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Bengay Will Carry You Across the Finish Line


Submitted By shutterprincess
Words 550
Pages 3
In today’s world where we are becoming increasingly focused on and aware of the need for more physical activity, running has become a popular choice to both getting fit and staying fit. “3,103 MILES…AND BEN-GAY ALL THE WAY” was printed in 1981 to promote the use of Ben-Gay pain relieving ointment in running. I was drawn to the ad because of its feel good theme, and also because I am a novice runner myself. The ad is attempting to persuade the reader that Ben-Gay ointment is effective in minimizing the aches and pains associated with long distance running. In a high impact and demanding sport such as running, Ben-Gay will improve your conditioning and endurance. The ad will be evaluated for the use of Logos, Ethos and Pathos.

The ad was effective in the provision of reason or logos by the use of the following text “As part of my warm-up routine, Ben-Gay helped me feel better for the long day ahead. And during my warm-down period, Ben-Gay soothed and relieved my tired, aching muscles. Ben-Gay made my whole run easier.” I found the logic of the argument presented in this text to be clear and compelling. I can identify with the ache in your body after a long run and so the idea of a pain relieving ointment is very reasonable.

The ad was effective in the provision of credibility or ethos by the use of running icon Stan Cottrell. Mr. Cottrell was quoted directly saying that he used Ben-Gay throughout his long distance run. Mr. Cottrell set a new transcontinental running record after running for 48 days, through 14 states. The ad states that during that time he used 3.3 pounds of Ben-Gay and that Ben-Gay helped him to reach his “lifelong dream” of the transcontinental running record. The use of Mr. Cottrell in the both an image and a powerful quotation, definitely provide the effective use of ethos in this ad.

The ad was effective in the provision of emotional appeal or pathos by the use of an image of a triumphant looking, smiling Mr. Cottrell. He is shown waving an American flag as he crosses the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. He has just finished his “Run for America” race and set a new transcontinental running record. In the image used, he not only looks happy, but refreshed and strong and it looks like he is having the time of his life. He does not look like he has just run 3,103 miles. This no doubt has to do with the fact that Ben-Gay ointment has taken away all of the aches and pains associated with a long run.

In conclusion, this ad is clearly aimed at long distance runners. The makers of this product should consider marketing it to those of us who are looking to find a painless way to get fit and healthy. It would be a useful in getting us back on the treadmill day after day, despite feeling the ache of muscle groups we never knew existed. Perhaps they can create an additional product to the line, that of a bath soak.

My chosen ad can be found at

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