...Being a friend means you will be willing to do what is necessary, which includes doing the unforgivable in the name of being ethical. In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George’s decision to kill Lennie is ethical. According to the Common Good Approach, George’s decision was ethical, as Lennie’s existence benefitted others more dead, than alive. This is because of his almost inhuman strength. However, he was also an irreplaceable worker, as described by the skinner, Slim. “’Say, you was right about him. Maybe he ain’t bright, but I never seen such a worker. He damn near killed his partner buckin’ barley. There ain’t nobody can keep up with him. God awmighty I never seen such a strong guy.’” (39) One can argue that because of his...
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...which relates his size. “Drank with long gulps, snorting into the water like a horse” page 4 * Very forgetful “so you forgot that awready, did you? I gotta tell you again do I?” this is George talking to Lennie and it shows that he was shocked at how quickly forgot the information he had been given. * Low social standing. When the brothels are being described to George, he is told that “no cookoos” can get in. then later in the story, when they al go to town to go to the brothel, Lennie stays at the ranch as he wouldn’t be aloud in, immediately making him seem less than the other men. * Slow-witted and stupid “He ain’t bright. Hell of a good worker, though.” however we are supposed to pity him as a character, hence; “Lennie’s lip quivered and tears started in his eyes” page 11. This evokes pathos from the reader towards Lennie as a character. He is the one Steinbeck wants us to pity * Often gets into trouble but doesn’t mean harm or pose a threat “that gets Lennie all mixed up, and he holds on because that’s the only thing he can do” * Very strong “Curley sat down on the floor, looking on wonder at his crushed hand” however he doesn’t have much skill * He listens to how people refer to him “crazy bastard” we will see him later use this term against himself. George * He plays the parental role to Lennie “Lennie, who had been watching, imitated George exactly… the way that George’s hat was “page 5 this gives George power over Lennie,...
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... this is a shorter ver ion of a i i i p s paper on “Iden ity, Insti u ions, and Upris ngs” with less math at cs, no ref r nces (see t t t i em i e e the link above) and more opin on t ng. Also, a longer ver ion of what I’m going to say at i ai s The iz ng the Web 2013 in a few days. or i There is a the et al side to the “Face ook Rev u ion” debate about the role of dig al or ic b ol t it tech olo ies in the 2011 “Arab Spring” upris ngs, and it boils down to two ways of look ng n g i i at things: the micro and the macro. On the one hand, we have the ratio al choice, agentn based approach and on the other we have more tra i ional soci og al approaches based dt ol ic on larger-scale social structures. If you look at some of the key char c er s ics of the upris ngs, it looks like a win for the a t i t i tomslee.net/2013/02/503.html 1/19 3/18/13 Notes on Identity, Institutions, and Uprisings | Whimsley micro side. The ies, and North African upris ngs. or i EVENT MICRO MACRO Sud en upris ng (cascade) d i Lack of strong oppo i ion movement st Net ork technologies w Score Y Y Y 3 N N N 0 The sin le most dra atic thing about the “Arab Spring” upris ngs was their unex ected g m i p sud en ess. They fit the “infor a ion cas ade” mod ls devel ped by Timur Kuran, d n m t c e o Suzanne Lohmann...
Words: 8694 - Pages: 35
...agency that a Latvian company is going to stage the operetta ‘Der Bettelstudent’ in the Netherlands in March 2000. The agency is asking €22,500,- for two performances – on Saturday and Sunday. I think we should accept this offer. We could price our tickets at €25 each and if each performance draws an audience of 450, we will break even. Just do your sums: 2 x 450 x €25 = €22,500,-’. Jan Dekker (controller): ‘But we had set aside that weekend in March for a big overhaul of the theatre. The theatre is pretty booked up for that period and the technical staff wants to carry out various small repairs’. Karin: ‘Come on Jan, surely you would not leave the theatre empty for a weekend during the high season?’. Jan: ‘Karin, there is something else to consider. We probably would not sell much more than 450 tickets per performance, although I believe we must make a sizeable sum out of that sort of performance’. Harm van Tol (director): ‘I think Jan has a valid point there. Operettas must bring in a good deal of money to cover deficits caused by less marketable performances. But leaving that aside, we have already planned about 15 operas and operettas for next season. I have nothing against that Latvian company, but we must bear in mind that we are supposed to offer a wide range of...
