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Scientific Method and Steps in Scientific Inquiry Paper


Submitted By moreed35
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Pages 5
Scientific Method and Steps in Scientific Inquiry Paper
Monique Reed
February 22, 2015
Dora Baker

Scientific Method and Steps in Scientific Inquiry Paper
In this paper in will provide details on how scientific methods can be used in the Human services. Explaining the steps of scientific methods, and how it serves as an important key to Human services professionals. Each steps will be included on how they are define and what purpose it serves will scientific methods are applied. Human services professionals use the scientific methods to gain information on the client as well as how to approach the clients issues. Also researching other resources to meet the needs of the client to ensure the client is receiving accurate help.
Scientific Method
Scientific method is a method that used to research and study that involves investigation and evaluation of present or future problems. Scientific method helps with produce the right answers to questions that cannot be answered with common sense alone. Researchers can use scientific methods to exploit all the facts, evidence, opinions, and records to find the right plan. As a Human service professional using scientific method can help with identifying the solution of the client’s problem and finding a resolution to ensure it will help to rebuild the client’s life. No matter field an individual is in when it concerns Human services, research will always be needed to ensure self-thoughts, bias, and ones on solution is not used. The high level of individuals whom are homeless, abused, jobless, and have health issues will need a full research to assist with sending them in the right direction. The unanswered question to the client’s issues can be resolve effectively if the right research is conducted.
The steps in scientific methods
The steps in the scientific method includes six steps according to the text

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