... 2 Minority Disabled Veteran population are the Veterans that have been identified by their ethnic background. These Veterans are men and women that are African Americans, Asian American/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Native American/ Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian. The United States census bureau facts and statistics regarding United States Veterans, in 2008 reported that there were 2.3 million African American Veteran s, 1.1 million were Hispanic, 276,000 Asian; 160,000 American Indian or Alaska Native; 27, 000 were native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. It has been predicted by the Department of Veteran Affairs that it is expected to see 25 percent of the living Veteran population will be minorities by the year 2021. The Veterans Administration has been experiencing an increase of disability claims since the fiscal year of 2011. In 2011, 1 million Disability Compensation and Pension benefits that Veterans were already receiving benefits. There are both physical disabilities and mental health disabilities that affect the United States Veteran population. Since there is a large amount of minority Veterans and at one point of time a lot of these Veterans were not receiving benefits that they were entitled to, due to lack of knowledge of the benefits available, language barriers, and discrimination. The Center of Minority Veterans (CMV) helps the Department of Veterans Affairs to ensure that all Veterans receive equal...
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...VETERANS BENEFITS TIMETABLE Information for Veterans Recently Separated from Active Military Service BENEFITS AND SERVICES Disability Compensation: VA pays monthly compensation to veterans for disabilities incurred or aggravated during military service. This benefit is not subject to Federal or State income tax. Entitlement is established from the date of separation if the claim is filed within one year from separation. Generally, military retirement pay is reduced by any VA compensation received. Income from Special Separation Benefits (SSB) and Voluntary Separation Incentives (VSI) affects the amount of VA compensation paid. Disability Pension: This income-based benefit is paid to veterans with honorable war-time service who are permanently and totally disabled due to nonservice-connected disabilities or who are 65 or older. Medical: VA provides a wide range of health care services to veterans including treatment for military sexual trauma, and for conditions possibly related to exposure to Agent Orange, ionizing radiation, and other environmental hazards in the Persian Gulf. Generally, veterans must be enrolled in VA’s Health Care System to receive care. If discharged from active duty on or after January 28, 2003 If discharged from active duty before January 28, 2003, and were not enrolled as of January 28, 2008 TIME LIMIT WHERE TO APPLY None Any VA office or call 1-800-827-1000 or file at www.va.gov None None Combat Veterans: VA provides free health care for...
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...| Writing Assignment (Part 2): Outline and Preliminary List of References | Christina WinfreyProfessor: Beth StewartIntro to Sociology 100 | | | 1. “Veterans with a college degree are more hirable than Veterans who don’t have a college degree, should this be fair?” Specific Hypothesis. 2. The Concept of Veterans who have fought in war, whether recent or past wars, shows that because of this, hiring a veteran should not just be based on college preference. 3. Homeless Veterans: In past wars, Veterans during those times did not have access to majority of the benefits that are available to Veterans today. Theory A a. What resources are available today for Veterans that were not available to Veterans from past wars? Concept 1 b. How can resources that are available to Veterans be useful to them? Concept 2 4. If there were a way to inform Veterans of the benefits that they could use, what would be the best way to inform them? Implications for public policy 5. Although education is an important factor when hiring an individual, I personally feel that a veteran should be considered for a specific position, if there experience from the military meets the requirements for that job. Education 6. All Employers or agencies should have a Veterans preference program. Implications for employers 7. Evidence. Many soldiers have lost their lives fighting in war for our country and those who have been injured do not...
