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Beefcake Yoga Analysis

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The article I’m writing about is “The Rise of Beefcake Yoga” by Alex French, which explores the progressively popular DDP Yoga program, which the name is derived from the former professional wrestler Diamond Dallas Page. I chose this article because it was something far different than any subject that I would have normally pick. I found it both interesting and unique as a human story and from a business perspective I could see its positive potential. Before reading the article I was only vaguely familiar with wrestling and the entertainment side of it through my step-dad and brother. French described in the article that wrestling is the world’s most widespread fake-sport association (French).
I had no idea that so many former professional wrestlers had such broken down bodies and tended to die at such a young age. In a 2003 survey of news reports showed that between 1983 and 2009, 64 wresters died of mostly heart failure and a medical examiner found that 40 years old and younger in this industry has seven times greater risk of dying. (French) The DDP Yoga program has been a godsend to many former injured wrestlers by …show more content…
I can remember that name when my step-dad would talk about Jake “The Snake” Roberts and other previous wrestlers from when he was younger and compared them to how the current industry wrestlers are different today. His description of Jake “The Snake” Roberts was about his entertaining persona, signature moves and his dare devilish risks. French expressed, “Roberts was a first-rate performer and, despite the scripted nature of his sport, a gifted practical wrestler.” (French) However, as I continued to read the article it was then wonderful to read that Roberts has since turned his life around with help from his old friend Diamond Dallas Page and the DDP yoga

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