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Becoming The Third Wave Analysis

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How feminists are awful for gender equality
Now I know what you're thinking “How dare you talk badly about feminism, you white cis male!” Look i'm not bashing feminism, because the concept of feminism itself is a good concept. Feminism by definition is “the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of political, social, and economic equality to men.” What I will be talking specifically is “third-wave feminism.” (which was coined by Rebecca Walker in her 1992 essay titled “Becoming the Third Wave.)” Now for those of which who do not know what “third-wave feminism” is, allow me to explain what I have gathered and experienced.
In my eyes “Third-wave feminism” is like cancer, it spreads and grows and takes over different parts of a fully functioning system and eventually killing it. But in the average “third-wave feminist” eyes, they think that they are helping gender equality by …show more content…
A lot of Buzzfeed articles showcase this ideology. One article was literally about how men spread their legs to “take up as much space as possible” which is not the case at all. He is just trying to get comfortable with their legs. I've even seen some women do this, and it's nothing to shame or be ashamed of. If you ask a man if he can please tuck in his legs so you can sit down, he will more than likely oblige. Want to know why? Because he isn't trying to go out of his way to be annoying.
The funny thing with the “third-wave” is that they want more gender equality, but they have it already. You Are able to vote the same, get the same job opportunities, and you probably have more rights than most men. What i'm saying is that you are more likely to get away with things just because you are a woman. You're probably thinking “How is that so women don't have as much rights when it comes to that sort of thing?” What i'm talking is about rape harassment and other illegal things that happen in the workplace or other

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