...A deep sigh erupted from her lips as she turned off the engine and pulled the key out of the ignition. Angie leaned back her seat, closed her eyes, and just gave herself some time to think. It had already been a few days since she tried to liberate an outpost and failed miserably. Honestly, it was pure luck that she managed to take out both groups of hunters. She had began to panic halfway through the fight, but she guessed that some of the hunters did too. She had seen a few missed shots, a couple of the hunters freeze when their eyes met hers, and one even tripped on a branch. If it weren't for the little things like that, she probably wouldn't have made it. She unconsciously scratched at the almost healed wounds that she earned during...
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...had this issue since I have known her. Her obsession is making sure things are locked, house and car, and maiking sure her back account and check register are right and up to date. When she leaves her house she has to check her door at least fifty times and sometimes even after she leaves she will turn around and go check the door again. With her check register she has to check her addition and subtraction multiple times to make sure it is right. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder in which the symptoms of anxiety are triggered by intrusive and repetitive thoughts and urges to perform certain actions. My friend feeling she needs to make sure her door is always locked is an obsession. An obsession is a repeated intrusive and uncontrollable irrational thoughts or mental images that cause extreme anxiety and distress. The act of her always going back to check the door and needing to check it fifty times before she can leave is the compulsions. A compulsion is repetitive behavior or mental acts that are performed to prevent or reduce the anxiety. The type of compulsions she has are checking and counting. Checking is when a person checks something repeatedly to make sure that a simple task has been accomplished. The counting come in when she has to check her door 50 times before she can leave the house. Counting is the need to engage in certain behaviors a specific number of times or to count to a certain number before performing some action. My friend...
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...of the time. In the short story A Pair of Silk Stockings by Kate Chopin, the devoted housewife Mrs. Sommers constantly prioritizes the necessities of her family before her own, but is later driven by the joy of gaining self-identity to escape from the dreary obligations of a “good” woman. In this case, the protagonist has clearly been suppressed by her social duties as a female and is unable to enjoy personal freedom. The idea that women should not be constrained by gender conformity applies feminism to the conflicts that Mrs. Sommers encounters. In A Pair of Silk Stockings, feminism is amplified through the portray of traditional gender roles of women in the society, and how Mrs. Sommers struggles to flee from the responsibilities as expected of a wife and mother. First, Mrs. Sommers submits to social pressure and constantly belittles herself, making sacrifices for family and children. Then unexpectedly, she becomes conscious of the value of self-identity and abandons her usual responsibilities that have been constraining her. As a devoted wife and mother, Mrs. Sommers sees the necessities of her family as the priorities in her life, following the virtue of “true womanhood” defined by the society. She is occupied with children caring and housekeeping, and thoughtlessly dedicates her time to satisfy their needs. One day, “between getting the children fed and the place righted, […] she [has] actually forgotten to eat any luncheon at all”. To a woman in the 1800’s, her own concerns...
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...Imagination - “Girl Before the Mirror” Kaiulani Frink Eng/340 May 21, 2012 University of Phoenix Imagination - “Girl Before the Mirror” The painting by Pablo Picasso “Girl Before the Mirror” was the painting that caught my attention because at first glance I notice a woman adjusting the mirror as she is looking at her reflection; this is something I do every day. I gazed longer at the painting and the woman’s appearance seems to be younger in the mirror, perhaps she is reflecting on her past (youth). The dialogue taking place in this story is with herself as she is reflecting on the many years that have passed and how her appearance has changed. Her pregnancy has captured her attention to the changes in her life. The painting reflects the past, present, and future. The different colors, lines, and shapes tell a story about her development. The colors in the mirror are deep dark in color representing a faint memory of what once was. Looking at herself in the mirror gives her a sense of relief yet pain. She can still see a little of her youth in the mirror, which easies some of her distress as she is aging knowing one day that the memories of her youth will soon fade. The long strokes of lines and curves in the mirror by her face and around her head display a covering a sense of innocence; before she has known a man intimately. The lines in the lower area of her body in the mirror shows it is still in development as the lines are arched up and not down in a drooping...
