...food for this ever growing world?” This complex and global question can be answered in three words, genetically modified organisms. Also known as GMOs, such organisms have the power to positively influence society in many ways. Genetically engineered crops have a positive effect on society because they are safe to consume, they benefit the economy, and they give farmers the ability to produce more with less land. Biology researchers define GMOs as “an organism...
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...AgBioForum – Volume 3, Number 1 – 2000 – Pages 53-57 LABELING POLICY FOR GMOS: TO EACH HIS OWN?1 Julie A. Caswell1 GMO labeling policy for foods is under intense development. Countries are choosing mandatory labeling or adherence to voluntary labeling. Challenges to mandatory labeling are unlikely to be successful under current World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. Marketers and trade negotiators should recognize this and move toward living with diversity in labeling policy. Keywords: GMOs; biotechnology; labeling policy; trade disputes. We are at another important crossroads on the path that will determine the market acceptance of foods produced with the use of biotechnology. Individual governments are managing a range of policies that affect biotechnology, including those on research and development, intellectual property rights, regulatory approval (safety assessment), and labeling requirements. They are taking divergent policy paths that make for market uncertainty. At the same time, companies are announcing their intentions regarding the use or non-use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their products. These intentions make the market less uncertain for sales to those companies but raise the stakes in predicting the choices of other companies. Labeling policy for food products is currently under intense development in several countries. What are the basic requirements for such labeling programs and what policies are countries adopting? What ...
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...Benefits of Genetically Modified Crops Genetically modified crops (GMOs) have been around for a long time. The first time the world was introduced to this world changing form of crop was in 1986. This is when a GMO for of tobacco was tested in Belgium. Not far after, in 1987, the first GMOs were introduced to the United States. The two GMOs that were introduced were tobacco as well as tomatoes. In 1992 the FDA declared the altered crops "not inherently dangerous", so they don’t need special regulations (1). The list of benefits that follow suit with GMO not only help the farmer but also the consumer. GMO crops are known to produce bigger yields. This allows the farmer to get more efficient use out of his land. Iowa State University observed 377 fields that grew Bt corn (GM) and non-GM corn. The fields with GM seeds yielded 160.4 bushels corn per field, while crops grown from fields of non-GM seeds yielded 147.7 bushels of corn per field (2). Genetically modified crops are also known to have better texture flavor, and nutritional value compared to non-GMO crops. For example, in Asia, many people suffer from the lack of many key vitamins. One of those is vitamin A. The majority people cant afford to eat properly, so scientists created a GMO version of rice to help supply the people with this vitamin they were missing. They took a gene from a carrot and implemented it into the common white rice, thus creating golden rice. It is a cheap way for the people of Asia to get vitamin...
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...proponents of GMO labeling believe, GMOs actually bring with them many benefits, some of which are already being seen. With the increase of genetically modified corn and soybeans in the united states, the amount of chemical usage has been greatly reduced, and farmers have made more money because they don’t have to buy pesticides (Lusk and Miller 2). GMOs also have promising benefits for solving the problems of the future. Out of the 7.5 billion people in the world today, nearly 1 billion are starving. The number of starving people is estimated to increase to an amount of 10 billion by 2050 (Mosely 578). The United Nations estimates that in 2050, the world will need to have increased its food production by 70% to keep up...
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...It is like something out of a sci-fi movie; Scientists injecting genes from an animal into the genes of a plant in order to create one super crop. As weird as this may sound, it is exactly what’s going on now, and these super crops are known as Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs. These crops are becoming more and more accepted in today’s agriculture business. This type of bioengineering is being used to yield more crops and curb the effects of herbicides. But the risks in using GMOs may far outweigh the benefits. GMO foods are becoming increasingly available and are a threat to our health and our agricultural system. Basically GMOs are organisms that have had their genes altered through bio-engineering. These plants and/or animals have their genetic makeup changed, usually in a lab, in order to add or remove certain characteristics. Genes from other animals, viruses, or bacteria are artificially inserted into organisms in order to create new organisms that would not occur naturally. Corn, for example, has been genetically modified to produce its own pesticide and resist herbicides. Nearly 70% of all the corn grown in the United States was modified in this way. (Smith) And if you look at the ingredient list of almost any packaged food, you’ll see that there is corn in almost all of it. Corn is also the main ingredient in much of the feed given to farm animals, such as pigs and cows. So no matter what you eat, it is almost certain to contain some amount GM (Genetically...
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...introduction of the Bt Corn plant. Bt Corn is a genetically modified organism, or GMO. It contains the Bt toxin from the organism Bacillus thuringiensis, a natural insecticide that breaks down the stomach walls of pests such as the European Corn...
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...genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is one of massive proportions. The technology is revolutionary, yet it also displaces the order of nature with the manipulation and altering of the code of life: DNA. GMO foods are foods that have been genetically modified to produce some desired effect, like pesticide resistance, within crops, plants and animals. As with many artificial goods, when they alters and impacts the natural world and the food chain, they becomes a topic of concern. GMOs are fantastic in terms of health as they are mostly beneficial while bearing little risk. However, while GMOs are a positive force in terms of health, the rest of the technology is primarily negative. They disrupt biodiversity by introducing modified...
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... | |GMOs: Genetically Modified Organisms | |EN1420 | | | | | | | | | GMOs: Genetically Modified Organisms What is a GMO, also known as genetically modified organisms? Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are any organism that has had its genetic material doctored using genetic engineering techniques. Genetically modified foods find their origin in GMOs as well as many other goods available today. For those of you unaware, uninformed, or even misinformed here are the basics of your everyday GMO. The rather primitive process engineers volatile compounds of plants, animals, bacteria’s and viral genes that would not otherwise occur naturally or through long established methods. GMOs currently make up close to 80% of our...
