...University Shomayl Chowdhury (BS29 2330) Research Methodology (GMAG 301) Final Project Part 2 Dr. Syed Arshad Imam Table of Content Title Page …………………………………………………………………………………1 Question 1…………………………………………………………………………………2 Question 2…………………………………………………………………………………3 Question 3…………………………………………………………………………………7 Question 4………………………………………………………………………………..12 Question 5………………………………………………………………………………..14 Feasibility of HR Department in a Public Sector University Shomayl Chowdhury (BS29 2330) Greenwich University Q1. What research methods have been used by the author in the research paper? Ans1. The current paper discusses and lays lime light on the current situation and the possibility of establishing HR department in a Public Sector University as no HR department is to be found in Public Sector Universities. The paper focus on the marketing, financial and operational aspects of the university and furthermore it also focuses on the importance of an HR department, the level of support and assistance that is provided by the HR department to the entire university and above all to the organizational environment at hand and lastly the cost of establishment and implementation of a HR department. Descriptive study has been undertaken to address this paper due to the absence of HR department in the university. Through this study feasibility of an HR department is inquired. The methods used for data collection and research is entirely based on a survey which consists...
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...contains 2 Set of Papers for All Assignments PSY 335 Week 1 Assignment Research Development Paper (2 Papers) PSY 335 Week 2 Assignment Descriptive Research Methods Worksheet (2 Sheet) PSY 335 Week 3 Quiz PSY 335 Week 3 Assignment Methods Paper (2 Papers) PSY 335 Week 4 Assignment Experimental Designs Worksheet PSY 335 Week 4 Assignment Mock IRB Proposal Worksheet (2 Sheet) PSY 335 Week 5 Assignment Research Proposal Presentation (3 PPT) PSY 335 Week 5 Assignment Research in Careers Brochure (2 Brochure) ------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 335 Week 1 Assignment Research Development Paper (2 Papers) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com This tutorial contains 2 Papers PSY 335 Week 1 Assignment Research Development Paper Description:Watch the "Attention and Consciousness-Unlearning Through Hypnosis" video located in this week'sElectronic Reserve Readings.Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper covering the following: • What was the purpose of this study? • How does this study apply to the real world? • If you were doing the next step in this study, which research question would you develop? How could you test it? • How could you apply the steps of the scientific method to test your hypothesis? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 335 Week 2 Assignment Descriptive Research Methods Worksheet...
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...APA Format: A Style Guide for ED795A Papers Dan Kitchen San Diego State University APA Format: A Style Guide for ED795A Papers Introduction Statement of the problem Briefly describe the problem that your study is designed to address. Purpose of the study Briefly explain why this research project is being undertaken. Research questions (or objectives or hypotheses) Briefly state the research questions that this study addresses. Indicate your major hypothesis: what do you expect the results of your inquiry to reveal? Theoretical perspective Your hypotheses about how the independent and dependent variables in your study are related to each other should be based upon a theory that would predict what is likely to occur. Describe that theoretical grounding of your study. Definition of key terms Here you should indicate what you mean by key terms that you use in your study. Pay particular attention to terms that may not have the same meaning for all readers. Later on, in the methods section, you will define all of the variables used in your study in operational terms. Delimitation and limitations of the study Describe the scope of your study. What are its boundaries? What issues will be addressed and what issues are considered beyond the scope of the study? What are the limitations of your study? Pay special attention to limitations in terms of the sample which is available to you, and the extent to which it may or may not represent the population of...
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...The Background of Independent Directors and Corporate Performance 12公司理财 张晨月 2012312482 12公司理财 杨怡 2012312487 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to test the effect of independent directors’ background on company’s performance. Our study found that the education background of the independent directors of has no positive influence on the company's performance. And our study also found that government background of independent directors have a negative impact on company's performance. Studies also support the restriction of individuals that are act as several independent directors. Research of this paper enrich the corporate governance literature and provides a new point of view of the correct understanding of the influence of independent directors on company performance. Besides, it provides important empirical evidence for the further reform of corporate governance in our country . Keywords: background of independent directors The board of directors company's business performance ,corporate governance PART I. Introduction The introduction of independent director to the board of directors of the company hopes to improve the level of corporate governance and protect of rights and interests of small shareholders. More importantly, they also hope that the independent directors can promote the management decision of company management level from the perspective of experts, so as to improve the business performance of enterprises. As a result, whether the...
