...Name: Tutor: Course: Institution: Date: Managing into the future Oxford dictionary defines motivation as the desire or willingness to do something or having an enthusiasm to do it. It comes from the word motivate which Webster dictionary defines as to provide something with a motive. Motivation is therefore the act of inspiring or stimulating someone to do something. In his book “Great Motivation Secrets of Great Leaders”, John Baldoni says that motivation is that art of getting somebody do what you want them to do because they want to do it (Baldoni 7). Managers have a duty of motivating their employees so that they can achieve not only the goals of the organization, but also to meet their own personal goals. This is the trend with the modern organizations where the policies implementation boards in these organizations, seek ways to support this aspect (McClelland 467). There are various factors that influence why employees may be motivated. It is these factors that researchers have used to develop what is referred as the motivation theories. For example, in incentive theory, rewards may act as an incentive to motivate an employee. However, the real motivation comes from within and this factor has been used to develop what is commonly referred as the intrinsic theory of motivation. This paper examines differences between content and process theory. In examining these theories, it is important to look first at how they are developed. Process theory focuses sequence of events...
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...Academy of Management Executive, 2004, Vol. 18, No. 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................ Managing ethically with global stakeholders: A present and future challenge Archie B. Carroll In the early 2000s, the era of corporate fraud and corruption defined by the ethical wrongdoing of Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, Arthur Andersen, and HealthSouth captured the world’s attention as never before. It soon became clear, however, that the U. S. had not cornered the market on questionable ethics. The Dutch firm Ahold and Italy’s Parmalat quickly shared center stage with scandals of their own. Domestic business ethics will continue to be a top priority. But global business ethics will demand cutting-edge thinking and practice as companies strive to expand their products, services, sales, and operations throughout the world. Regardless of what is happening in individual countries, whether at home or abroad, the primary venue for ethical debates in the future will more and more be the world stage. The primary venue for ethical debates in the future will more and more be the world stage. Globalization characterizes the international setting of business transactions in which U. S. and world multinational corporations (MNCs) will increasingly participate over the next several decades. Despite setbacks such as the attacks upon the World Trade Center in 2001...
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...capable to better respond the future trends, technological changes, social and economical changes, and can also provide a competitor edge in this age of high competitions. Change can also improve the performance of an organization which at the later end may lead organizations towards a long term success and sustainability. While talking about organizations the leadership and its role are the most concerning issue in managing organizations and organizational change. It is accepted by scholars that organizational leadership has a central role in evolution and cultivating an organization. It can help the member of an organization and working teams to face the challenges and to work for organizational goal in a worthy way. The role of a leader is also very prominent while addressing the change issue for organizations. The process of organizational change is very demanding and challenging. The strategic leadership is eagerly needed for organizations, which is well capable to predict the essential alterations and changes, in advance and create required commitment and highly suitable atmosphere for worker and teams to understand and adopt these changes successfully. The leader is a person, anyways, who can have different competencies, capabilities and characteristics. Different scholars present different theories and discuss the characteristics of leadership. They also point out some capabilities of a leader which can make him more effective in managing the organizations. Different...
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...ambition and innovation.(„Great accomplishments start with great aspirations.”-Moon shots for management). In order to become a successful manager one needs to ask himself: „Isn’t this worth trying?” rather than „Has anybody done this?” Drive and determination along with a drop of courage are required in the managerial role. Not since long ago, a question of „management’s age” put some problems among scholars and CEOs. They felt that the main issue concerning management, was that its fundaments were created decades ago, and because of the many improvements and innovations that occured, the principles needed some changes. The group tried to understand what needed to be done so as to create organizations for the future and also what should the critical priorities be, for the future manageres. They came up with 25 moon shots that were desinged to perfectionate and boost the former management model. The first 10 were considered of critical importance and thus, they play a key role in the education of junior managers. The principles...
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...Managing Foresight for Innovation in Large Firms Lina Bakker & Linn Johansson Summary Corporate foresight has the potential to create competitive advantage by providing strategic orientation and supporting future insights. As humans we apply foresight every day by anticipating the future and preparing for it. Yet, in a corporate context the concept has been much less explored. There is a lack of research covering how to organise for foresight, particularly in an innovation setting. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine how large companies can manage foresight. This was investigated in a qualitative research with the means of multiple case studies and expert consultation. The findings of this study show that managing and organising for foresight in large firms can be done on the basis of two approaches, formal or informal. This is based on theory and has been extended and modified in this study. The formal approach builds on structure and processes whereas the informal approach is based on the corporate culture. Which approach is more suitable depends on the existing structures and culture in place, as well as the desired outcome of foresight. 1 Introduction Today’s business environment is defined by rapidly changing technology and intense competition, in which innovation has become a critical success factor to sustain competitive advantage. More and more companies are searching for strategic orientation and feel the need to support more future insights to...
