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Methods Paper


Submitted By rankins351
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Pages 5
Methods Paper
Professor Corey Vigdor
June 15, 2015

Methods Paper

The average American is addicted to something, drinking, smoking, drug abuse, sex, porn, etc. Our proposal is the effect of underage drinking. To start it off people drink to socialize, celebrate and even relax. Alcohol is a big consumer in the United States and it has a different effect on different people varying throughout history. In high school, the vast majority of the teenagers are always looking to try new things. Among the new things has come alcohol, after all they always want to do something that they can’t or aren’t supposed to do. Taking a deeper look into the effect alcohol has on underage teenagers in high school, it has changed their academic achievement, as well as an increased teen dropout rate.
Sampling is an important component to any piece of research because it has a significant impact on the quality of the results. The type of sampling being used is population; this is different in research then compared to how we consider the population under normal circumstances. In sampling, population signifies the units that are being studied. The units can be people, cases, and pieces of data, so for our proposal the unit being studied is the underage teenagers who drink while in high school.
During this proposal the uses of descriptive statistics have been used. Descriptive statistics is the term given to the analysis of the data that ultimately helps explain, or summarize the meaning of the data. Descriptive statistic do not however, allow us to make conclusions beyond data that has been analyzed or reach conclusions to any particular hypothesis, it is merely a description of data. The data taken from this analysis is from one population, high school teenagers with issues dealing with underage drinking. During this research, we hope to receive results that will support our hypothesis. “According to the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and health, 35.1 percent of 15 year olds report that they have had at least one drink in their lives, and about 8.7 million people between the ages of 12-20 reported drinking alcohol in the past month” (National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, n.d.).

Our research involves the relationship between teenagers that have used alcohol on various occasions. The focus and goal is to find out why teenagers felt the need to use a restricted and illegal when underage substance. Underage drinking is when anyone under the minimum legal drinking age of 21 drinks alcohol. This is a risk that attracts so many developing adolescents and teens. What they don’t realize is when they try alcohol; there are damaging effects that can be left on their lives, their families and even their communities. The younger the person was to being a teen and drinking we feared that it would be advantageous on their memory. Memory is a very important thing in our lives and for the research it means being exact. Avoiding any possible bias or random errors, we had to ask questions that would allow us to elude circumstances that could trigger memories that could ultimately affect the participant’s answers. “According to the 2013 NSDUH, approximately 5.4 million people from ages of 12-20 engage in binge drinking and about 1.4 million people from ages 12-20 engage in heavy drinking” (National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, n.d.).
The study done on underage drinking could become very important because it could analyze the behavior of the youth in the U.S. This knowledge could sway the decision of public officials and which laws are effective and which are not. The point is to figure out what influences youth and what deters youth, politicians and political scientist can pinpoint how to define the laws and regulations. This could ultimately reduce crime rates, reduce illegal activities, and increase graduation rate and increase academic success.
The variables in an experiment under the scientific method are the factors that are being tested. There are three types of variables independent (I.V.), Dependent (D.V.) and controlled variable. The independent variable is the change that is happening that is directly caused by the experimenter, and the dependent variable is the changes that are occurring because of the independent variables. Lastly, we have the controlled variable which is something that can influence the dependent variable. Controlled variables must always be closely monitored and kept equal in the experiment otherwise they could mess up the experiment by making the results false or unreliable. We manipulate the I.V.s to see their change in relationship to the D.V. So in our experiment we are testing the effects of drinking on a number of student and their academic achievement and dropout rate. The dependent variable is the decrease in academic achievement and dropout rate of underage drinkers (because that’s the measurable element that is being tested), the independent variable is how much the student drinks (because the experimenter is able to change this factor to see its effect on the D.V.) how long they have been drinking, how much they drink, etc. The controlled variable would be adding underage drinkers that come from a family of drinkers compared to drinkers that do not.
Alcohol has been considered the most frequently drug used by teenagers in the United States. Statistics regarding those teens that use alcohol are junior high school and senior high school students, and is believed that they drink alcohol on a weekly and monthly basis, and that at least14% of teens have experienced being intoxicated at least once in the past year.
The risks of underage drinking have always been vastly stated and include death, serious injuries, impaired judgement, increased risk for physical and sexual assault as well as brain development problems all over the United States. We may never be able to research enough to find out what causes underage drinking. We may research now and years to come, however being proactive in keeping up the fight to encourage not only our own teenagers not to drink, but to be an advocate for other teenagers. If we can reach out and prevent one teenager from drinking underage, we may have just created a domino effect that will trickle down to others, as well as save some lives.


National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (n.d.). Underage Drinking. Retrieved from

Medicine (1996-2015). Retrieved from

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