach also has to make sure that they plays are executed right and that every team member knows what position they play and how to play that position properly. The coach is constantly doing everything they can for the team, the coach devotes their life to the team that is being coached. There are three main topics of focus for this paper, they are; sports related injuries, how to properly motivate the team and better them as a team and individuals, and bullying in the sport. First, there are a lot of sports related injuries that occur when playing basketball. The most common is an ankle injury, it can be injured in the muscles, the tendons, or the joints. “Muscle strength and balance around the lower limb joints may play an important role for performance and injury prevention in basketball” (Gerodimos 1). When coaching a basketball team, the...
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