...Hinduism is the world’s oldest living major religion and is comprised of around one billion followers, making it the world’s third largest religion behind Christianity and Muslim. It is practiced predominantly in the Indian sub-continent where it originated. What makes Hinduism so different from other major religions is that it has no single founder and is a mixture of religious, philosophical, and cultural ideas. Hinduism can be considered more of a way of life than an actual religious belief system as we know it in the West. Hinduism is a complex and diverse religion. There is a huge variety of traditions ranging from small groups to large religious movements consisting of millions of followers. Hinduism allows for an unrestricted freedom to believe and worship whatever on desires and allows for separation of a distinct set of beliefs. Another factor that makes Hinduism different from other religions is its concept of god or gods. The concept of God completely depends on the individual, one may practice monotheism, polytheism, or even henotheistic. Some may believe that there are millions of gods while others are devoted to a single god but accept the fact that there are other gods. Although there may be many gods, most Hindus believe there is one supreme creator and that is Brahman. Brahman is an entity believed to inhabit every portion of reality, dimension, and existence throughout the entire world and universe. There are numerous different sects in Hinduism and they...
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...gain a better insight, the following needs to be addressed: 1. Analysis of current performance and financial situation 2. Understanding of internal and external factors 3. Examine the strategic objectives There are many challenges and opporutnities within this industry. With the right strategies and marketing techniques, Lululemon will be profitable and sustain a competitive advantage. Introduction Overview of the industry Dennis "Chip" Wilson founded Lululemon Athletica (also known as "lululemon" or "lulu") in 1998 in response to increased female participation in sports and in accordance with his belief in yoga as the optimal way to maintain athletic excellence into an advanced age. The first Lululemon store shared retail space with a yoga studio. They’ve been growing ever since, and their technical yoga and run clothes are now available in countries all...
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...used in place of conventional medicines and medical practices (p. 491). Two examples of complementary medicinal practices include combining acupuncture treatments with prescription medication to reduce chronic pain and combining vitamin C supplements with antibiotics to boost immunity and rid the body of infection. When used correctly, complementary medicinal practices may offer a more integrative approach to healing (The Healing Benefits, 2015). According to the article “The Healing Benefits of Complimentary Medicine,” these practices are often used in conjunction with cancer patients to help ease the side effects that come from aggressive chemo and radiation therapy (The Healing Benefits, 2015). Some side effects that complimentary medicine works to combat include pain, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. Some complementary practices that doctors use in conjunction with chemo and radiation therapies are chiropractic therapy, massage, music therapy, aromatherapy, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, yoga, and tai chi (The Healing Benefits, 2015). According to the article, studies show that complementary medicine may help ease the physical and emotional symptoms in some people. When combined with traditional medicinal...
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...| CURRICULUM VITAE MEER ARIF AL Mousomi R/A .Road:2 .House:9. Flat –c Nayabazar.Halisahar.Chittagong : +8801854492204,01716061928 e - :meerarifali212@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- CAREER OBJECTIVES To gain greater insight into the field of Human Resource Management (HRM) by way of exposure to real work atmosphere in a well established organization. Also, to seek a challenging career in the field of human resources and to share my abilities towards individual, organizational and societal benefits which will add value both to me and to the company. ------------------------------------------------- AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION * Human Resource * Marketing ------------------------------------------------- ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION Education Detail | | Exam Title | Concentration/Major | Institute Name | Result | Passing Year | Achievement | S . S. C H.S.C : BBA[FINAL SEMEST]Attempting The Term Paper | Business StudiesBusiness StudiesHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT | Postarpar boyz heigh school.ctgB.A.F sahin college Premier University,Chittagong | | 200620082015 | ----25% SCOLARSHIP IN 1-4SEMISTER | ------------------------------------------------- PROJECTS ( DURING GRADUATION) SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROJECT New Hire...
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... Tamika Dixon COM/155 Two methods of losing weight Weight loss is an issue perpetually on many people's minds most people would like to be slim and toned in reality it is much easier to gain weight than to lose it. People should devote the effort necessary to reduce their weight to the recommended levels the benefits of doing so are less risk for developing life- threatening illnesses and psychological consequences of low self-esteem and anxiety. Eating the healthy way and exercising are the two most efficient and healthy ways to lose weight. Dieting and exercising are both effective at helping an individual achieve weight loss goals. Each has its benefits over the other a combination of consistent exercise and healthy eating is the key to achieving optimal health. In the past being obese was not really a factor because people worked hard and barely had food to eat and in the process the calories that were consumed were burned off and not retained as fat. In today's times, the body has adapted to thinking that it is rewarding and natural to eat a lot of food because it is available and so easy to access. According to(.ph. D. Harry Mills and his online article titled Introduction to Weight Loss...
