... 1, No. 3, Linking Competitive Strategies with Human Resource Management Practices Randall S. Schuler and Susan E. Jackson New York University ver the past several years there has been increased recognition that there is a need to match the characteristics of top managers with the nature of the business. According to Reginald H. Jones, former chairman and CEO of the General Electric Company, O The result of such human resource staffing practices has been rather significant: When we classified. . . [our] . . . businesses, and when we realized that they were going to have quite different missions, we also realized we had to have quite different people running them.^ Within academia there has been similar growing awareness of this need. Although this awareness is being articulated in several ways, one of the most frequent involves the conceptualization and investigation of the relationship between business strategy and the personal characteristics of top managers.^ Here, particular manager characteristics such as personality, skills, abilities, values, and perspectives are matched with particular types of business strategies. For example, a recently released study conducted by Hay Group Incorporated, in conjunction with the University of Michigan and the Strategic Planning Institute, reports that when a business is pursuing a growth strategy it needs top managers who are likely to abandon the status quo and adapt their strategies and goals to the marketplace. According...
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...Theories Veronica Vega: American Intercontinental University Abstract There are many theories that influenced many of the policies that we have today. Such as the Graffiti reduction program which has been influences by the argument of windows theory. Then there is the Neighborhood watch program which shows how the social disorganization theory has been influential to the program. Finally we have the Midnight Basketball program who is connected by the differential association theory. Below, all these theories and policies will be defined and there will be a better understanding on how all of these policies assisted the from decreasing violence around the community. Graffiti reduction programs include interventions that are employed on simple scales such as use of anti-graffiti paints to extensive multi-stakeholder programs. This multibillion dollar program is part of the crime prevention strategies targeting youths. The policy works on the belief that graffiti can cause social disorder as people associate the street art with presence of criminals and gangs in their neighborhoods. Stakeholders work together to eliminate existing graffiti as well as identifying perpetrators. The implementation of graffiti reduction programs have been influenced by arguments of windows theory. According to this theory, simple crimes, such as street violence, are harbingers of more serious disorders (Aiyer, Zimmerman, Morrel-Samuels...
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...Prohibition and Harm Reduction Bryon Wilson BEHS 364 August 5th 2014 There have been two different strategies of society dealing with alcohol; harm reduction and zero tolerance. The method of harm reduction is focused primarily on reducing the negative effect of alcohol society and the people who drink. This is usually implemented by our government. They create policies and social programs that can treat those afflicted with alcoholism. There are several ways that this can be accomplished, such as limiting access, and taxing the substance to reduce demand. There are also social programs put in place that can help educate, rehabilitate and help recover. This a strategy compared to zero tolerance carries a unique ability to be tailored to suit individual needs as opposed to a one size fits all blanket policy. The harm reduction policy stands on a principle that alcoholism will not be completely eliminated so it would be more benefit to address the negative harms. For instance as alcoholism can be a major problem at work, some companies provide someone as an advocate and counsel. These counselors can work with them to modify behavior and reduce alcohol related incidents and further harm to their self on the job and in their personal life. That is something prohibition policies cannot do for an individual person. The proponents of zero tolerance see the alcoholic epidemic as a disease and therefore cannot allow continued usage if the person is to be treated and recover. It...
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...articulated and promoted by USAID’s Microenterprise Development office (USAID/MD). USAID/MD applies the approach to drive economic growth with poverty reduction through the integration of large numbers of micro- and small enterprises (MSEs) into increasingly competitive value chains. 1 By influencing the structures, systems and relationships that define the value chain, USAID helps MSEs to improve (or upgrade) their products and processes, 2 and thereby contribute to and benefit from the chain’s competitiveness. Through this approach USAID enables MSEs—including small-scale farmers—to create wealth and escape poverty. The value chain approach has distinctive features in terms of both i) the scope used in analyzing an industry (addressed in the following section: “What is the Value Chain Approach?”), and ii) the tangible and non-tangible considerations used in designing and implementing interventions (“How is the Value Chain Approach Implemented?”). The features discussed in this paper are not necessarily unique to the value chain approach; but few, if any, other economic development approaches simultaneously emphasize all of these features: • A market system perspective • A focus on end markets • Understanding the role of value chain governance • Recognition of the importance of relationships • Facilitating changes in firm behavior • Transforming relationships •...
