...catalyzed her desire to engage Africa in her Foreign Policy. This has heightened the Chinese desire to geo- strategic reach into Africa as a going global strategy this has been the plan as far back in the 1978 eras of Mao Zedong. China’s objective in the new phase of assertiveness is to maintain strong economic ties in Africa, unlike the previous objective of building a coalition of sharing common goals with Africa as ‘Third World’. This geo-economic factor is influenced by the desire for resources to fuel its economic growth and gain energy security. China in strengthening her diplomatic and political ties sees Africa not just as ally to bid for influence and power, but as a source for natural resources . China has established Confucius Institutes (state-funded Chinese Cultural Centers) that have sprung up throughout Africa, teaching local people the culture and traditions. One wonders if China is positioning itself for taking over supremacy and advancing her Soft Policy in Africa. It is perhaps important to see our languages and cultures going out there too. The China- Africa Cooperation which was aimed at strengthening China’s diplomatic and political ties stared in post colonial Africa. The African plight of political freedom from their colonies, referred to as aggressors according to the Chinese and their desire to have a say in the international arena has given the Chinese a reason to defend their being in Africa. The analysis of the Beijing Consensus verses the Washington...
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...INTRODUCTION The historical relationship with African countries is fundamentally different for traditional and new donors, or Western donors and China. In contrast to Western donors, China never had a presence as a colonizer in Africa. To the contrary, China played the role of a supporter in the struggle for independence of African countries. This is highlighted by a lot of Africans, particularly in response to Western criticism of China. Some Africans feel that the reactions from the West arise because Westerners fear competition from China. Consequently Western objections to China’s way of dealing with Africa, is not perceived as a result of concern for African countries, but a protection of Western political and economic interests on the African continent. The Chinese emphasize that their engagement with Africa is in fact South-South cooperation, and that it should be beneficial to both China and Africa. Rather than emphasizing its role as a donor to African countries, China considers its engagement to be a mutual benefit, leading to win-win results. Chinese aid is mainly invested in infrastructure such as roads, railways, buildings, monuments etc. This is generally very welcomed in African countries where infrastructure is often seriously underdeveloped. Many of the infrastructure projects are implemented to facilitate trade. Although all of the countries in cooperation with China are receiving some sort of aid, the size and form of the aid inflows vary. China does not disclose...
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...Jingwei Ye (Jeff) POL 342 Beijing Consensus Since China economic reform started in 1980s, China has been actively engaged establishing foreign relationship. The Chinese has done far more investments than the west today. However, the China effect in international relationships is viewed as a global concern due to China’s profit based foreign policy. China aimed Africa in 1970s as the first diplomatic target due to its rich natural resources. Up till today, the Chinese investment occupies 44% of all areas combined in Africa.1 In Angola, Chinese investors own 37% of the investments, and they benefit from these investments by earning millions of dollars. Seen from the outside, The Chinese seems is making a significant effort of making a win-win situation between China and Africa. In fact, China is often dealing its investment with the rouge governments and even, dictators. Example has been given in the book The Beijing Consensus. “Beijing has maintained strong economic relations with Khartoum since 2002, focusing on Sudan’s considerable natural resources.”1 A year later the genocide broke out between the Khartoum’s government and the Darfur region in Sudan. The conflict killed over two hundred thousand Darfurians and millions were displaced. The UN Security Council failed on intervene the violence because China’s diplomatic protection of Sudan. Interestingly, China did all these publically. China today is not...
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...China’s Relations with Africa and West Name Name of Institution Tutor Date China’s Relations with Africa and West Introduction The international relations between China and countries of the West and Africa have enjoyed a long standing relationship though at different levels. Since the emergence of the People’s Republic of China, China-West and China-Africa relations have advanced continuously, as shall be demonstrated herein by the deepening relations in economic, political and cultural realms. These relations have created a new form of strategic partnerships founded on political equality, economic win-win relations, mutual trust and social-cultural exchanges. Over the last 60 years or so, China-West and China-Africa co-operations, have been based on the principles of equality, sincerity, mutual benefit and international relations development. Particularly, in Africa the co-operations have demonstrated reverence to the will of African countries, deepened relations between African and Chinese businesses and indicated a higher level of sincerity in helping African countries in their development agendas. However, this may not be the case with co-operations between China and the West due to different interest between the two entities, apparently, different from those that are experienced in Africa. Notwithstanding these different interests, a common feature on trade and economic relations have reached remarkable results and the overall effect has enabled growth in business...