Words: 1036 - Pages: 5
...and worthless to her. She rather be starting a family or continuing her education but she knew that she was lonely and had a large debt to her name. Zilla stumbled upon the door, yanking it open and savoring the damp yet cool night air. The sky was a dark black with no stars to be seen, as if the sky itself was mourning the day. Zilla stepped onto the wet pavement and slowly shut the door behind her before pulling out the set of keys out of her front pocket to lock the bar door shut. She could hear the rush of the cars, the songs of the police and the quiet chatter of the night people. She reached her hands back into her pocket after she locked the door. She searched around her pocket, trying...
Words: 1736 - Pages: 7
...different houses symbolize her life greatly. Her first house, the mansion that she shared with her husband, symbolized her life before awakened and realized the kind of life she living. Her second house, the pigeon house that she lived alone in, shows her life after she awakens and realizes what’s going on with her life and that she was not happy before. As the novel starts out Edna is a housewife to her husband Mr. Pontellier, and is not really unhappy but knows something is missing. Her husband does not treat her well. She is nothing but a piece of property to him, he has no true feelings for her and wants her for the sole purpose of withholding his reputation as a man. Edna has no clue that she is being treated so bad in the beginning of this story. With Mr. Pontellier being gone from home she finds plenty of time to spend with Robert over the summer. During the whole summer she does not realize the feelings she is developing for Robert and only sees him as a friend(friendzone). She likes spending all of her time with him and gets along with him much better than her husband. It is not until she is back home and Robert leaves that she starts to "awaken" and realize her feelings not just for Robert but also for life. At first Edna misses Robert greatly and wonders why he never writes her. She does get to read letters in which Robert has sent others though. She is glad that he asks about her in his letters yet still upset because he hasn’t writ her. In one of the letters she...
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...concerning every aspect of Clara’s life. Only through a detailed interview with her and the parents could we begin to narrow possibilities of treatment. I would ask Clara to describe her day and home time. Is she happy at school or sad? What is it that happens just before her tantrums start? Did you like preschool at first? Did something change at school to make you not like to go there? How does she feel just before she misbehaves? Are you lonely? I would ask her parents when she started acting this way. How do you get her to stop? How has her sleeping patterns changed? What has changed as far as her eating before these problem arouse? How long before you noticed a change in her behavior? Did something change in her daily routine? Have they noticed any other changes in her? How does she act most of the time? Do her moods swing from high to low? Does she still enjoy the same things she did before? Is there a change in her energy level? Is there a change in mood if she doesn’t get her way? At what age was she adopted? Has there been a change in her house hold recently? What do you know about her birth parents back ground and mental health? Tools that might be helpful would be an intelligence test. I would have a meeting with her teacher to find out how she is doing in school. Clinical observation should always be used first, because it is the most used assessment tool. Before designing an effective intervention for this family I would want to do an extensive...
Words: 533 - Pages: 3
...having an average day at the lab. She had no open FBI cases and finished up with the paperwork from her last few modular skeletal storage, or Limbo as most in the lab referred to them, remains. Glancing at the clock she saw that it was only seven P.M. and she decided rather than starting on a new set of remains, that would end up keeping her in the lab well past midnight, she would settle for writing on her book. She was idly opening the file on her computer when it happened. The ringing of her office phone. Of course she didn’t think anything of it at the moment, why would she? She often received calls to her direct line at the lab. She never even thought twice answering it. This phone call however turned her world upside down in mere seconds. “Brennan,” She spoke in her usual dismissive manner into the phone. Her demeanor didn’t change when the voice first spoke; she simply held the phone to her ear slightly irritated at the interruption. As the voice continued to speak however her spine stiffened and her heart raced as her eyes grew wide in disbelief. She felt as though she was going to actually have a heart attack as panic began to set in. This can’t be happening. Trying to calm herself enough to speak she began taking deep breaths as the voice continued relaying information. “Where did you say?” Her voice was shaking as she spoke and she mentally chided herself. Her hand was also shaking as she reached out for a pen to write the information down. What she managed...