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...have a reason to establish as well as maintain customers and earn profit as much as possible. New trends have emerged in the market which involves shortening products life cycles, and specialization in service area as well as focusing on customer preference, (Lee et al, 2010). Different countries adopt different methods of implementing customer relationship management (CRM). Traditionally, companies focused on establishing new markets rather than sustaining the existing one because there was no much competition, but because of competition, companies now focus more on ways of retaining existing customers. According to Kler (2007) establishing long lasting relationship is one of the most effective marketing strategies to maintain a healthy profit. Currently, the strategy of establishing...
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...Hospital Dr. Lu Leadership and Organizational behavior- BUS520 November 27, 2011 Discuss the conflict that is occurring at General Hospital. General Hospital was developed as a non-profit hospital in 1968. In the 1980s, General Hospital had a high success rate with 90% occupancy in rooms. However, with the emergence of greater medical technological advances, General Hospital lagged behind a nearby medical center and lost majority of their parents to the competing hospital. Mike Hammer, CEO of General Hospital, realized General Hospital is in a major financial crisis and could face closing its doors if change does not occur. (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011) Mike Hammer believed the key to cutting costs in a hospital setting is to reduce physician-driven costs. Hammer had previously implemented two different approaches to cutting physician-driven costs; however both approaches failed. After analyzing the previous failures, Hammer felt that reducing physician-driven costs must be done one physician at a time. Hammer believed by producing short-term wins employees will realize that change is necessary and can be done successfully, therefore generating buy-ins from employees who were otherwise opposed to the change process. Hammer brought in Marge Harding, COO of General Hospital, to help with the change process. Harding was given the task of finding areas where cost-reduction was necessary. (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011) Marge...
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...Abstract In this paper I will discuss the conflict that is occurring at General Hospital, the conflict management styles that are evident in the case, and how General Hospital could have used teams to address the cost reductions needed to stay competitive. I will also describe how the CEO of General Hospital, Mike Hammer can us negotiation skills to get buy-in for the cost reductions and finally I will recommend a strategy for Hammer to resolve the problem. Conflict Resolution at General Hospital Discuss the conflict that is occurring at General Hospital For 13 years, from 1968 to 1981General Hospital grew as a nonprofit hospital in their community by 100 beds, from 175 to 275 beds, and still maintained 90% occupancy. It was able to upgrade its emergency room and contract outpatient services that they were not able to provide to a nearby medical center. Now this nearby medical center has underwent renovations and acquired state of the art medical equipment that is drawing General Hospital patients there for services, resulting in a 65% drop in their occupancy rating and a 35% increase in their Medicare and Medicaid patients, in which “reimbursement rates are to low and paperwork is to high, (Connely, 2009)” significantly decreasing the hospitals revenue and adding to its workload. (Hellriegel, Slocum pg. 545) In order survive and maintain the hospitals accreditation General Hospitals CEO Mike Hammer wants to expand their current services and add new service that will enable...
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...humans or animals designate as their own. The relationship between the thoughts of territoriality, privacy, and personal personal space to population mass is associated with behavior. For example, Rubenstein (1980) examined changes in population mass and supply patterns, and noted how these changes affects the hostile behavior of the small sunfish. According to Rubenstein, the means by which small sunfish contend for nourishment is swayed by the mass of the inhabitants, the dispersal of victims, and the gender domination position of a person. Studies on territorial rights showed that Increases in prey dispersion reduced the proportion of battles over possessions in both low and high mass populations (Morrell & Koko, 200). Morrell & Koko sought to explain how animals establish territorial ownership, which is viewed as a major determinant of fitness in territorial animals. Some other behavioral characteristics associated with the establishment of territories include: (a) subordinates initiate fights over resources; (b) initiators are unlikely to contest prey in low mass inhabitants; and (c) the dimension of the contest rises with the establishing of territories. Additionally, Morrell & Koko’s (2002) study found that exclusive territorial rights formed when animals exhibited three specific behaviors: (1) avoided all encounters with others, (2) avoided meetings that lead to fights that were not won, and (3) avoided fights relative to dissimilar combat expenses...