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...the failure of managers to fully comprehend these disparities has led to most international business blunders." Donaldson, in the “Case of the Floundering Expatriate” is an unfortunate example of someone who has failed to learn about the cultures around him. When people in organizations cross borders, whether geographic, cultural, or social, communication issues are crucial. The cross-cultural communication assignment will allow us to learn more about these “troublesome variables” and share that learning with the class. The briefings will receive a group grade. Scenario: A social alliance team (for-profit, NGO, social entrepreneurs) will soon head to a regional office in a particular country to meet alliance members there and prepare for work on a poverty project. At headquarters in Charlottesville, your group will brief the team on Monday, April 21st, on communication norms in that country’s culture. The briefing may cover some of the following—dress, time, family and business, meetings, conversations, writing and/or e-mail conventions, gift-giving, taboos, and entertaining/entertainment. We’ll select countries in class on Monday, April 14th. Isolated advice won’t be enough. You’ll need to put that advice into a context that relates to the culture. For example, you might include one or more of the following approaches: • explain the history of the country and its overarching social and/or political traditions that affect many of the “variables” in people’s...
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...Unfortunately, Lennie suffers from an unnamed mental illness, which warps his judgement on the austerity of his actions. Throughout the novel, Lennie fights with Curley and breaks his hand, accidentally kills mice, a puppy, and Curley’s wife. Lennie never intends to hurt anyone, and feels compunction after he causes trouble as shown in his monologue after he kills his puppy, “‘Why do you got to get killed?… Now maybe George ain't gonna let me tend no rabbits, if he fin’s out you got killed’” (Steinbeck 85). This quote displays Lennie’s inability to truly understand the extent of his actions, and presents Lennie’s intentions as not harmful. While Lennie causes accidental chaos, Slim possesses similar violent tendencies; however, unlike Lennie, he displays it intentionally. Slim’s dog gives birth, and to ensure no malnutrition he nonchalantly states, “‘Nine of ‘em. I drowned four of ‘em right off. She couldn't feed that many’” (Steinbeck 35). Like Lennie, his intentions were not malicious; however, he drowns these puppies without any emotion. His emotionlessness attributes itself to the ongoing desensitization occurring throughout the United...
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...flooding; and sycamores with mottled, white, recumbent limbs and branches that arch over the pool. On the sandy bank under the trees the leaves lie deep and so crisp that a lizard makes a great skittering if he runs among them. Rabbits come out of the brush to sit on the sand in the evening, and the damp flats are covered with the night tracks of 'coons, and with the spread pads of dogs from the ranches, and with the split-wedge tracks of deer that come to drink in the dark. There is a path through the willows and among the sycamores, a path beaten hard by boys coming down from the ranches to swim in the deep pool, and beaten hard by tramps who come wearily down from the highway in the evening to jungle-up near water. In front of the low horizontal limb of a giant sycamore there is an ash pile made by many fires; the limb is worn smooth by men who have sat on it. Evening of a hot day started the little wind to moving among the leaves. The shade climbed up the hills toward the top. On the sand banks the rabbits sat as quietly as little gray sculptured stones. And then from the direction of the state highway came the sound of footsteps on crisp sycamore leaves. The rabbits hurried...
Words: 29829 - Pages: 120
...This theme is told to you through the words and actions of the characters in the story . This story is told through two characters Lennie and George. The setting is 1930’s America. The story involves traveling ranch workers that live only for the one purpose to get paid and waste their money on a few drinks and some pleasure. These men are consumed with loneliness. The care for nothing but themselves. They are very unlike George and Lennie who have each other and a dream. Lennie is a big man with the brain of a child. Lennie never meant to hurt anybody but managed to get himself and his only true friend George into trouble. George is a small smart man who has known Lennie all his life and knows to well that Lennie could not survive on his own lets him travel with him as a favor too Lennie’s aunt Loneliness is defined as Without companions; lone. I will use this definition to describe different aspects of Steinbeck’s treatment of loneliness in this novel. Steinbeck’s use of loneliness is in this novel is very noticeable in some of the dialogue like when Lennie accidentally stumbles into Crook’s home in the stable and they talk. "You got George. You know he’s goin’ to come back. S’pose you didn’t have nobody. S’pose you couldn’t go to the bunk-house and play rummy ‘cause you was black. How’d you like that? S’pose you had to sit out here an’ read books. Sure you could play horse shoes...
