...Blahb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbb bbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbb b bb b bbb b bb b b b b b b b b b b b b b b bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb b b b bbbbbb b b b bbb bbb bbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbb bbb bbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbb b bbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbb bbbbbbb bbbb bbb bb bb bb bb bbbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbbb bbbb bbbb bbbbb bbbb bbbb bbb bb bbb bb b b bbbbb bbb bbbb bbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bb b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b u hug yg y gy g ui gy g ui g uy gy bh ij hugytf ghb ji uhgy jhj iuhyg g hbjj uh ygg vjh jij uyg gv hbj uhh g h uhygu g h uhyg gvh hj uhyg gv vf gy hujn bvfc tgyuhjn b v cfgtg yuhjn km b vcfgg y hujnk o i9u89y t76fg hjb n c fxde4 56rt 7yuhj kn b vcfxd e45 56 78 ygg h ui 786 t gh ui 78 67 tfg hu h8 76 7tf g huh 8 7 67tf ygj jiu89 76t gh u7 6 t huh 8 7 6y u 87 6t tfg h gftt 67 gy y8u 8 uyu7g yg 8u 9 8uy gv ygu8 9 8uy gg hj i9 8u y7g v gy uh jhb gv yu j hbgvgy uij hbgvy uijn hbvgyu...
Words: 265 - Pages: 2
...FIFTH EDITION 2005 Transforming Real Estate Finance A CMBS Primer Primary Analysts: Howard Esaki Marielle Jan de Beur Masumi Goldman This book is an overview of the Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS) market. The contents of this publication are over eight years in the making and include excerpts of research reports from as early as 1997. In this fifth edition of our primer, we have reorganized the chapters to highlight the different investment options within CMBS. New material since our last edition includes sections on the various types of AAA CMBS classes, total rate of return swaps, floating rate large loan transactions, and an updated version of the commercial mortgage default study. We hope you find this book useful and welcome comments so that we can improve future editions. FIFTH EDITION 2005 Transforming Real Estate Finance A CMBS Primer Primary Analysts: Howard Esaki Marielle Jan de Beur Masumi Goldman The Primary Analyst(s) identified above certify that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect his/her/their personal views about the subject securities/instruments/issuers, and no part of his/her/their compensation was, is or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific views or recommendations contained herein. This report has been prepared in accordance with our conflict management policy. The policy describes our organizational and administrative arrangements for the avoidance, management and disclosure...
Words: 93545 - Pages: 375