...of my mind", when it comes to poor service. I was. I changed. Why? I stopped and thought, after a life changing experience, what would life be like in their shoes. Now let me see... Did the person I am about to speak with send me the incorrect item? Did the person I am about to speak with promise my service would be connected yesterday? When dealing with large corporations, the answer is inevitably, "No." So why abuse the living daylights out of someone who: didn't cause your problem you have called to fix the problem. I have had this conversation with CEO's and the long-term unemployed, and the penny drops when you present this quandary. Steven R. Covey, in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People says "Begin with the end result in mind". Have a goal, even if it is just for a phone call. Think of what you want to achieve and go for it. Top line executives may consider a 5 minute conversation as a pointless goal setting exercise, but it works. I once had experienced a lengthy delay to have an internet service connected at my home for my business. When I share this experience with people, you see scorn and hatred in eyes and in body language. People say, "I would have abused them." I then ask, "Would the abuse get you the result you are looking for?"...
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...of a record variable based on the row structure of a table. The data type declaration must include the table name in the form: tablename%ROWTYPE. 15. Composite data types allow the creation of a variable that can hold multiple values with various data types as a single unit. Examples include a record and a table of records. Advanced Review Questions 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B Hands-On Assignments Assignment 3-1 VARIABLE g_basket NUMBER BEGIN :g_basket := 3; END; / DECLARE lv_ship_date bb_basketstatus.dtstage%TYPE; lv_shipper_txt bb_basketstatus.shipper%TYPE; lv_ship_num bb_basketstatus.shippingnum%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT dtstage, shipper, shippingnum INTO lv_ship_date, lv_shipper_txt, lv_ship_num FROM bb_basketstatus WHERE idbasket = :g_basket AND idstage = 5; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Date Shipped: '||lv_ship_date); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Shipper: '||lv_shipper_txt); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Shipping #: '||lv_ship_num); END; / BEGIN :g_basket := 7; END; / Assignment 3-2 VARIABLE...
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...Day 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 JANUARY 2011 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Thaipusam * 21 22 23 24 Supplementary and special (deferred) examinations commence. 25 ^^ Lectures end. 26 27 28 Supplementary and special (deferred) examinations conclude. 29 30 31 ^^ Swot Vac begins. * Semester Begins/Ends Examination period begins Subject to change Important Dates Mid-Term Break Public Holiday ^^ August Cohort Sun da y M onda y 1 T uesd a y 2 W edn e sda y T hursd a y 3 Chinese New Year * Fri da y 4 Chinese New Year * ^^ Swot Vac ends. S atu rd a y 5 6 7 Summer semester examinations commence. ^^ Examination begins. 8 9 ^^ Examination ends. 10 Summer semester examinations conclude. 11 Last day to add semester one or fullyear off-campus learning units without risk of late enrolment penalty. 12 FEBRUARY 2011 13 14 15 Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday 16 17 18 19 20 21 Orientation week commences (all new students). * 22 23 24 25 Orientation week concludes. * 26 27 28 Semester one teaching period commences. * Semester Begins/Ends Examination period begins Subject to change Important Dates Mid-Term Break Public Holiday ^^ August Cohort Sun da y M onda y 1 T uesd a y 2 W edn e sda y T hursd a y 3 Release of summer semester results Fri da y 4 Last day to pay all...
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...scheduled to begin and end? b. When is the activity “test computer software” scheduled to begin and end? c. How much time did it actually take the company to complete the task “Prepare the physical site location?” Was this more or less time than planned? d. How much time did it actually take the company to complete the task “Determine the functional changes in the system?” Was this more or less time than planned? e. Given what has happened so far, when can the activity “Acquire and install computer equipment” actually begin? f. Given what has happened so far, when can the activity “Select and assign personnel” actually begin? SOLUTION a. Activity G (“convert data files”) is scheduled to begin at the beginning of week 22 and end 6 weeks later (the end of week 28). b. Activity I (“test computer software”) is scheduled to begin at the beginning of week 28 and end 5 weeks later (the end of week 32). c. The Gantt chart shows that the actual time to complete activity A (“prepare the physical site”) was 11 weeks. This was less than the 17 weeks originally planned for it. d. The Gantt chart shows that the actual time to complete activity B (“determine the functional changes”) was 16 weeks. This was more than the 14 weeks originally planned for it. e. Activity E (“acquire and install computer equipment”) can only begin after the company completes activity A. Because the company was able to complete activity A early (in 11 weeks), it can also begin activity E early...
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...ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФГБОУ ВПО ХАКАССКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМЕНИ Н.Ф КАТАНОВА ИНСТИТУТ ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ И ИНЖЕНЕРНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ КАФЕДРА ПРОГРАММНОГО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ ВЫЧЕСЛИТЕЛЬНОЙ ТЕХНИКИ И АВТОМАТИЗИРОВАНЫХ СИСТЕМ Оценка работы_______________ КУРСОВАЯ РАБОТА По дисциплине «Программирование» ТЕМА: «Игровая программа Крестики-Нолики.» Студент группы 24 Галеницкая А.А Руководитель, Доцент кафедры ПОВТиАС, К. ф. м. н. Санников Е.В. Г. Абакан, 2015 Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Хакасский государственный университет им. Н.Ф.Катанова» Институт (факультет)_ИТиИО___________Кафедра____ПОВТиАС______________ Специальность (направление)___230700 Прикладная информатика_______________ УТВЕРЖДАЮ Зав.кафедрой________________ «_____»___________________________г. ЗАДАНИЕ на выполнение курсовой работы ________________________________________________________________ (фамилия ,имя ,отчество) 1.Тема работы (проекта)________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________Утверждена распоряжением...