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...SCRIPT WRITING FOR SHORT FILMS: A Practical Guide In 8 Steps Stuart Hepburn Lecturer in Screenwriting and Performance University of the West of Scotland This Screenwriting guide has been written as a Practical Step By Step account of how you can go from being an unproduced filmmaker to a winner, in a few basic steps. We want you to able to write the best five minute screenplay possible. We want you to play with the form, experiment, and most importantly, find your own voice. Introduction: FilmG – The Gaelic Shorts Competition The FilmG Shorts competition is a fantastic opportunity for anyone wishing to take their first steps in making a short film. However, to succeed in the competition, you have to ensure that your film is as good as it possibly can be. Why? Because five minutes is a short time, and any deficiencies in the script will be exposed sooner rather than later. You only have one chance with your script, and if you miss it, you have lost your audience. N.B. These are NOT a set of rules, but simply a suggested strategy for writing your film. THE 8 STEPS 1. Find a small idea 2. Explore the structure 3. Define your world, character and problem 4. Beat it out 5. Write the first draft 6. Find a critical friend 7. Write the second draft 8. Write the third draft STEP 1: Find a small idea It may be stating the obvious, but every short film needs, at its core, an “idea.” This idea can be as ...
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...relationship between the protagonists, George and Lennie. The novel centers these characters who are two childhood friends who travel around together looking for work and face many struggles due to Lennie’s disabilities. Steinbeck initially presents the reader with a clear image of the central characters, who are complete opposites. George is told to be “small and quick” with a thin figure. He is seen as being short-tempered but a loving and devoted friend. He always makes Lennie’s protection his primary purpose despite sometimes coming off impatient towards Lennie. Lennie on the other hand, is very large with ‘sloping shoulders’ which leads the author to compare him to “the way a bear drags his paws”. Lennie is a very strong man with a child’s mind and this is the main problem that George and Lennie face in the novel. I think that Lennie is the least dynamic character as he is very flat and undergoes no significant changes in the novel and appears in the end exactly the same as when we first meet him. At the start of the novel we can clearly see that the author seems to have set Lennie up for disaster. These very different qualities of the characters George and Lennie show the peculiarity of their friendship. From the outset, Steinbeck sets the tone of George and Lennie’s relationship through George’s first words; “Lennie for God’s sake’s don’t drink so much. You gonna be sick like you was last night.” Straight away we can clearly see that George is like a parental figure...
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...College Research Paper Contents 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Key Questions 2.0 Methods 2.1 Primary Research. 2.2 Facebook Privacy Questionnaires. 2.3 Internet research from Facebooks own Help and Information pages 2.4 Confirm the validity of information obtained on Facebooks pages from alternative Internet resources. 2.4 Privacy issues and guides sourced from Library sources. 3.0 Results & Discussions 3.1 Facebook a short History 3.2 Survey Results 3.3 News Media discussion on Privacy/Trust 4.0 Further Discussion & Conclusions 4.1 Privacy 4.11 Facebook Adverts 4.12 Facebook Applications and 3rd Party Applications 4.2 Trust 4.3 Recent Events Regarding Privacy 4.31 What has not changed? 4.4 Final conclusions 5.0 Bibliography 6.0 Appendix List of illustrations’ Fig 1: Total Internet Usage Fig 2: Targeted advertising Fig 3: Advertising Demographics Fig 4: Age related targeted advertising Fig 5: Online gaming advertising Fig 6: Facebook Applications and 3rd Party Applications Fig 7: New Privacy Announcement Fig 8: New Privacy Update Fig 9: Privacy Sharing Fig 10: Privacy Search 1.0 Introduction Is the growth in Social Network websites a good thing? With new services from Google and Microsoft soon to join the established social networking sites Myspace, Twitter, Bebo, Plaxo and Facebook are users right to trust these companies (in all cases Global Corporations) with their personal data. What are these Social Networking sites using this data for...