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...world of abundance is not only unacceptable, it is unforgivable." Genetically Modified Organisms can benefit us, and there are so many reasons why they are imperative for the very existence of mankind. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms. DNA from bacteria or viruses can be found in plants or animals that have gone through genetic engineering. The combination of these different DNA’s cannot occur naturally or in crossbreeding. Genetic modification can only occur in a certain way. This process involves inserting a gene into a plant or animal where it would normally not be found. GMOs are found in the food we eat because they...
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...The Harmful Effects of GMOs According to Philips, altering the genomes plants and animals is nothing new; specific traits have long been selected artificially in order to produce the desire result; i.e. sweet corn or hairless cats (2008). However, these variations have been limited in that only naturally occurring variations have been used (Philips, 2008). In recent years, researchers have crossed the line from the natural to the unnatural; advances in the field of genetic engineering have allowed researchers to have complete control over what genetic changes take place and what the final product will look like, taste like, feel like, etc. Philips indicates that with modern technology, “…we can incorporate new genes from one species into a completely unrelated species…optimizing agricultural performance or facilitating the production of valuable pharmaceutical substances.” While there are quite a few areas are subject to genetic engineering, the most common areas include: farm animals, bacteria, and crop plants such as corn, apples, soybeans, etc. Tyson reveals that GM ingredients, which take the form of modified enzymes, are found in many daily eating staples such as breads, cereals, vegetable oils, cheese, sodas, and beers (2001). The overwhelming presence of GMOs and GM ingredients have created quite a controversy in recent years. Essentially, the use of GM ingredients and GMOs have produced an argument which questions the morality and effects of such processes and products...
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...that bowl of Campbell’s condensed tomato soup is high fructose corn syrup – one of the top GMOs being used today in food products in the United States. According to the Non-GMO Project, a non-profit organization committed to preserving and building the non-GMO food supply as well as educating consumers, nearly 88% of all corn planted in the United States is GMO. So what exactly is a GMO? A GMO, or genetically modified organism, takes place in the laboratory. It is a process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. “Genetic modification” could never occur in nature; however, two GM traits – herbicide resistance and pesticide production – are now commonplace in American agriculture....
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...Monsanto Case Study Liberty University Business 472-D02 Introduction Monsanto has a long and varied history having been founded in 1901. It started by selling the sweetener saccharine to Coca-Cola, transformed itself into a chemical manufacturer, plastics, rubbers, and packaging (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2013, p.382-383). Fast forward to the late 20th and early 21st century and Monsanto is the worldwide leader in genetically modified (GM) food seeds. Through these various incarnations Monsanto has run into its share of ethical problems that has cost it some hard earned trust of governing bodies and consumers worldwide, but continues to prosper none the less. Monsanto has a very fine line to walk in keeping the highest ethical standards, finding ways to continuously innovate products that help to feed the world, and do this causing the absolute minimum damage to the environment at large as well as animals. All this must be done and still produce a profit that shareholders demand. Monsanto and the Culture of its Ethics Monsanto has a long history of ethical business violations that has resulted in fines from a multitude of American and International governmental agencies. The company has had issues with some of its products dating back to the 1940’s. Brian Tokar lists a string of products manufactured by Monsanto such as Dioxin, Agent Orange, Roundup, and others that has caused the company more than a headache or two. In reference to a train derailment and subsequent...
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...gaining popularity and notice. GMOs are foods that have been genetically modified by changing and switching around the DNA. Are we using the benefit of GMOs wisely, or may we seem to go far? If we continue this process will it potentially harm us, or benefit us? First of all, in the article Genetically Modified Organisms it mentions, “...genetically modified crops and animals will also be more environmentally friendly because they conserve water, soil, and energy.” She also mentions, “...animals also are expected to have a higher resistance to disease and overall better health, with better natural waste management.” Therefore, our animals are helping our environment, but as well as adapting to beneficial health. Animals will help our environment by conserving necessary needs for any living organism. Also, since the resistance to disease has increased, we will experience a wonderful environment. Since animals are expected to have better health and well-being we can expect “better” milk, eggs, meat, etc. and if we take consideration...
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...GMOs are genetically modified organisms that are made in purpose to help or improve a plant, animal, etc. In almost all modifications of organisms, genes from other species of life are inserted into the desired organism they want to improve or change. Most chickens today have been selectively bred to produce x10 more eggs per year than a wild chicken would on its own. Due to this process, chickens lay more eggs and produce more food for the rapidly growing world we live in. Genetically modifying organisms is ethical and can lead to the benefit of not only our species future, but in plants and animals as well. Through varied modifications in many plants, we are able to improve their traits and efficiency through inserting different traits...
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...Scientists believe that the use of GMOs as they are commonly referred to, is the way forward for governments and other organizations that are concerned with food security issues (Nelson 58). Scientists believe that GMOs can feed everyone in the world. However, this can only be achieved if governments embrace the use of this new technology to create genetically modified foods. Recent research has shown that the use of GMOs can lead to increased food production (Freedman 18). Using this technology, scientists have been able to create plants that are resistant to pests, weeds and other diseases that farmers have been complaining about over the years. Farmers are able to avoid the use of herbicides and pesticides. Food produced using this technology is highly nutritional and is believed to have better texture than the naturally grown food. GMOs also have a longer lifespan and do not go bad as quickly as the naturally grown food. Through this technology, scientists have been able to genetically engineer plants that can be used as vaccines to immunize people against various diseases (Nelson 37). There has been increased need to come up with plants which can grow in deserts and other areas having conditions that are not suitable for germination of plants. It is important to note that through this new technology, scientists have been able to come up with plants that can withstand adverse weather and soil conditions. The benefits associated with the use of GMOs cannot be overlooked at this...
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