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...How To Write a Thesis Statement What is a Thesis Statement? Almost all of us—even if we don’t do it consciously—look early in an essay for a one- or two-sentence condensation of the argument or analysis that is to follow. We refer to that condensation as a thesis statement. Why Should Your Essay Contain a Thesis Statement? to test your ideas by distilling them into a sentence or two to better organize and develop your argument to provide your reader with a “guide” to your argument In general, your thesis statement will accomplish these goals if you think of the thesis as the answer to the question your paper explores. How Can You Write a Good Thesis Statement? Here are some helpful hints to get you started. You can either scroll down or select a link to a specific topic. How to Generate a Thesis Statement if the Topic is Assigned How to Generate a Thesis Statement if the Topic is not Assigned How to Tell a Strong Thesis Statement from a Weak One How to Generate a Thesis Statement if the Topic is Assigned Almost all assignments, no matter how complicated, can be reduced to a single question. Your first step, then, is to distill the assignment into a specific question. For example, if your assignment is, “Write a report to the local school board explaining the potential benefits of using computers in a fourth-grade class,” turn the request into a question like, “What are the potential benefits of using computers in a fourth-grade class?” After you’ve chosen the...
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...When doing research it is very important to have a logical framework that will be used to examine the question without this framework the research question is destined to fail. This framework is the methodology that is chosen. The methodology that is chosen will steer the direction that the research will take. There are 3 basic types of methodology that can be used; qualitative, quantitative, and mixed. Qualative research methodology is observing and analyzing behaviors, trends, and patterns by using focus groups, seminars, surveys, interview, and forums (AIU, 2012). That data that is collected is generally nonnumeric and focuses on groups of people or objects (Editorial Board, 2011). Quantitative research uses relationships between variables, both independent and dependent. This type of research can be used in observational and experimental research. The difference between qualitative and quantitative research is that quantitative research focuses on hypothesis testing (2012). Quantitative data is generally a numeric measurement (2011). The mixed methodology is a combination of qualative and quantitative research because of this it is thought to be the most powerful methodology (2012). The data collection tool (direct observation, interviews, survey, questionnaires, and experiments) used depends on the type of data being collected, the amount of data being collected, the quality of the data being collected, the time frame in which the data needs to be collected, and the cost...
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...Honors and Awards………………………………………………………………. 4 8 9 10 12 Elements of Graduation with Distinction The Written Honors Thesis………………………………………………………. 14 The Research Poster……………………………………………………………... 16 The Oral Defense…………………………………………………………………. 18 Helpful Hints for Graduation with Distinction Designing a Plan for Writing: Creating a Timeline and Sticking to It………… How to be a Good Mentee……………………………………………………….. Tips for Navigating the Mentoring Relationship……………………………….. Words of Wisdom from Former GwD students………………………………… Appendix A: Forms Independent Study Form…………………………………………………………. Graduation with Distinction Application Form………………………………….. Evaluation of the Written Thesis………………………………………………… Evaluation of the Oral Thesis Presentation…………………………………….. 20 23 26 29 31 35 37 38 2 Graduation with Distinction Basics 3 General Information What is Graduation with Distinction (GwD)? The Graduation with Distinction Program (GwD) in Psychology & Neuroscience is intended for students interested in completing a significant research project during their undergraduate career. This project is more than an independent study. In fact, it’s like a mini-dissertation. You will complete a research project, write a thesis, and defend it in front of a committee in order to graduate with distinction. Why Pursue GwD? Pursuit of independent academic research under the guidance of a faculty mentor is an opportunity to forge a close working relationship with one or more professors in your field of intellectual...