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...Begin Match to source 1 in source list: http://matchstickmolly.com/post/5865475186/whats-the-one-song-guaranteed-to-pump-you-up-during-a/'Til the roof comes off,End Match till Begin Match to source 1 in source list: http://matchstickmolly.com/post/5865475186/whats-the-one-song-guaranteed-to-pump-you-up-during-athe lights go out/'Til my legs give out, can't shut my mouth./'Til the smoke clears out and my highEnd Match perhaps Begin Match to source 1 in source list: http://matchstickmolly.com/post/5865475186/whats-the-one-song-guaranteed-to-pump-you-up-during-a/I'End Match m a Begin Match to source 1 in source list: http://matchstickmolly.com/post/5865475186/whats-the-one-song-guaranteed-to-pump-you-up-during-arip thisEnd Match s*** till Begin Match to source 1 in source list: http://matchstickmolly.com/post/5865475186/whats-the-one-song-guaranteed-to-pump-you-up-during-amyEnd Match bone Begin Match to source 1 in source list: http://matchstickmolly.com/post/5865475186/whats-the-one-song-guaranteed-to-pump-you-up-during-acollapse.”End Match Atticus said that he would defend Tom Robinson till the end and not stop trying to prove him innocent until it was over. This is definitely the perfect song to match Atticus determined personality in the...
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... |time difference: UTC+4.5 (9.5 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time) | | | |Akrotiri |Name: Episkopi Cantonment (base administrative center for Akrotiri and Dhekelia) | | |geographic coordinates: 34 40 N, 32 51 E | | |time difference: UTC+2 (7 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time) | | |daylight saving time: +1hr, begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October | |...
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...Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Digital Clock Design on DE1 Board By: Zhixin Wen Student ID: 1202056 Module Code: EEE339 Instructor: Dr. Ming Xu November 25, 2015 Contents Contents 1 1 Introduction 2 2 Methodology 2.1 Verilog code . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Frequency divider . . . 2.1.2 counter unit & counter 2.1.3 display . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 frequency divider . . . 2.2.2 counter . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 display . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Vector waveform simulation . 2.3.1 frequency divider . . . 2.3.2 counter unit & counter 2.3.3 display . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 4 6 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 16 16 3 Simulation Result 20 4 Conclusion 23 Appendices 24 1 Chapter...
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...Application-Level Requirements List 1) The application will display a menu and prompt the user to enter an item name or number, and item quantity. 2) The application will calculate the price and any applicable discount for the item(s). 3) The application will calculate the tax (in this case, a rate of 7.5%) for the item(s). 4) The application will calculate the subtotal, final tax and final total. 5) The application will add any additional items, and recalculate all taxes and totals for those items. 6) The application will display the subtotal, final tax, and final total for the items purchased to the user. Input-Process-Output Chart Complete the following input-process-output chart for the application using a structured programming approach. Hierarchy Chart Complete a hierarchy chart for the application by typing into the textboxes below. Flowcharts Main Module Get User Input Module Calculate Item Price, Item Discount Module Calculate Item Tax Module Calculate Totals Module Display Totals Module Add Item(s) Module Display New...
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...number by 1. \begin{enumerate} \item \textbf{{\large When we multiply a number by itself!}}\\ \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline A & B\\ \hline $7\times 7 = 49$ & $8\times 6 = 48$\\ \hline $8\times 8 = 64$ & $9\times 7 = 63$\\ \hline \end{tabular} The general equation for this problem can be written as follows!\\ If $x^2 = k$, then $(x+1)(x-1) = k-1$\\ General statement!\\ If we multiply a number by itself and the product is equal to $k$, and then we increase the first number by 1 and decrease...
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...CSS330-1404B-01: Database Security Phase 5 IP: Auditing Policies Database Security Project Plan Reginald “Reggie” Lee Colorado Technical University Online Professor Anita Arceneaux December 22, 2014 Figure 1: (Microsoft.com, 2014) Table of Contents Database Security Architecture 3 Differences between a database and a DBMS 3 Types of database designs 4 Network Infrastructure for Database Security 5 Common Security Threats for Database Servers: 6 Additional Security Mechanisms for Protecting Database Server 9 User Account Security 11 1. New Schema for HR Database 11 2. Corporate Directory & Manager Information Views: 12 3. Created Users: 14 4. Created Roles: 15 5. Implemented the Following Access Control List using SQL: 15 6. Implementation and Utilization of Roles: 16 7. HR Database SQL 16 Database Vulnerabilities 29 Auditing Techniques 47 Example database Trigger 50 Creating and Implementing a Database Audit 50 Access Reports 61 Logon Activity History 63 Complete Audit Trail 65 DML History 67 Auditing Policies 69 SQL Server 2014 Audit Report Generation 78 Database Security Architecture Differences between a database and a DBMS When discussing the database management systems (DBMS) and databases, the lines can become blurred between the two. Many people consider a DBMS and a database to be one in the same. However, nothing could be further from the truth as they are two separate distinct entities that server...