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...that has shown no regard for its own genocide in Iraq, when its control over major oil reserves is involved. What’s at stake in the battle for Darfur? Control over oil, lots and lots of oil. The case of Darfur, a forbidding piece of sun-parched real estate in the southern part of Sudan, illustrates the new Cold War over oil, where the dramatic rise in China’s oil demand to fuel its booming growth has led Beijing to embark on an aggressive policy of—ironically-- dollar diplomacy. With its more than $1.3 trillion in mainly US dollar reserves at the Peoples’ National Bank of China, Beijing is engaging in active petroleum geopolitics. Africa is a major focus, and in Africa, the central region between Sudan and Chad is priority. This is defining a major new front in what, since the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, is a new Cold War between Washington and Beijing over control of major oil sources. So far Beijing has played its cards a bit more cleverly than Washington. Darfur is a major battleground in this high-stakes contest for oil control. China Oil diplomacy In recent months, Beijing has embarked on a series of initiatives designed to secure long-term raw materials sources from one of the planet’s...
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...rIssues & Studie s© 45, no. 4 (December 2009): 159-188. Status for Sale: Taiwan and the Competition for Diplomatic Recognition TIMOTHY S. RICH Diplomatic recognition is generally seen as fundamental to the modern state system. The traditional views of recognition however focus almost exclusively on political or ideological rationales, ignoring other foundations on which other countries base establishing diplomatic recognition. Focusing on the Republic of China (Taiwan) suggests a more complicated view where economic self-interest on one side and national pride on the other may undermine traditional conceptions of recognition. Using the ROC-PRC diplomatic battle as a case study, this paper hopes to shed light on two questions: why, despite the PRC's rise as a global power, a country would continue to formally recognize the ROC and secondly what does the ROC receive in exchange for such high-cost endeavors to maintain recognition. In this case mutual ideological rationales have greatly diminished while I contend that economic factors have predominantly maintained this diplomatic battle. In addition, previous research often focuses on major world powers granting or withholding formal recognition to smaller states. In this situation, poor countries with typically little political influence are the major players, suggesting different rationales behind recognition. Methodologically, this paper blends qualitative and quantitative analysis to uncover factors affecting recogni- ...
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...This article was downloaded by: [University of Hong Kong] On: 7 July 2010 Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 905437243] Publisher Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 3741 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Contemporary China Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713429222 The China Model: can it replace the Western model of modernization? Suisheng Zhao Online publication date: 28 April 2010 To cite this Article Zhao, Suisheng(2010) 'The China Model: can it replace the Western model of modernization?', Journal of Contemporary China, 19: 65, 419 — 436 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/10670561003666061 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10670561003666061 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.informaworld.com/terms-and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently...
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...I. Introduction 1.1 Significance of the Study The comparison between China and India is a popular topic in social sciences. Since these two very similar countries gained independence around the same time, one democratic in 1947 and another communist in 1949, many world leaders and scholars have come to view the economic, social and political performance of the two Asian giants as the best testimony of which is the better approach to modernity for developing countries (Gilley 21). Current scholarly interest tends to focus more on evaluating the different development models that China and India embrace. It is easy to find works contrasting the two countries’ economic reforms, political systems, social progress and human development, yet direct comparison between China and India’s building of soft power is lacking. However, the understanding of how China and India build their soft power strength is essential as the two Asian giants, both of which have splendid cultures and a long history, are on the rise and eager to shine in the world stage. To address such inadequacy, this paper intends to present an assessment on China and India’s soft power building and find out who has the lead in the race. 1.2 Structure of the Study The paper is divided into several sections. It begins with a literature review that goes over studies on China and India’s soft power strength. Then, it proceeds to explain the key concept “soft power” using Nye’s classic theoretical framework. Concerning...
