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Managing the Organisation: Managerial Function, Tasks, Processes and Competences


Submitted By doomscyte
Words 1150
Pages 5
Slide 5.1

Chapter 5
Managing the organisation:
Managerial function, tasks, processes and competences

Watson, Organising and Managing Work, 2nd edition © Pearson Education Limited 2006

Slide 5.2

Moving beyond S-C orthodoxy:
OM as a Relational Process
• Remember in Chapter 1, we discussed that in
OM, the center of concerns is ‘management of work”, NOT ‘management of people’ or
‘management of systems’
• The notion of S-C view in managerial work is control, organising, command and managers work towards organisational goals instead of the manager’s own interest.

Watson, Organising and Managing Work, 2nd edition © Pearson Education Limited 2006

Slide 5.3

Table 5.1 A systems-control framing of managerial work
Watson, Organising and Managing Work, 2nd edition © Pearson Education Limited 2006

Slide 5.4

Process-Relational View
• A sets of work arrangements involving relationships, understandings and process which involve human cooperation and the use of technologies to achieve certain tasks.
• Nevertheless the relations and patterns of cooperation do not come naturally, it needs to be shaped or ‘managed’

Watson, Organising and Managing Work, 2nd edition © Pearson Education Limited 2006

Slide 5.5

Process-Relational View
• Shaping and reshaping, negotiating and renegotiating, mediating, persuading, exchanging and trading will continually have to occur if the organisation is going to complete the tasks and to continue into the future.
• In process-relational view, manager’s job is not to setting up (design), maintenance and driving a big machine like in S-C view, instead, it requires technology, social, political and cultural arts of skills; and the ability to interpret thoughts.
Watson, Organising and Managing Work, 2nd edition © Pearson Education Limited 2006

Slide 5.6

Table 5.2 A process-relational

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