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Believing Is Seeing Analysis

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According to Staniszewski, in her article “Believing is seeing”, all art before the past two hundred years is not art. She says that everything, what was made in ancient times, is allocated by our culture and turned into art. I do not agree with her argument because there are many proofs that art in ancient times existed. Also, she says that art is what we can see in galleries, museums and exhibitions. People in ancient periods did not have many chances to present and demonstrate their works to general public therefore some artworks were found as an art only nowadays. Art is an integral part of the life of every state, city, people and me. The word "art" has many definitions, characteristics and features, but each person imagines it in one’s own way. In my opinion, the art - it is a figurative representation of reality, the main goal of which is the communion of man to the beautiful, sensual, interesting and beautiful, sometimes even to the inexplicable and contradictory. I think that movie, painting, architecture and other arts should cause a variety of emotions, feelings and thoughts in the soul and mind of man. Undoubtedly, the same work of art can cause completely opposite feelings in the souls of men. Art is cognition of the cultural and spiritual world; it is the expression of …show more content…
It is spiritual harmony, admiration and even imitation. Art shows us how a man can reveal. It also helps me to understand my thoughts, feelings and mind. Pictures, music, theater, books, films give me incomparable joy and satisfaction. Each person chooses for the soul that is most closely, which makes the soil of his mind therefore everyone has his own tastes and preferences. Art is one of the ways that people can show their creativity. Since ancient times, art has played a very important role. In all ages and cultures, people wanted to create

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