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...Accessibility of Educational Financial Aid to Veterans Miramar College Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 3 Literature Review 4 Veterans’ knowledge about financial aid benefits 4 TAP program 4 Methods 5 Results 6 Discussion 8 Conclusion 10 References 11 Abstract Accessing hard-earned educational benefits is a common option for veterans that are newly separating from their active duty military service. While the GI Bill is a widely known financial aid option for veterans, there are many other financial opportunities that veteran students can use in order to pay for college and have a living allowance. However, a significant proportion of veterans is not aware of these options. The goal of this study was to support the claim that veterans need to be better educated about financial aid options for their education. Accessibility of Educational Financial Aid to Veterans Introduction Navigating financial aid in universities is a complicated process for anyone who is first introduced to the environment and for those who are returning back to school after taking a short break or after several years. There are numerous requirements and procedures before one can secure a form of financial aid to pay for his/her tuition and possibly living expenses. There are various types of aid available to students, depending on their financial situation, family status, tax filing status, income, number of units in school, and so on. Further, the process...
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...Many efforts have been made to address suicide prevention in the veteran population. Finally, in 2007 the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Department of Veteran’s Affairs united forces to introduce the Veteran Crisis Line. This national hotline is available 24 hours/7 days a week and is open to veterans, their families, and friends. Every call is attended by a well-trained specialist that provides emergency services for individuals that are currently contemplating suicide. Most of the suicide prevention responders are veterans themselves, this facilitates the communication with those in crisis and enhances the comprehension of the challenging circumstances they face. Early detection is heavily dependent...
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...1120 Dr. Soto-Schwartz 15 October 2015 Veterans Affairs Helps Homeless Veterans Veterans Affairs is taking decisive action to end Veteran homelessness in five years. All Veterans at risk for homelessness or attempting to exit homelessness must have easy access to programs and services including prevention, housing support, treatment, employment and job training. Veterans Affairs programs and services aim to help homeless Veterans live as self-sufficiently and independently as possible. Veterans Affairs offer outreach, clinical assessment and referral to medical treatment, employment assistance, and supported permanent housing. One-third of adult homeless men and nearly one-quarter of all homeless adults have served in the armed forces. While there is no true measure of the number of homeless veterans, it has been estimated that fewer than 200,000 veterans may be homeless on any given night and that twice as many veterans experience homelessness during a year. Many other veterans are considered at risk because of poverty, lack of support from family and friends and precarious living conditions in overcrowded or substandard housing. Ninety-seven percent of homeless veterans are male and the vast majority are single. About half of all homeless veterans suffer from mental illness and more than two-thirds suffer from alcohol or drug abuse problems. Nearly 40 percent have both psychiatric and substance abuse disorders. The Department of Veterans Affairs is the only federal agency that...
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...Homeless Veterans Homeless Veterans, we see them everywhere and we always want to stop and donate but we never have time or no money ourselves. Should we spare a penny or two for them? The homeless veterans you see on the street did a favor for us by serving for our country and we should thank them and take two seconds out of our day to spare a few cents to make their day better. Homeless Veterans are common all around the United States. The percentage of homeless veterans go up when you're in a big city but have you thought of the percentage of homeless people in small towns. You seem them on street corners with their cardboard sign asking for help you look over and see them standing there. Take a second to help them. Even if it's a quarter it could make a...
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...taking over the place of the newspaper. People are now depending on the Internet for their sources instead of the newspapers. The competition-deflecting effects of printing cost got destroyed by the Internet. The newspaper people often note that newspapers benefit society as a whole, but it is getting so expensive to keep newspapers running. The imperatives to strengthen journalism and to strengthen newspapers have been so tightly wound as to be indistinguishable. They are trying to find ways to strengthen the ways of newspapers. "Save newspapers" to "save society" is the big issue of this article. The other issue is to keep the newspapers from becoming extinct. The other article that I read about was the Veterans Administration health care not being readily available in rural areas. The issues of this article were the increased efforts to improve the care that is available for rural veterans. Also anther issue for the veterans was the long distances it is a huge problem for most of them. Long distances and restrictive rules have become an issue for the veterans and they have also become very obstacles to health care for many of them. Rural veterans have other problems with this also. The health care needs of rural veterans and managing the money for expanding care. In addition, oversight of rural health care programs was ineffective. There are so many issues with their heath care needs they are trying to fix them. What are the stated and unstated premises? The stated...