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...Relationship Between China And Africa Assignment Submitted For the International Management Module at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Business School Prepared By Ayankoya Kayode A Foli, Edem Mpongoshe, Lukhanyiso Hurrisunker, Sanisha Maqina, Chumani Introduction This assignment examines the strategic relationship between China and Africa. The first section provides statistics that reveal the extent of trade between China and Africa since 2000. The specific statistics center around the amount of natural resources exported to China and compares that to the amount of imports from China. After gaining insight into the extent of business between the two, one can begin to understand why Africa is so important to China. This importance is discussed in more detail against the backdrop of the historical background of these two regions. The following section explains the strategy that China has adapted to trade with Africa and introduces the concept of the “Chinese Model”. This model highlights the driving forces behind China’s strategic decisions and introduces some controversial arguments around some of the methods that China has adopted. An important part of this discussion is the comparison of China’s strategy with that of the West (i.e. regions like the United States of America (USA/US) and the European Union (EU). Some interesting statistics reveal that Africa is attracting significant amounts of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and is...
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...ASSIGNMENT Chinese Foreign Policy ------------------------------------------------- Does Chinese Foreign Policy reflect the concerns of a status quo power or a revisionist power? INTRODUCTION Before addressing this question, it is essential to establish what is meant by a status quo or revisionist power. Hans Morgenthau described a status quo power as one that favours and aims to maintain “the distribution of power as it exists at a particular moment in history”,. Similarly, proponents of power transition theory use the concept of the “rules of the game” regarding nations’ power relations to define status quo and revisionist states, the latter desiring to “redraft the rules” out of a “general dissatisfaction” with their share in the system. Randall Schweller furthers this point by adding military force as a requisite of such ambitions to amend the status quo. For the purpose of this essay, whether a power is status quo or revisionist will be determined by whether its policies aim at acquiring a new power order in its favour. Using this yardstick, this essay will elaborate China’s current behaviour and underlying aspirations to argue that it would be inappropriate or at least premature to stamp the country ‘revisionist’. I will also incorporate Morgenthau’s viewpoint on a status quo’s ‘minor adjustments’ into my reasoning of China’s policy to argue that what could be currently perceived as evidence of Chinese aggressive ambitions are not attempts to reverse the current...
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...a long term energy supplies around the globe. As China’s economy is rapidly growing and in other to acquire the needed resources to support its rapid growth, the government have taken a great step in focusing in other part of the world to secure oil which they deemed necessary coupled with other raw materials across the world. The rising economy of China was stated to have grown in an extraordinarily large number of nine (9) per cent per annum in the last twenty five (25) years whereas its consumption of energy has been said to have doubled to the extent that it outstripped the production of domestic energy. (Africa-practice report, 2007, p.2) Significantly, to catch up with the demand of its market, the economic powerhouse has channelled its attention to Africa. A continent widely known for its social and political unrest, though Chinese active involvement in Africa is a necessary mission in other for them to secure new export market for their manufactured goods, there are several strategic ways adopted by the Chinese government in their bilateral relation with African states; however, amongst the strategic ways is by significantly carrying out investment in the continent thereby increasing and securing a mutual relationship with various African nations they made contact with. On one hand, this article will pinpoint and elaborate on the strategized...