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...College Research Paper Trust and Privacy By Ian Hunt Access to HE. Media Studies. CJC3FH001A Unit Title: Independent Study HC7/3/WW/081 Course Tutor: Patrick Peiro. Completed: 14th April 2010 College Research Paper Contents 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Key Questions 2.0 Methods 2.1 Primary Research. 2.2 Facebook Privacy Questionnaires. 2.3 Internet research from Facebooks own Help and Information pages 2.4 Confirm the validity of information obtained on Facebooks pages from alternative Internet resources. 2.4 Privacy issues and guides sourced from Library sources. 3.0 Results & Discussions 3.1 Facebook a short History 3.2 Survey Results 3.3 News Media discussion on Privacy/Trust 4.0 Further Discussion & Conclusions 4.1 Privacy 4.11 Facebook Adverts 4.12 Facebook Applications and 3rd Party Applications 4.2 Trust 4.3 Recent Events Regarding Privacy 4.31 What has not changed? 4.4 Final conclusions 5.0 Bibliography 6.0 Appendix List of illustrations’ Fig 1: Total Internet Usage Fig 2: Targeted advertising Fig 3: Advertising Demographics Fig 4: Age related targeted advertising Fig 5: Online gaming advertising Fig 6: Facebook Applications and 3rd Party Applications Fig 7: New Privacy Announcement Fig 8: New Privacy Update Fig 9: Privacy Sharing Fig 10: Privacy Search 1.0 Introduction Is the growth in Social Network websites a good thing? With new services from Google and Microsoft soon to join the established social networking sites Myspace...
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...each other via the Internet. Files can be shared directly between systems on the network without the need of a central server.” (http://www.techterms.com/definition/p2p) It is essential to understand the meaning of “Peer to peer” in order to study the subject in depth. This report aims to analyse and explore the effects of Peer to Peer networks in the music and film industry, and it’s effect on consumerism. In order to fully understand P2P networks, it is essential to study it’s historical and social context first. Peer to Peer networks started with the so called ‘Internet Boom’ in the late 1990’s. The first online file sharing services operating between 1999 and 2001 was Napster, created by Shawn Fanning. It was the first technology who allowed people to share their MP3 files with others. At the beginning only audio tracks were available for download and it took approximately 30 to 45 minutes for a song to download. Nowadays it takes about a few seconds for a song to download and from 10 to 20 minutes for a movie. However, Napster was soon shut down as it lead the music industry to accuse them of “massive copyright violations”. Moreover, in 10 years the number of users increased considerably from 58 million in 2001 to more than 70 million in 2004. But the problem persisted years after the launch of the service. However, other new networks such as, Limewire, Morpheus or Azureus where still developing and offered a wide variety of copyrighted material to exchange. More than...
Words: 1881 - Pages: 8
...years. During this time, tight controls were placed on all aspects of the economy. Increasingly, the country’s wealth was concentrated in the hands of a few powerful supporters of the president. The economy stagnated, and basic infrastructure fell into disrepair. Recent violent protests, however, have led the aging president to announce his retirement. He has scheduled an election to be held in three months’ time. At stake in the election will be the presidency as well as all the seats in the legislature. Several political parties have been organized and are fielding viable candidates. All the major parties agree that opening the economy to competition is necessary for the country’s financial recovery. The Current Situation “As you know,” TransGlobal’s CEO continued, “we have enjoyed monopoly status on all domestic routes under the current government. That has made life pretty comfort- able for us. Unfortunately, that also means we’ve served our...
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...all organisations will face change. These changes may be moderately small, or they may impact significantly across the organisation. They may be as a result of internal developments example of this can be expanding their work staff or changes can be through external developments which can be through the environment or the economy changing which leads the organisations to react to it. The quote stated by (Senior and Fleming) “While the primary stimulus for change in organisations remains those forces in the external environment, the primary motivator for how change is accomplished resides with the people in the organisation” (Senior and Fleming, 2006, p.348). This explains both factors internally and externally are important to consider if you want to manage change effectively in an organisation. There are different types of changes such as 'Grundys' which consists of smooth incremental, bumpy incremental and discontinuous. Grundy’s different types of changes which shows different pattern of lines on a graph showing what type of change is occurring is a useful tool for the organisations to asses and can decide whether it should change or not. The smooth incremental line the organisations are able to predict where it is heading due to the slow pace and not much movement as mostly its heading the same direction. The bumpy incremental line which is relative equilibrium interspersed with accelerated pace of change. The final line which is discontinuous involves rapid movements in strategy...
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