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Battle Of The Five Armies-Personal Narrative

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It had been several months since the Battle of the Five Armies had taken place. The pain of Thorin, Fili, and Kili's deaths still lingered in the halls of Erebor. It was this sorrow that had kept you there so long. That, and your numerous injuries. Originally you had intended to go back with Bilbo and Gandalf but your injuries kept you at the Lonely Mountain longer than you had anticipated. With a few broken ribs, a fractured hipbone, and a broken arm that you kept banging on everything, you were injured well into the winter and by that time, it didn't make sense to travel. You stayed with your dwarven companions until the spring, when you were finally fit to travel. Your torso still ached where your ribs had been broken and your hip would probably …show more content…
After saying your farewells, you were off, a horse laden with supplies and trinkets for the journey home. You didn't dare ride the poor beast as it was burdened enough with the hefty bags of treasure and the almost overflowing packs of food. You walked along side it, your hand holding the reins in one hand and your walking stick in the other. Having no travel companion was an interesting experience for you now. After all, for the past year you hadn't traveled alone. “Though I suppose I'm not completely alone, huh, Oakensteed?” you said, patting the horse on its neck. The horse had been named as such for its resemblance of the late King Under the Mountain and the name sounded like something Fili or Kili would have come up with. That made you a bit sad; however, it gave you comfort to know that the surviving members of Thorin's Great Company had deemed you worthy of such a steed. The two of you traveled for several days until you reached the edge of Mirkwood. Though a scary place, it was traveled more now than when you'd first passed through. And besides, you had a king to pay a visit

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