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Wu Earth Day Master Analysis

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Was she a strong or weak day master?

Billie Holiday was born on a戊 Wu earth day in the辰 Dragon month. This meant that she was born during the spring month when the wood element was strong. Her戊 Wu earth day master was considered to be weak in spring because the wood controlled the earth.
Billie Holiday 7-4-1915

Hour 日
Day 月
Month 年

Water 戊
Earth 庚
Metal 乙

Ox 辰
Dragon 辰
Dragon 卯
已 癸 辛 Ji Gui Xin
Earth Water Metal 戊 乙 癸 Wu Yi Gui
Earth Wood Water 戊 乙 癸 Wu Yi Gui
Earth Wood Water 乙

There was also a seasonal wood combination …show more content…
Why didn’t she feel any affinity with her mother?
Since she was a戊 Wu earth day master, her mother was represented by 丁Ding fire because the fire produced the earth. But there was no fire in her chart.
There was a combination between her戊 Wu earth day master and her癸 Gui Water in her hour Heavenly Stem. But this fire combination was not supported by her season of birth which was spring. Therefore, this combination of Heavenly Stems was not successful.
Since the fire represented the mother and there was no fire in her chart, it could be interpreted that she was not close to her mother.
Her father had abandoned the family shortly before her birth. Why did she feel closer to an absent father?
Her father was represented by壬Ren water which was Yang in nature. She had a good deal of water in her chart. But it was only癸 Gui water, which did not represent her father. However, in the absence of壬Ren water, the癸 Gui water can be used as a substitute.
There was癸 Gui water in her two辰 Dragons and her丑 Ox hour. There was also some more癸 Gui water in the hour Heavenly Stem. The presence of so much water indicated that she felt closer to her …show more content…
Despite his poverty, he was interested in music and learnt to play an instrument. In order to eke out a living, he eventually had to play music with a band. It was this mutual interest in music that helped to create the bond between the daughter and her absent father.
How could we tell that she could become triumphant?
Were there any hints that she might be able to overcome her difficult childhood and find success early in adult life?
Since she was a戊 Wu earth person born in spring, she needed the 甲 Jia wood to loosen the thick and heavy earth inside the two 辰 Dragons.
She did not have this甲 Jia wood in her chart. Therefore, despite having an abundance of wood, it did not assist her because it was the wrong type of wood!
She also needed the丙 Bing fire to support her earth in spring. She also did not have this丙 Bing fire either. The only element that she had to assist her was the癸 Gui water.
In the absence of the needed elements of甲 Jia wood and丙 Bing fire in her chart, she would have to depend on her luck cycles.
Billie Holiday Luck Cycle
39 29 19 9

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