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...employees work with thousands of people a day, and if they don’t enjoy their job, it will show to the thousands of students who depend on them each day. Niagara College is an organizational environment (.Managing Organizational Behaviour in Canada, Sniderman /Bulmash/ Nelson/ Quick) They are a high performing college competing against other colleges for the top students, they value student success, they try to be number 1 in student satisfaction every year and have been very successful at it, and they make sure their employees are happy, compensated fairly, and enjoy their job. They have strong values and are committed to the best education experience possible for their students. Niagara College is very multi-cultural, and values everyone’s differences and beliefs and encourages everyone to work together and maybe even learn and appreciate everyone’s culture. (.Managing Organizational Behaviour in Canada, Sniderman /Bulmash/ Nelson/ Quick). Niagara College is also a very strong future organization. (.Managing Organizational Behaviour in Canada, Sniderman /Bulmash/ Nelson/ Quick) They support and reward their students who try to make the best decisions for their future. In doing so Niagara College offers scholarships and bursary’s to help students who may want to improve their future but may need a little help getting their financially. Niagara College wants all of their staff to have a good work related attitude. Working with thousands of people a day, you want professors, secretary’s...
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...|received today is worth more than an equal |(2009). The contribution of the project | | |amount received in the future |management office to organisational | | | |performance. International Journal of | | | |Managing Projects in Business, 2(1), | | | |141-148. | |Efficient market |A theoretical efficient market occurs when |Aubry, M., Hobbs, B., & Thuillier, D. | | |information flows freely, allowing supply and |(2009). The contribution of the project | | |demand to react instantly to market changes. |management office to organisational | | | |performance. International Journal of | | | |Managing Projects in Business, 2(1), | |...
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...|received today is worth more than an equal |(2009). The contribution of the project | | |amount received in the future |management office to organisational | | | |performance. International Journal of | | | |Managing Projects in Business, 2(1), | | | |141-148. | |Efficient market |A theoretical efficient market occurs when |Aubry, M., Hobbs, B., & Thuillier, D. | | |information flows freely, allowing supply and |(2009). The contribution of the project | | |demand to react instantly to market changes. |management office to organisational | | | |performance. International Journal of | | | |Managing Projects in Business, 2(1), | |...
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...the following terms using your text or other resources. Cite all resources consistent with APA guidelines. Term Definition Resource you used Time value of money A simple financial principle that believes money received today is worth more than an equal amount received in the future Aubry, M., Hobbs, B., & Thuillier, D. (2009). The contribution of the project management office to organisational performance. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2(1), 141-148. Efficient market A theoretical efficient market occurs when information flows freely, allowing supply and demand to react instantly to market changes. Aubry, M., Hobbs, B., & Thuillier, D. (2009). The contribution of the project management office to organisational performance. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2(1), 141-148. Primary versus secondary market In the stock market, the primary market is one that issues a new security, such as an initial public offering. A secondary market is one that trades a security after its initial availability. Aubry, M., Hobbs, B., & Thuillier, D. (2009). The contribution of the project management office to organisational performance. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2(1), 141-148. Risk-return tradeoff The potential for higher returns in the market generally comes with higher risk. Inversely, lower expected returns are generally associated with lower risk. Soliman, M. T. (2008). The use of DuPont analysis by market participants...
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...Managing Weather Risk in Seed Business Weather Risks of a Seed Company Weather risk for a seed company is the risk of drop in sales volume on account of adverse weather conditions like excess / deficit in rainfall, extreme temperature and humidity conditions etc. Indian agriculture is predominantly dependent upon monsoon rains, with more than 60% of cultivated area in Kharif being rainfed. This rainfed nature of Indian agriculture makes the business of agri-input company completely dependent upon weather. Very often seed companies find themselves holding large unsold stock because of adverse weather conditions like insufficient or untimely rainfall. Seed companies also find it difficult to move stock from one location to the other because of very short time-period available for selling seeds. Environmental changes happening across the world have made weather more unpredictable. Seed companies are becoming increasingly vulnerable to weather vagaries because of frequent occurrence of extreme weather conditions. Out of last 5 years, India has faced extreme weather conditions in 3 years – drought in 2002, delayed monsoon in 2005 and excess and abnormal rainfall in Western Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and MP in 2006. Financial Impact of Weather Risks Extreme weather conditions would throw awry any sales budgeting and planning exercise, and would seriously impact sales and profitability targets of the company. Weather risk increases vulnerability in income statement of the company...
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...to be most concerning. Thomas Singleton, the Human Resources Director at Lifespan Corporate Services assisted me by proclaiming that, “…as globalization and the information age continue to advance, organizations need to adapt to the changes in technology and the changing issues in management of people.” Furthermore, he stated that managing globalization is a critical issue for human resource managers. Due to globalization and expected changes in technological and the social environment it has become critical for human resource managers to effectively and efficiently handle the competitive environment that affects the performance of organization at domestic as well as global platforms. “Globalization represents the structural making of the world characterized by the free flow of technology and human resources across national boundaries as well as the spread of Information Technology and mass media presenting an ever-changing and competitive business environment” (Česynienė, 2008). Furthermore, the challenge of human resource managers managing globalization has a slippery slope effect to the challenge in managing a demographic workforce. Managing a demographic workforce is an emerging issue for any organization and its HR department. At domestic and global levels, there are many policies and regulations that affect the recruitment policy of an organization to manage...