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...Alignment of Reward and Recognition Programs with Organizational Strategies for Effective Total Quality Management Quality Function Management and TQM April 10, 2009 Total Quality Management (TQM) as a management philosophy emphasizes the importance of meeting and exceeding customer (internal or external) expectations through the continuous quality improvements. To achieve competitive advantage, total quality organizations develop and establish goals, plans, and policies. Employees are internal customers of organizations, the efforts of which are directed towards meeting the expectations of external customers (Chang, 2005). Employees are valuable assets of organizations whose knowledge, skills, and performance impact the overall performance and success of organizations (Boon et al., 2007). Studies have demonstrated that in the era of globalization, increasing competition, and re-organization, employees not only work for gaining profits but also search for organizations that acknowledge and celebrate their achievements and efforts (Campbell-Allen, Houston & Mann, 2008). The data from “World at Work” surveys has demonstrated that being dissatisfied with employers, in 2003, approximately one-third of employees were considering other jobs while by early 2007, over 54% of employees were poised to leave for other job alternatives (Huff, 2007). P. B. Crosby stated that “people really don’t work for money. They go to work for it, but once the salary has been established...
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...factors of uncertainty revolve around routinely aspects, Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese (1975) narrowed their focus and devised a theory specifically on uncertainty and interpersonal communication. By studying how human communication is used to gain knowledge and create understanding, Berger and Calabrese unveiled the first generation to reducing uncertainty in interpersonal communication (Griffin, 2011). Known as the Uncertainty Reduction Theory (Berger, 1975), its original form focused on how strangers communicate, noting that the “beginnings of personal relationships are usually fraught with uncertainties” (Griffin, 2011, 130). By means of intensive research and ultimately, complete comprehension, it is evident that the Uncertainty Reduction Theory helps scholars correlate uncertainty with interpersonal communication, thus advancing to significant predictions on how people behave when they are uncertain. Before diving into its specific components, it is important to acknowledge the foundation and premise of the Uncertainty Reduction Theory in order to fully grasp its validity. First, the term ‘uncertainty’ must be acknowledged as a function of the number and likelihood of alternatives that may occur, implying that uncertainty is high when there are several outcomes that are all equally plausible or, uncertainty is low when only one possible outcome is likely (Knobloch, 2008). This type of uncertainty characterizes a subjective experience of feeling...
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...Abstract Business strategy is important for organizations to operate, and it significantly impacts on every department of organizations. If the strategy has changed, it will cause many problems. In the process of implementing these changes, there is support or resistance from shareholders. This report focuses on analyzing BA’s strategic changes and dealing with managing these changes. In tradition, HRM is the organizational function that deals with requirement, training, assessment and rewarding of employees, while also managing people and the workplace culture and environment. Now the new role of HRM refers to overcome the challenge form implementing changes of organizational strategies. The case also indicates that the flexible HRM plays a significant role of dealing with the disputes between employees and management. Key words: strategy management, British Airways, change management, labor dispute Implication of strategic change in British Airways 1. Introduction Generally, a company makes strategies based on the changing environment. But if the strategies changes, there are many barriers to conduct. Human resource is performed as the most valuable asset of organizations. How to manage and more efficiently utilize the asset is so significant for organization to operate and develop. Obviously, there are resistance form employees. Therefore, human resource department is responsible for coordination in the organization. Human...