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...| Lab 1: 1D Cellular Automaton | ECE 5760 | | Lucas Ackerman (lba36) Weiqing Li (wl336) | 9/16/2011 | Introduction The purpose of this lab was to design a hardware implementation of an elementary cellular automaton and display the evolving state of that automaton on a VGA screen (with a minimum resolution of 320x240). In the implementation, there was to be a way for the user to set the evolution rule which defined how each new generation formed from the previous generation. Additionally, the user should be able to press a button and display another screen with the next set of evolved states. The initial condition was to be selectable and either a single white cell in the center of the first generation or a random cellular automaton. In the proceeding sections we will discuss our implementation, the results, comparisons with natural phenomena and possible improvements to the design. Design and Testing Overview As mentioned above, the implementation of the 1D cellular automaton was completed in hardware and no software was designed. We used the Altera DE2 development board and the Cyclone II E2C35 FPGA. Since each cell of a new generation of the 1D cellular automaton is calculated by three cells from the previous generation and we wanted to generate the cellular automaton with hardware, a state machine running at 27Mhz was implemented to read from the memory, generate the new cell and store it back into memory. We also implemented a separate VGA interface...
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...being $N$ the number of Hermite functions used, $W$ the window size in seconds and
$f_{s}$\ the sampling frequency.
$\phi _{n}[l,\sigma )$ is
the $n$-Hermite function, ${c_{n}}$\ are the coefficients of the linear
combination, $e[l]$ is the error between $x[l]$ and the Hermite
representation, and $\sigma $ controls the width of the Hermite function
enabling it to adjust to the width of the QRS. The Hermite functions $\phi
_{n}[l,\sigma )$ , $0\leq n
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...2014-2015 Academic Calendar (Board Approved Calendar – updated 08/26/13) Summer 2014 – 5 Week Sessions First Session classes begin First Session classes end Final Exam Day Final Grades due May 27 (T) June 30 (M) July 1 (T) July 7 (M) Second Session classes begin Second Session classes end Final Exam Day Final Grades due July 10 (R) August 13 (W) August 14 (R) August 20 (W) Summer 2014 - 7 Week Sessions First Session classes begin Memorial Day, College Closed July 4th Holiday, College Closed First Session classes end Final Exam Day Final Grades due May 19 (M) May 26 (M) July 3 (R) July 8 (T) July 9 (W) July 15 (T) Second Session classes begin Second Session classes end Final Exam Day Final Grades due July 10 (R) August 27 (W) August 28 (R) September 3 (W) Summer 2014 – Online Sessions First Session classes begin First Session classes end Final Grades due May 27 (T) July 7 (M) July 13 (Su) Second Session classes begin Second Session classes end Final Grades due July 14 (M) August 22 (F) August 28 (R) BOT approved June 7, 2013 Fall Semester 2014 Labor Day, College Closed Semester Opening Day for Faculty & Staff Last Day to drop, 100% refund Registration for Space Available Waiver Programs Classes begin Weekend Classes begin Last Day to drop, 50% refund Audit deadline Withdrawal deadline No evening classes Thanksgiving Holiday, no classes Last DAY classes meet: M/W/F Dec.17 (W) M/W Dec.15 (M) M/F Dec.19 (F) W/F Dec.17 (W) T/Th Dec.18 (Th) Sat. Dec.20 (S) Sun. Dec.21...
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...SIRIUS COURSES Syllabus United States History to 1865 3 Credit Hours Term/Year: Spring 2012 Reference Number: Classroom: online Instructor: Professor JoAunne Walker Office Location: NCR 126 Phone Number: (318) 670-6362 E-mail: jwalker@susla.edu Web Page: www.susla.edu Office Hours Online Only via Email: MWF 6:00pm-7:00pm IMPORTANT COLLEGE DATES Course Start Date:|1/23/2012| Drop with 100% refund|| Withdraw with “W” grade|| Course End Date:|5/3/2012| Additional critical dates for this course are available at http://www.fscj.edu/current/calendar/index.html. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course emphasizes the African, European, and Native American backgrounds, the Revolution, the Articles of Confederation, the U.S. Constitution, problems of the new republic, sectionalism, westward expansion, slavery, and the Civil War. REQUIRED TEXTS AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Carter, C., Amos, J., & Schuchman, S. J. (2009). United States history to 1865 (2nd ed). Jacksonville, FL: Florida Community College at Jacksonville, SIRIUS. ISBN13: 978-0-07-734717-8 LEARNING OUTCOMES The primary objective of this course is to explore the subject matter of the field and to become familiar with the vocabulary and concepts of the field. When you finish this course, you will be able to · Read, analyze, organize, interpret and synthesize facts and information connected to the history of the United States · Evaluate how the development of an American identity has...
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