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... From a global investment angle, the world has moved on from there to a wider set of dynamic emerging countries, including a number of fast-growing African nations, as more developing countries find their own way to catch up on growth, resisting world recessionary tendencies (O’Neill 2001 2011). The investor’s world of emerging markets has thus expanded beyond the BRICs, even as questions are raised about the sustainability of growth in the BRICs themselves, with their structural and political challenges and their vulnerability to the uncertainties of global monetary developments. (http://mobile.opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/handle/123456789/3599#.VemUOn2MgQ0) The grouping was originally known as "BRIC" before the inclusion of South Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are all developing or newly industrialised countries, but they are distinguished by their large, fast-growing economies and significant influence on regional and global affairs; all five are G-20 members. Since 2010, the BRICS nations have met annually at formal summits. Russia currently holds the chair of the BRICS group, and hosted the group's seventh summit in July 2015. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRIC) Summary The BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) was created in mid-2014 by the governments of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South...
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...major expeditions commanding the largest armada the world would see for five centuries" and proceeded to " underscore just how far ahead of the West the East once was,"it is astonishing and perplexing that China's accomplishments from an explorative and revolutionary perspective were not more pronounced(Reilly 553). Similarly, the power struggles that ensued after YongLe's death resulted in an essential demolition of potential prosperity in voyage. There was an ending of voyages, destruction of Zheng He's sailing records, and a concerted effort to "dismantle China's navy"that all amassed to put a cork in China's explorative progression during a premier time of discovery(556). According to Reilly, there are two and a half reasons amongst the many that historians attribute to China's lack of worldly influence; "Asia was simply not greedy enough", "a culture of complacency", and the fact that "China was a single nation while Europe was many"also attributed to the setbacks that were encountered(557). First and foremost, China's greatest shortcoming is due to their "culture of complacency". It is evident that China's culture and mindset played a major role in their self perpetuated setback because they lacked a central focus and goal; regardless of the fact that "half a century before Columbus, Zheng He had reached East Africa and learned about Europe", China's progress in terms of colonization was stagnant to say the least. In many ways this suppression is due to the Chinese...
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...OCCASIONAL PAPER NO 23 China in Africa Project January 2009 China in Mozambique: A Cautious Approach Country Case Study at io n al Af fai r s Paula Cristina Roque rn te f In eo t tit u . Ins hts can fr i ig ins South A l a Glob African perspectives. ABOUT SAIIA The South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) has a long and proud record as South Africa’s premier research institute on international issues. It is an independent, non-government think-tank whose key strategic objectives are to make effective input into public policy, and to encourage wider and more informed debate on international affairs with particular emphasis on African issues and concerns. It is both a centre for research excellence and a home for stimulating public engagement. SAIIA’s occasional papers present topical, incisive analyses, offering a variety of perspectives on key policy issues in Africa and beyond. Core public policy research themes covered by SAIIA include good governance and democracy; economic policymaking; international security and peace; and new global challenges such as food security, global governance reform and the environment. Please consult our website www.saiia.org.za for further information about SAIIA’s work. This paper is the outcome of research commissioned by SAIIA’s China in Africa Project. ABOUT THE CHINA IN AFRICA PROJECT SAIIA’s ‘China in Africa’ research project investigates the emerging relationship...
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...Abstract India’s rapid economic growth has made it the second fastest growing energy market in the world. Its domestic and international strategies has produced foreign policy differences with the United States that will require careful management on both sides. India’s basic approach to energy diplomacy has been to develop its supply potential and neutralize its potential competitors, principally China. India’s strategic interest in Iran as its energy partner and then the Iraq crisis are having a negative consequence on its economic prosperity, placing it on crossroads with the US. There is a divide between US and EU about the wisdom and desirability of imposing harsh economic sanctions on Russia. In any such confrontation, EU stands to lose much more than the US, though it can be argued that Russia will be the worst loser. In future, Russia may try to find new potential market for its gas and that could be India. So it is important for India to take its stand on Ukraine crisis carefully without tarnishing its relation with USA. India’s long-term prosperity hinges to some degree on a conflict free neighborhood; that an economically integrated region is in India’s overall security interests. Keywords: oil crisis, energy diplomacy, Ukraine Crisis, trade agreement, SAARC Nations Literature Review Indian foreign policy has always concentrated around major powerful nations like USA and Russia. The research which has been done so far is focused on building relations with these nations...
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