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...Yekaterina Romanovich American Intercontinental University Unit 1 Individual Project Acct 310- Managerial Accounting February 17, 2013 The importance of a managing accountant to document and understand current spending as well as the cash flow. Reading future money patterns to know where and when to spend while still making money for the company. Using accounting information for managers within organizations, to provide them with the basis to make informed business decisions that will allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions. The knowledge to look forward and correct predict cash flow. Managing accountants aid companies in direct monitoring as well as measuring the efficiency of their accounting operations. While also focusing on limiting abuse or fraud by employees, managing accountants provide owners and managers with equitable assurance that the company’s financials are in order and there is room for profitable growth in the future. While managers plan the fiscal expenditures for a company, they need to acknowledge current expenses and limit said monies to remunerate back into the company. (Shanker, 2013) Owners and managers can use internal controls to limit the number of individuals who have access to the company’s accounting information. In doing so, they limit the opportunity for abuse of the sensitive information. Although both managerial accounting and financial accounting are crucial to a company’s success, managerial...
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...Chapter 5 Managing the organisation: Managerial function, tasks, processes and competences Watson, Organising and Managing Work, 2nd edition © Pearson Education Limited 2006 Slide 5.2 Moving beyond S-C orthodoxy: OM as a Relational Process • Remember in Chapter 1, we discussed that in OM, the center of concerns is ‘management of work”, NOT ‘management of people’ or ‘management of systems’ • The notion of S-C view in managerial work is control, organising, command and managers work towards organisational goals instead of the manager’s own interest. Watson, Organising and Managing Work, 2nd edition © Pearson Education Limited 2006 Slide 5.3 Table 5.1 A systems-control framing of managerial work Watson, Organising and Managing Work, 2nd edition © Pearson Education Limited 2006 Slide 5.4 Process-Relational View • A sets of work arrangements involving relationships, understandings and process which involve human cooperation and the use of technologies to achieve certain tasks. • Nevertheless the relations and patterns of cooperation do not come naturally, it needs to be shaped or ‘managed’ Watson, Organising and Managing Work, 2nd edition © Pearson Education Limited 2006 Slide 5.5 Process-Relational View • Shaping and reshaping, negotiating and renegotiating, mediating, persuading, exchanging and trading will continually have to occur if the organisation is going to complete the tasks and to continue into the future. • In process-relational...
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...and problems within the company. Founders are worried the company is out of control due to the increasing business practice conflict, inconsistency in entrepreneur spirit and increase in office expenses. Thus they are considering documenting a long-term company strategy, monitoring office costs and centralizing the control in order to address these problems. The purposes of this report are to: · Identify and analyze the issues raised from current operating offices. · Provide recommendations to address the problems and concerns that have been raised. To address the issues that have been raised, it is recommended that ASC: · Establish a long-term strategy to convey company goals, promote a unified entrepreneur spirit, and prevent future business practice conflicts, while maintaining the current level of autonomy assigned to office partners. · Implement a new pricing policy where the price is determined by the estimated expense plus a 20% markup. This helps eliminate the current practice of cross-subsidizing, provides partners with incentives in cost control, and helps offices shift from operating as revenue centres to profit centres. · Incorporate client based evaluations into the annual bonus system for partners, encouraging them to expand the client base through acquisition of new clients while maintaining current client relationships. · Introduce a Pool Staff Allocation Technique (PSAT) system to increase cost utilization, monitor office expenses, and expand...
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...Leading Culturally Diverse Groups Dave Park Leadership is important in managing and organizing the structure of the organization while trying to maintain a profitable company that takes into consideration employees, shareholders, customers and board of directors, etc. Another attribute of a great leader is managing diversity in the workplace. However, diversity includes many different issues and needs to be managed and if done properly can lead to competitive advantages for the company. Thomas A. Kochan, professor at MIT, stated “Diversity can enhance business performance only if the proper training is provided and the organizational culture supports diversity (Dubrin, 2010). Managing Cultural Diversity: Managing cultural diversity is not an easy task, however, when incorporated into the organizations core values, is makes it easier to incorporate (Dubrin, 2010). Below is a diagram that provides a breakdown of areas or issues that may need to be looked at to evaluate the possibility of creating and leading a culturally diverse organization. These areas may help to identify areas where a competitive advantage may be available in the organization. In such a culturally diverse world and as the organization makes decisions that will impact them globally, these discussions are vital for the success of the company. Whether not decisions are made to implement or not to implement decisions based on diversity within the organization, these ideas, may identify some of the...
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