Geon Ho Wang
English Writing
November 24, 2014
How to Register for Class at Your School
If you are a university student, at the beginning of the semester, there is always a nervous moment just before the start of a semester. It is because of the class registration period. In this period, university opens a class register page and students should apply for the next semester only through this page. So there is always a hot competition time in this period for successful class registration. Unfortunately, there are always some students who failed to register the class they wanted. So here are few steps when you register for classes successfully. First, you should log-in class applying homepage at least before 10 minutes. If you try to log-in just before 1 or 2 minutes, you can’t get in that page because there are too many other students who already wait for getting in that page. And after log-in before 10 minutes, second, you should tap ‘Class Registration’ button at 9:57 or 9:58. Because of the students who already waited for getting in Registration page, if you tap that button at 10 o’clock, you will feel deep frustration during the next whole semester. This stage is the most important stage so you must remember this. Finally, if you face the Class Registration pop-up window successfully, click a register button and just wait for the sign that registered successfully. So when you follow these steps in the right way, you will take a lecture that you