Words: 14680 - Pages: 59
...ANALYSIS “Before the Birth of Her Children,” by Anne Bradstreet tells of mothers’ maternal fears that are accompanied by love. Bradstreet makes her writing personable for the reader by reminding them of their mother’s love to show that a mother’s love is like no other. Though the poem embodies a mother’s love for her child, mothers’ fears reveal a dark side that takes away the comforting feeling of love and places attention on death. By using words like “irrevocable”, Bradstreet emphasizes the inevitability of death to her child, while giving the audience a sense of just how grave a mother’s fears are, as they are even thinking of how the child will cope with death. The mother-child relationship can be viewed as a symbol of its own; one that represents a one-of-a-kind love, yet also many worries. The poem characterizes mothers as valuable individuals that place their trust and legacy in the hands of their children, hoping they will prosper. In “My Dear and Loving Husband,” Anne Bradstreet displays her love for her husband. Considering the time period, in which women did not have the rights they do in contemporary society, to be able to say “If ever man were loved by wife, then thee,” and that her husband’s love cannot be repaid, comes to show that the contemporary perception love has existed before. Bradstreet characterized her husband as a caring man, whom unlike convention, does not appear to flaunt his superiority and degrade his wife. Her husband’s characterization reaffirms...
Words: 1399 - Pages: 6
...measures………………………... I am going below to calculate, analyze and compare the gross profit margin for the Mac Donald and KFC companies for the years 2009 and 2010. All the numbers of the companies are in millions. Mac Donald Year 2009 Year 2010 Gross profit (ap. ) $ 3,416.3 $ 4,368.5 Net sales (ap. ) $ 2,988.7 $ 2,924.7 Gross profit margin 1,14 times 1,49 times KFC Year 2009 Year 2010 Gross profit (ap. ) $ 3,416.3 $ 4,368.5 Net sales (ap. ) $ 2,988.7 $ 2,924.7 Gross profit margin 1,14 times 1,49 times * Operating Profit Margin We calculate this profitability ratio by dividing the operating profit of the...
Words: 2350 - Pages: 10
... | TIME DECEPTION: A Close Reading of the Short Story “Maria Dos Prazeres” Maria Dos Prazeres started preparing everything for her funeral, convinced that she, before Christmas, will be one with the earth. She wanted her resting place to be flood-free, and if possible, in the shade of trees in summer, and where she won’t be pulled out and thrown away after a certain period of time. She also wanted it to be far and unfamiliar, for she remembered from her childhood, a time, when flood came and she saw broken coffins floating along with pieces of rags and hairs of the dead in the courtyard of her house. Nevertheless, this story is not just about a typical old woman who desires a perfect funeral. It is about the conflict present in human nature- cowardice versus confidence, past versus present and future. Maria was living in the Catalonia for over fifty years already, but she “knew no one in the building” except for a couple residing at the building opposite hers. “Knew no one” suggests that Maria does not like to interact with strangers. Only in the latter part of the story, when a “stranger” gave her a ride home, did she learn how to entertain “strangers”. Though it might seem ironic, that Maria, who seems to be unashamed of her job in her past life, exclaiming “I am a whore, my boy” , was actually too coward to step out of her comfort zone, but confident in staying in her past life. What could be hindering her from accepting new acquaintances...
Words: 1371 - Pages: 6
...continuously blared through her ears. She slightly adjusted her vision – it’s barely 5 in the morning and they needed to be ready at exact 6 she propped her elbow carefully tapping the alarm clock off, careful not to prod the blonde haired girl cuddled beside her before slowly returning to her usual position. Santana let a tight lip smile play along her plump lips as she stare at the blonde beside her, blonde locks sprawled all over the pillow, pale hands gripping the warm sheets, and those little reflexes she does every time the Latina’s breath hit her cheeks. Santana slowly brought her hand by Brittany’s forehead to swat some hair that lingers along her brows making the taller girl snuggle even more and causing Santana giggle a little. Their warm naked bodies creating the most satisfying warmth and playing a little flashback of what happened last night. Santana continued stroking Brittany’s hair as she can feel the blonde’s continuous breaths hit her collarbone causing her lips to release a light moan. Santana audibly sighed when she felt the warm breathing altered to short pecks followed by another and another. The brunette can’t help but lost her fingers in blonde locks and run her fingertips over the pale neck pushing it even closer to her when she felt those pecks turned to nipping and sucking. “Hmmmp. B-Britt.” She moaned lowly, she let out a small gasp as Brittany continued her assault on her neck. Brittany smirked as she lightly ran her tongue along the Latina’s...