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...Reporting Accuracy. Accounting Horizons, 20(1), 1-17. Additional articles: Carcello, J.V. & Neal, T.L. (2000). Audit Committee Composition and Auditor Reporting. The Accounting Review, 75(4), 453-467. Geiger, M.A. & Raghunandan, K. (2002). Auditor Tenure and Audit Reporting Failures. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 21(1), 67-78. Name: Karlijn Dirks Student number: 10674837 Tutorial Group: 2 fulltime Lecturer: drs. Francesco Campisi RA Date: 10 February 2016 Paper: 8 * Summary The papers that will be discussed in this essay all revolve around auditor reporting. Especially about issuing going-concern modified reports in relationship with different variables. The variable discussed in the first paper is audit firm size. For the second paper auditor tenure is the variable and for the final paper audit committee composition is the variable that will be looked at. The rest of this section will provide summaries of the three articles. Paper 1. Geiger & Rama (2006) investigate whether audit firm size affects the accuracy of going-concern reporting. They look at two different type of errors, type I errors occur when a going-concern modified report is issued but the client does not go bankrupt. A type II error occurs when a client does go bankrupt but prior audit reports are without going-concern modifications. The authors identify three different audit firm sizes: big 4, national (second-tier) and regional (third-tier). In this study...
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...Stages of the Research Process ES/351 July 21, 2015 Stages of the Research Process The first stage in the research process is critical in capturing information data and evidence that will solidify a business research. The two articles chosen for this paper from the University library are bullying and no child left behind act in regards to American schools. The paper will state the purpose of the research and determine the research questions and hypotheses for each article. Hypothesis occurs when a proposition is formulated for empirical testing, and a research question is the hypothesis that best states the objective of the research (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). “A declarative statement about the relationship between two or more variables, a hypothesis is of a tentative and conjectural nature” (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, pg58). In addition, the paper will identify the independent and dependent variables being manipulated or measured for each article. “The general research process contains three major stages, exploration of the situation, the collection of data, and analysis and interpretation of results” (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, pg139). The critical first stage is to clarify the research question. A better way to approach the research process is to state the basic dilemma, which will prompt the research to develop other questions by progressively breaking down the original question into more specific ones (Cooper &...
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...CRITIQUING A RESEARCH PAPER Student's Name: Elements of the Critique: 1. TITLE: 3. ABSTRACT 4. INTRODUCTION & REVIEW of LITERATURE: 5. MATERIALS & METHODS 6. RESULTS 7. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION, 8. REFERENCES 9. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS & IMPLICA TIONS 2. AUTHOR(s) Instructions: For each of the 39 items below respond using one of the following three options: - S for “Satisfactory” - Detailed comments concerning elements critiqued. A simple "No" is not sufficient. You must explain why the element is open to criticism. - ITJ for "Incompetent To Judge" and indicate the person in your own setting form whom you would obtain a valid opinion. The number of points assigned to each element is proportional to the number of elements that can be critiqued in each section (see decimal points in parentheses next to each item number). If you need more space to answer, please use the back of the page. Reference: Bordage G. Considerations on Preparing a Paper for Publication. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 1989. 1(1):47-52. I. TITLE 1. (.33) The title correctly represents the content and breath of the study reported: the title is not misleading. 2. (.33) The title is clear, concise and gives importance to the study; the title captures the attention of the reader. If not suggest a title. II. AUTHOR(S) _ 3. (.33) The titles (diploma. appointment) and address of the author(s) are clearly indicated: the author(s) credentials can be appreciated. III. ABSTRACT 4. (.33) The abstract...
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...The Hong Kong Polytechnic University MGT682 Independent Studies Corruption in China: Effects on Economic Development and Remedial Policies Thomas Wu 02715615G August 6, 2003 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University MGT 682 Independent Studies Corruption and Bribery in China Thomas Wu 02715615G August 6, 2003 Table of Content RESEARCH PROPOSAL TOPIC.........................................................................................................3 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................3 OBJECTIVES AND HYPOT HESIS.......................................................................................................4 NATURE OF RESEARCH.....................................................................................................................5 RIVAL THEORIES.................................................................................................................................5 “GREASE-THE-WHEELS” THEORY .........................................................................................................5 MULTIPLE EQUILIBRIUMS ......................................................................................................................7 LOGIC MODEL......................................................................................................................................8 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY..............................