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...Co-curricular Activities: Meaning, Definition, Examples, Importance, Benefits July 11, 2012 Education Co-curricular activities facilitate in the development of various domains of mind and personality such as intellectual development, emotional development, social development, moral development and aesthetic development. Creativity, Enthusiasm, and Energetic, Positive thinking are some of the facets of personality development and the outcomes of Extracurricular activities. Meaning of Co-curricular Activities Co-curricular activities (CCAs) earlier known as Extracurricular Activities (ECA) are the components of non-academic curriculum helps to develop various facets of the personality development of the child and students. For all-round development of the child, there is a need of emotional, physical, spiritual and moral development that is complemented and supplemented by Co-curricular Activities. Definition of Co-curricular Activities Co-curricular Activities are defined as the activities that enable to supplement and complement the curricular or main syllabi activities. These are the very important part and parcel of educational institutions to develop the students’ personality as well as to strengthen the classroom learning. These activities are organized after the school hours, so known as extra-curricular activities. Co-curricular Activities have wide horizon to cater to the cultural, social, aesthetic development of the child. Examples and Types of Co-curricular...
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...1. How would Ann Fudge fall into each of the Five Factor Model (FFM) categories? Classically the key pillars of Five Factor Model are: Openness to Experience Dependability Surgency Agreeableness Adjustment Openness to experience: Ann Fudge’s journey over the ladder of corporate success including her two year sabbatical clearly cites the example of her welcoming attitude towards newer avenues and their integration in routine business. Her effort towards focusing on the creative aspect of her team members is distinctively suggestive of her inventive trait. Dependability: This category is outwardly portrayed by Ann Fudge’s self defined four lessons she offers to other leaders. All her lessons reflect evidently of her commitment towards her work and the people she works with. It also displays her to be an efficient organizer who is moving from her known strength to strength towards a well defined goal. Surgency: Ann Fudge’s two year break and different activities she pursued during these years including travelling, writing etc. projects her to be a dynamic and outgoing individual. Her decision to be back to work after the two year long break suggests that her primary interest is her work and it was the energy she gathered from the break which is being used so wisely by her enabling her reach new heights of success. Agreeableness: Ann Fudge’s former boss Bob Eckert by saying that she is at ease with conversation from consumers till employees clearly...
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...to Asia or Eastern Europe.( see ch 5) 3 page 6. Discuss IT outsourcing options for MM.( see ch 7) 3 page 7. Develop conclusions and recommendations 1page 8. References(APA) 9. Appendices (if needed) * Check the format of writing(APA) This is the example of other case- you can follow the format 1. Executive Summary Canyon Ranch is deciding whether or not to pursue a more IT oriented strategy. The value of customer information to them is provide access to timely, and accurate customer information, find sponsorships, strategic alliances, and other hidden opportunities and to offer customizable and effective services. If we were CIO we would make the case for a CRM and BI system by clearly laying out the benefits these two systems would provide to Canyon Ranch and show how they would help us build a sustainable competitive advantage. We would anticipate these systems to have an effect on business strategy by providing better decision making and more effective customer relationship management. Our advice to Canyon Ranch executives...
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...consequences are reasonable prices, an environment that appeals to all ages that are looking for different experiences, and convenience regarding the location. College age students enjoy the extensive food menu (attribute) that may provide the benefit of more price sensitive options (consequence) that allow them to have a good time without hurting their wallet (value). Young adults are able to take their children to the Tavern to enjoy a good meal and also have a wide selection of entrees to choose from (attribute) that allows them to be with their children during the dinner hour (consequence) and stay close to home and school and get a good meal for an affordable price (value). Older adults enjoy the option of bar area or quiet dining room (attribute) which provides them with the option of a casual dinner and drink or fancy dinner date (consequence) which allows them to enjoy this new restaurant conveniently located on this side of town (value). b. Customer Profiles Customer Profile #1 AMANDA Amanda is a 22-year-old Junior at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Amanda was a volleyball player in high school and received a scholarship to attend UMD where she has continued with her volleyball career, while also pursuing a Marketing degree. Amanda wants to work in Marketing, she’s not sure what she wants to do yet; but she does know she wants to experience the world and do a lot of traveling. Although her parents don’t agree, and she does everything she...
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...2014 Trends Report Top 10 Global Spa and Wellness Trends Forecast 2014 Trends Report Top 10 Global Spa and Wellness Trends Forecast This is our 11th annual Trends Forecast, and I have never been more excited about the spa and wellness industry. So many of the trends we predicted over the past decade are now coming to fruition…helping businesses thrive and helping people live more healthfully every day. At the same time, we are seeing new, provocative ideas that will have a dramatic impact around the globe. The 2014 trends reflect an industry that is reimagining core elements of spa and wellness and exploring brave, new directions. It is gratifying to see a healthy dose of healthy travel in several of the trends; bold new ideas in mainstays like aromatherapy and hot springs take hold; and the development of new models for classic destination spas. It is also rewarding to watch trends in technology, beauty and fitness shape how we will live (and look)—and even take note of how the industry will help people address dying, illness and major life changes. And finally, there is a trend we forecasted in 2013 that continues to capture our imagination: mindfulness. We feel strongly that it is important to watch how this is evolving, and you’ll see a short synopsis of this “über trend” in the report. Spafinder Wellness 365™’s Trends Forecast reports on what is happening in our industry, but we also strive to present a true forecast of what lies ahead. Some ideas are still on...