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... 12 Reference 13 1. Introduction Australian domestic airlines industry has recently had a major change in competitiveness when Virgin Blue entered on the market. Their low cost fares strategy quickly captured 25% of the market share. Analysts have predicted that Virgin Blue would grow to reach a third of the market until next year. The success of the Virgin Blue’s new business model is based on the balance between affordable airfares and company’s profitability. This model leaded to a new consumer behavior, forcing QANTAS to study the new market niche and consequently study the feasibility of opening a new low-cost airlines. The aim of this study is to propose to the creation of a new company for Australian domestic airline called KOALA AIRLINES. Two questions must be answered by the study: first, how will this new airline affect QANTAS business? Second, should we undertake this opportunity? 2. Evaluation Some initial questions are important for understanding the market time with the introduction of a new competing company. How will this opportunity affect your current customers? There is a constant challenge of today's airlines to differentiate themselves by offering better service, greater agility and lower cost. This allows a reduction in the buyers’ bargaining power, since they do not find a personalized...
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...telecommunications and drastic reductions in transportation costs. Integration-Responsiveness Framework, strategy framework that juxtaposes the pressures an MNE faces for cost reductions and local responsiveness to derive four different strategies to gain and sustain competing advantage when competing globally: international strategy, localization strategy, global-standardization strategy, and transnational strategy. Local Responsiveness is the need to tailor product and service offerings to fit local consumer preferences and host-country requirements; generally entails higher cost. International Strategy is essentially a strategy in which a company sells the same products or services in both domestic and foreign markets. Localization Strategy attempt to maximize local responsiveness, hoping that local consumers will perceive them to be domestic companies. Global-Standardization Strategy attempt to reap significant economies of scale and location economies by pursuing a global division of labor based on wherever best of class capabilities reside at the lowest cost. Global Strategy is a firm’s strategy to gain and sustain a competitive advantage when competing against other foreign and domestic companies. Transnational Strategy, a strategy that attempts to combine the benefits of a localization strategy (high local-responsiveness) with those of global-standardization strategy (lowest cost position attainable); The transnational strategy is also sometimes sometimes...
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...a mechanism for the consumer market place, marketers are now tasked to produce a message that satisfies the public’s growing demand for a company that not only provides value in a product/service offerings, but one that does so in a socially responsible manner (Kotler & Keller, 2012). Even more so, simple acts of socially responsible behavior do not guarantee a positive reception by the public. In many cases, attempts to convey the results of a company’s social efforts have often been met with criticism and reserved skeptical acceptance (2012). TOMS and People Water are two examples of for-profit businesses that have constructed socially responsible practices as the very framework of their business DNA. Founded in 2006, TOMS was created by Blake Mycoskie in response to his interaction with impoverished children in Argentina. During his participation in the television reality show, The Amazing Race, Blake became aware of the fact that large segments of the world’s adolescent population do not have access to shoes to protect their feet. In an attempt to address the monumental need, Blake developed TOM’s One-for-One business strategy that provides one free pair of shoes to a child in need with every consumer purchase. Further developing the brand through efforts in cause marketing, “any type of marketing effort for social and/or charitable causes, including in-house marketing efforts by non-profit organizations” (Tribby, 2014), TOMS quickly established itself as not only...
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...Bulacan State University The Price One of the most important and complex decisions a firm has to make relates to pricing its products or services. If consumers or organizational buyers perceive a price to be too high, they may purchase competitive brands or substitute products, leading to a loss of sales and profits for the firm. If the price is too low, sales might increase, but profitability may suffer. Thus, pricing decisions must be given careful consideration when a firm is introducing a new product or planning a short or long- term price change. Price and Pricing defined Price is the money, good or service exchanged for the ownership or use of a good or service. Examples of various names of price are tuition for education, rent for use of asset, interest for use of money and fare for use of taxi or a bus ride. Pricing may be defined as those activities involved in the determination of the price at which products that will be offered for sale considering the various objectives of the firm. Demand Influences on Pricing Decisions Demand influences on pricing decisions concern primarily the nature of the target market and expected reactions of consumers to a given price or change in price. Three primary considerations are demographic factors, psychological factors and price elasticity. 1. Demographic Factors In the initial selection of the target market that a firm intends to serve, a number of demographic factors are usually considered. Demographic...
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