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...released from whichever military branch they had been serving, they were then left to figure out what steps to take next, with little or no help. Where do they go to get medical care? What benefits do I get on the outside? Who can I talk to about my benefits? I it would be scary to have all your essentials provided for you to not knowing if or when your next paycheck will come if you were seriously injured while serving in the military. The VA Northern Indiana Health Care System (VANIHCS) instituted a Seamless Transition Program that assisted returning OEF soldiers “transition” back to civilian life. Prior to the implementation of this program, facilities weren’t capable of handling the influx of veterans. There were so many US Military who went over to Iraq and Afghanistan that are now in need of care from the VA Health System. The Seamless Transition Program has now expanded to include Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation New Dawn (OND). Veterans are offered assistance in a variety ways from filing for Compensation and Pension benefits to finding employment to evaluation and treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Returning soldiers now have access to a counselor that can answer question about what benefits are available and veterans move through the system faster and with less stress. The Seamless Transition Program has allowed VANIHCS to better handle the influx of returning soldiers from...
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...Lack of Support for Soldiers with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Soldiers in the war are subjected to many violent and traumatic events which can affect a person internally and emotionally without being noticed for a period of time. This is called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is a common disorder found in soldiers in the United States military who have been to war. PTSD can cause many health and social issues. In order to help soldiers cope with PTSD and lead normal lives the government should focus more the counseling programs available for soldiers once they return from war. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is “the psychiatric diagnosis now given to a set of reactive symptoms that results from experiencing a traumatic event or a series of such events” (Nidiffer and Leach 1). During The Revolutionary War the soldiers began showing signs of emotional stress and started to refuse to fight. By doing so the soldiers have been viewed as cowards and were treated as though they were deserters of the military. Most of these soldiers were discharged due psychiatric problems, so rather than getting them help they just sent the soldiers back to civilian life. However, “by the end of the war Benjamin Rush, a physician of the period, became among the first to suggest that rehabilitation in some form would be better than mere punishment…Rush’s efforts to understand mental disorders and to promote humane treatment for those patients suffering from it set the foundation...
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...NAME: Evaunder Grooms THESIS: Many Veterans benefits are insufficient. The reasons I believe that the benefits are insufficient are many Veterans have a lack of documentation, because they do not go to the doctor for all of their injuries. Some veterans believe that going to the doctor will make them look weak. Congress has a backlog on pending claims, and some Veterans are hurt mentally and physically, and they need their benefits. BACKGROUND: I expect to cover some of the reasons why many veterans do not get their benefits. They do not have documentation of all of their injuries. Congress has a backlog on pending claims, and veterans deserve their benefits. I also will cover the caregivers getting training, “Veterans Affair will increase mental health issues”, and “Amputee veteran sues over botched surgery”. OBJECTIVE: Making sure that veterans who have insufficient benefits are aware of the benefits available. SUPPORTING POINTS: 1. A Veterans aren’t getting their paperwork documented. B Veterans don’t keep up with their medical records. C Veterans believes that going to the doctor makes them look weak. 2. A Congress has a back log on pending claims. B There are too many veterans who have some missing files from their entire packets. C Incomplete veterans’ files are lacking signatures from higher officials. 3. A Caregivers getting health training B Veterans Affair will increase mental health...
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...“Access to Appropriate Immunizations for Veterans Act of 2011” that proposes that the government should make all vaccinations suggested by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices available to all veterans in a timely manner as suggested on their immunization schedule. It also proposes that the Secretary of Health and Human Services will be responsible for setting and monitoring goals for compliance of the new program. The following is an evaluation of this bill and subsequent recommendation of whether or not it should be enacted. In order to evaluate this bill, we must take into account the economic impact that it will have on the country. Using the adult immunization schedule as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Vaccine Price List also by the CDC, the initial cost of vaccines would be $85.48/person for normal healthy adults and a maximum of $113.21/person for high risk adults needing additional immunizations (CDC, 2011c; CDC, 2011a, p. 2). According to the National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics (NCVAS), as of September 20, 2010, there were 22.7 million veterans (2010). If you calculate this, the total cost of initial immunizations would be $1.94-$2.57 billion. According to the National Business Group on Health (NBGH), the lifetime cost of adult immunizations is between $380 and $480 per adult (Lindley & Bhatt, 2006, p. 5). Calculating this for the 22.7 million veterans, the cost of immunizations would be approximately...
