In order to evaluate a person we form an impression of them. You pay attention to different things about the person such as their appearance and behavior. By paying attention to these things you are able to make an assessment of what kind of person they are. If you pay attention to their clothes, gestures, speaking, body build and facial features you are able to put them into one of your categories. As you get to know the person you add information about them to your mental file. This helps to evaluate what type of person they exactly are or aren’t.
These factors play a large role in how our expectations of other people are. Once you find the type of people you like to be around you tend to stick to that type of person or category. When you meet new people you compare them to this type of person or category. Then you are able to tell if they will fit in or if they will not fit in the category. It also helps to keep you from feeling uncomfortable around people that do not fit into your category. Also you hold people to these expectations whether it is funny, driven, smart, etc.. You will continue to compare people to it to see if they match.
There could actually be a lot of disadvantages to these expectations. If you do not take the time to get to know someone and just base your impression on meeting them once or twice you could be losing out. You will not get the chance to meet someone new or different. They could have a lot to offer in a friendship. You could miss out on bonding with someone who you enjoy.