Words: 7682 - Pages: 31
...Legal consciousness is the basis for the legal system; within the framework of legal consciousness are Before the Law, With the Law and Against the Law these concepts are represented within the story of these three women. The three women involved in this story all have the same problem with the principal of the school they work at, they are all being harassed mostly in the same way. The three women’s names are Alicia, Clara, and Bella; they all go about handling their similar situation differently. I came to see that each woman represented Before the Law, With the Law, and Against the Law. Alicia went about solving her problem Before the Law, Bella solved her problem Against the Law and Clara was With the Law. I will analyze each of their specific situations and explain how each is represented in each case. Firstly, Alicia has been a teacher for a couple of years and the assistant principal has being causing serious problems for her. I believe she went about handling her situation by using the Before the Law legal consciousness. I believe she represents the Before the Law legal consciousness because she follows the rules of the system, she collected her data and took notes about the situations that the assistant principle put her in. She very quietly started to find out how to go about filing a legal complaint about her colleague. She then learned all she can learn about how to go about the situation and waited for the best possible moment to file the complaint. Once she filed...
Words: 1457 - Pages: 6
...mind is sex before marriage. Now sex is a wonderful thing if it is performed correctly and at the right time. But if you do it at the wrong time, or with the wrong person, or perform it incorrectly, it could be detrimental to you and even your partner. Most young people do not even recognize the consequences that come with having sex before marriage, and more importantly, having unprotected sex. Sex or no sex before marriage? I chose no sex because of my Christian values. I was raised by what the Bible says and it says that you should not have sex before marriage (1 Corinthians 7:2). Now why would it say do not have sexual intercourse before marriage even though it says it is a great thing between a man and woman? Maybe because there are more things unseen behind having sex. I think God said this to protect us from STD’s, hurting relationships, and just from emotional scars. God was not just trying hold out on the good stuff from us, he was protecting us from things seen and unseen that could be detrimental to us. This is why I choose to be celibate until I have found the lady I choose to spend the rest of my life with. I have a friend named Renica who has recently turned seventeen. She is a very beautiful girl, very intellectual, when she chooses to be, and she is athletic. But on the other hand, she is in desperate need of help. She has probably had sex more times than my mother’s age. She has had at least 2 abortions, which has caused her periods to put her out of commission...
Words: 1039 - Pages: 5
...also known as “Mickey”, this name was given to her by Sonny Brandt; daughter of Devra Stecke; studied in Amherst school for girls and was deeply inlove with her cousin Sonny. 2. Sean “Sonny” Brandt- son of Georgia, elder sister of Devra. He was hardworking and skip school to do work; he was also the one who killed Mr. Herlihy. 3. Devra Stecke- mother of Aimee Stecke, who have a different part time job, one of it was in Mr. Herlihy Realtor. 4. Georgia Brandt- mother of Sonny who lived in Ransomville and owned the farmhouse where Devra lived later on. She’s a sister of Devra and Agnes. 5. Lyle- son of Devra and little brother of Aimee. 6. Agnes- eldest sister of Devra and Georgia, who arranged things to send Aimee in Armherst school for girls. 7. Dean Chawdrey- dean of the Armherst school for girls. Seems like forever Aimee will be inlove with her cousin Sonny Brandt, who was incarcerated in the Chautauqua County Youth Facility outside Chautauqua Falls, New York from the age of sixteen to the age of twenty one on a charge of manslaughter. Aimee's life was before Sonny and after Sonny. Before manslaughter and after manslaughter. Manslaughter is a word you hear frequently from other people. Manslaughter was more powerful than murder for there was "man" and "slaughter." What Sonny did to a man who'd hurt Aimee's mother, happened in December 1981, when she was eleven. Few years later, her mother sister Agnes arranged her to attend an all girl school in Armherst, New...
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