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...collaborative yet independent: Information practices in the physical sciences december 2011 Acknowledgements This report was the result of a collaborative effort between the Research Information Network, the Institute of Physics, Institute of Physics Publishing and the Royal Astronomical Society. They would like to thank the study authors at the 1) Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, 2) Department of Information Systems, London School of Economics, 3) UCL Centre for Digital Humanities and the Department of Information Studies, University College, London, 4) e-Humanities Group, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences (KNAW) and Maastricht University, and 5) Oxford e-Research Centre (OeRC), University of Oxford. The main authors for this report are: Eric T. Meyer, Monica Bulger, Avgousta Kyriakidou-Zacharoudiou, Lucy Power, Peter Williams, Will Venters, Melissa Terras, Sally Wyatt. For the full acknowledgements, please see the project website: www.rin.ac.uk/phys-sci-case contents executive summary Overview method cases Tools and practices of information Information sources 68 69 77 78 4 4 4 4 research software dissemination complexity conclusion and recommendations Information retrieval Information and data management data analysis citation practices dissemination practices collaboration Transformations in practice New questions New technologies recommendations 79 84 84 85 85 86 86 87 88 90 91 92 Glossary Information in the...
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...UNDERSTANDING ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN ACCOUNTING: A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Teresa P. Gordon College of Business and Economics University of Idaho Moscow, Idaho USA Jason C. Porter College of Business and Economics University of Idaho Moscow, Idaho USA ABSTRACT The ability to read and understand academic research can be an important tool for practitioners in an increasingly complex accounting and business environment. This guide was developed to introduce students to the world of academic research. It is not intended for PhD students or others who wish to perform academic research. Instead, the guide should make published academic research more accessible and less intimidating so that future practitioners will be able to read empirical research and profitably apply the relevant findings. The guide begins by examining the importance of academic research for practitioners in accounting and next reviews the basics of the research process. With that background in place, we then give some guidelines and helpful hints for reading and evaluating academic papers. This guide has been used for several years to introduce master’s degree students to academic literature in an accounting theory class. After reading this guide and seeing a demonstration presentation by the professor, students have been able to successfully read and discuss research findings. Key words: Understanding empirical research, supplemental readings, importance of academic research, incorporating academic research in classroom...
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...Journal Article Critique Paper BSHS 435 January 15 2016 Literature Review In this article critique paper as a team we are researching what the effects are that a behavioral specialist has on the behavioral control for the mentally disabled. While not all clients have improvement, with evaluation in methodology in mental illness, the causes of the positive or negative program outcomes become the primary focus of study. Behavioral specialist teach their clients the skills that they need to improve on their personal social skills. Unlike other research methodologies, evaluation research is usually initiated by someone's need for a decision to be made about policy, program management, or strategic planning. It is important to understand the effects that a behavioral specialist has on the mentally disabled. With evaluation in methodology in mental illness, the causes of the positive or negative program outcomes become the primary focus of study. Using program goals and actual individual and group performance measures in meeting these objectives, evaluation researchers attempt to locate factors related to the actual program outcomes. Traditionally, an evaluator will work directly with program leadership, staff, and consumers to determine the most salient factors that define program performance concerning the goals of a program. In ideal evaluation study situations, mental health service program staff, directors, funding sources, and all other groups that have a stake...
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...Methods Paper PSY/335 Professor Corey Vigdor June 15, 2015 Methods Paper The average American is addicted to something, drinking, smoking, drug abuse, sex, porn, etc. Our proposal is the effect of underage drinking. To start it off people drink to socialize, celebrate and even relax. Alcohol is a big consumer in the United States and it has a different effect on different people varying throughout history. In high school, the vast majority of the teenagers are always looking to try new things. Among the new things has come alcohol, after all they always want to do something that they can’t or aren’t supposed to do. Taking a deeper look into the effect alcohol has on underage teenagers in high school, it has changed their academic achievement, as well as an increased teen dropout rate. Sampling is an important component to any piece of research because it has a significant impact on the quality of the results. The type of sampling being used is population; this is different in research then compared to how we consider the population under normal circumstances. In sampling, population signifies the units that are being studied. The units can be people, cases, and pieces of data, so for our proposal the unit being studied is the underage teenagers who drink while in high school. During this proposal the uses of descriptive statistics have been used. Descriptive statistics is the term given to the analysis of the data that ultimately helps explain, or summarize the...
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