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Glg 101 Author Interview Questions

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Author Interview Questions

Please answer all of the following questions. For question 10, please ask me a question about writing; one you've always wondered about, or one that you keep getting asked about by other authors.
1. Tell me a about yourself. What got you started in writing? I began writing in 1994 at age 49 after returning from a successful mission trip to the Ukraine. I received a postcard from a literary agent who turned out to be a fraud. For x number of dollars he would represent me. Of course, all he wanted was my money. Thank God I did some research and found out he was a con artist. Undaunted I set out to write my book. 2 years later I finished the book only to find no one wanted it. I self published with one of the first …show more content…
I really have to be engaged with a book to spend a year writing it

9. What would you tell a beginning writer who wants to publish but doesn't believe he/she has enough talent?

Read good writing. Writers are readers. Write, write, write. You will never learn without practice. Great painters threw away many painting others thought good enough. Never settle for good enough you want the best. This doesn’t come from the first draft or even the second. Also don’t believe those who try to discourage you. Some of them are jealous others can’t see your talent. Possibly they are too close to you. Just think John Gresham is Johnny at home
The best piece of advice I can give to the beginning writer is don’t give up. Look on the internet and you’ll find famous authors who were rejected time and time again. Remember Herman Melville only sold 50 copies of Moby Dick during his lifetime.

10. The question I believe every writer whether traditionally or self published is how to increase your readers. You may have many five star reviews however your readership lags. Traditional publishers expect the author to do most of the marketing so it come down to point of how do you get more eyes for your

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