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...Optimal Living for Optimal Work Performance Cory T. Flanigan The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Increasing capital is the cornerstone of every business. This successful foundation is directly dictated by employees’ performance, within the company. Significant contributions from an effectively working staff will ensure the prosperity of the company’s future. It can be challenging to supply employees with the appropriate tools that are necessary to continue successful performances and ensure a profitable company. The question that is often presented, what is the best approach for setting up employees for consistent successful performance? By enabling workers to make strong and steady contributions, it guarantees companies a chance to become more profitable. Much research shows a high correlation between one variable and the prosperity companies’ covet significantly more than other factors. That catalytic variable is optimal living. Optimal living is established by successfully embracing a healthy balance in all aspects of one’s life and implementing lifestyle adaptations to ensure this elevated level of wellness moving forward. Healthy living habits include: adequate rest, censoring stress, preserving quality social relationships, regular exercise, and quality nutrition. These behaviors synergistically working together will improve employees’ quality of life, as well as the quality of their work. The following are proven strategies from peer-reviewed...
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...The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Introduction, Commentaries, and Translation What are the Yoga Sutras and who is Patanjali? Over fifty different English translations of the Yoga Sutras are extant, standing as a human testament to how Universal Truth is celebrated in terms of a rich diversity. Rather than the common and external type of knowledge (emanating from book knowledge), the following translation and commentary are a result of an intimate familiarity and direct experience both with an authentic yogic tradition and with western culture, psychology, and language that has been refined, tested in fire, and integrated for over thirty five years of intense practice (sadhana). This work is dedicated toward revealing the universal message of authentic yoga that the sage, Patanjali, first wrote down approximately 2000 years ago. Patanjali is not the inventor of yoga, but rather yoga's most popularly known scribe. What has become known simply as the "Yoga Sutras" (sutra means thread) or almost equally as common, as the "Yoga Darshana" (the vision of Yoga), is actually a compendium of an ancient pre-existing oral yoga tradition consisting of both practical advice and theoretical context. The most accepted format of the Yoga Sutras consists of four chapters (called padas) written in the Sanskrit language approximately 2000 years ago in Northern India while utilizing the terminology of the time, i.e., Samkhya philosophical trappings. The dates ascribed to the Yoga Sutras...
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...VIZAG STEEL The Visakhapatnam Steel Plant was designed way back in late 1960s but by the time its chief Consultants - MN Dastur & Company's - report and revised reports were accepted in 1984 to start construction, it had become the most expensive steel plant ever to be constructed, deisigned to produce about 3 million tonnes (Mt) of processed steel per year. Its efficiency model was designed after the Pohang Steel Plant in Korea. The Visakhapatnam Steel Plant is the first ever shore- based steel plant in India, and outside the traditional coal belts of Dhanbad–Jamshedpur areas.Vizag Steel, also known as Visakhapatnam Steel Plant steel company based in the outskirts of Visakhapatnam, India. Its main plant is located 26 kilometers from Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, it is among India's premier steel mills. It has also been conferred the Mini Ratna status. Its vision - Infrastructuring India. Vizag Steel bagged the first prize in Energy Conservation constituted by Ministry Of Power, Government Of India, consecutively for the last two years primarily due to its focus on energy conservation, cost reduction and waste utilization. Vizag Steel Plant today is among the lowest cost steel producers in the world. The Visakhapatnam Steel Plant has been awarded the Safety Innovation Award - 2006 by the Institution Of Engineers for its "outstanding contributions in the field and adoption of the best and the most innovative safety practices". The plant was awarded the Prime Minister's...
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.......................................6 1.3 STRENGTHS AND CORE COMPETENCIES:..................................................................................................6 1.4 CHALLENGES:..............................................................................................................................6 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................7 SERVICES OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................9 3.1 SERVICES:..................................................................................................................................9 3.2 BENEFITS AND FEATURES:................................................................................................................9 3.3 WHY PEOPLE NEED THIS SERVICE?........................................................................................................9 MARKETING...
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.......................................6 1.3 STRENGTHS AND CORE COMPETENCIES:..................................................................................................6 1.4 CHALLENGES:..............................................................................................................................6 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................7 SERVICES OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................9 3.1 SERVICES:..................................................................................................................................9 3.2 BENEFITS AND FEATURES:................................................................................................................9 3.3 WHY PEOPLE NEED THIS SERVICE?........................................................................................................9 MARKETING...
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