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...HEIRARCHY OF CARE Contracts 6 6 HEIRARCHY OF CARE Fee 7 7 How does NVCC work? Scenario 1: Veteran comes in for appointment and primary care provider (PCP) requests consult (authorized). Consult is received and authorized by Non VA Care Coordination team. Scenario 2: Veteran goes to ED. Required to notify the VA within 72 hours (unauthorized). Claim is received and processed by Non VA Care Coordination team. Requirements: Claim needs to be clinically AND administratively meet criteria. 8 PROGRAMS 9 Outpatient Medical Non-VA Hospital Unauthorized Claims Mill Bill Last update: January 22, 2008 9 PREAUTHORIZED OUTPATIENT When VA facilities are not capable of furnishing care we may authorize care for: – – – – 10 A service-connected disability A disability for which a veteran was discharged from active duty Any disability of a veteran rated Permanently and Totally ( P&T) An adjunct condition PREAUTHORIZED OUTPATIENT Continued… – – – – 11 Any disability of a veteran in Vocational Rehabilitation Any disability for a veteran rated at 50 percent or more A veteran of World War I A veteran who is in receipt of Aid and Attendance (A&A) and/or house bound benefits PREAUTHORIZED OUTPATIENT Continued… – 12 Any disability of a veteran who has previously...
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...reports, articles, movies, and other information made available to the public about post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD). The military have their own community of trained professionals that gives support during time being served in the military. Upon discharge there are some resources available but the ease of access is a challenge. Once a veteran has seen combat and is ready for discharge they are not given additional monitoring or treatment once they enter civilian life. It is left up to the individual to recognize they need mental support. Most of these veterans do not seek such assistance. Instead they consider this the norm and go on with their lives as they suffer in silence. The news is filled with reports of Veteran Administration systemic problems with their health care facilities and the ability to take care of combat veterans. The VA Secretary Eric Shinseki is getting increasing pressures from congress and the public regarding the faults of the system. The ability of the system to take of a veteran is poor. The PTSD patient warriors of current wars like Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from the inability to receive proper care. (Landen, 2014) Reports are finding problems in the VA system with improper scheduling of patients, and excessive waiting times. “1 in every 5 veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan have PTSD. Half on those veterans never seek treatment.” (Liebert & Williams , 2013 p. 227) Many veterans of today have untold stories of the past that they...
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...the Texas Veterans Commission that is housed in the Texas Workforce. The person interviewed was Jeanette Thomas a Veterans’ Representative for the Texas Workforce Commission. The Texas Veterans Commission was created in 1927 as the state Service Office to help veterans of the Indian wars, Spanish-American War and World War I. The mission is to act as the state appointed advocate for Texas veterans and their families as they try to secure the benefits that they have earned in exchange for the service that they have given our nation through the armed forces. The agency assists veterans and disabled veterans’ that have served in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps.The agency has many various ways to assist veterans. • Employment Services, is one main focus of the agency. After the veterans are discharged from the armed forces they sometimes require help to attain employment. The agency provides assistance with finding Veteran job applicants. The goal of these services is to match Veteran job seekers with the greatest employment opportunities available. Currently there are more than 190 Texas Veterans Commission Employment representatives that provide a wide range of services. These representatives are located in 75 cities in Texas and assist with one-on-one assistance with resume writing, interviewing skills job applications and job searches. The commission also provides intense services for disabled veterans and veterans with barriers...
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