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Benjamin Bach Research Paper

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This paper will first discuss the life, musical style and legacy of the great Johann Sebastian Bach then that of Antonín Leopold Dvořák. Finally, stylistic comparisons will be made between the two.

Johann Sebatian Bach
Born March 31st, 1685, into a religious musical family, Bach was fortunate enough to have the affluence and early exposure to build a solid foundation, but it was his own talent and dedication that made him the Baroque Collosus that he is. Following the death of his parents, Bach was taken in by his brother, an organist at St. Michael’s Church who exposed him to the clavichord and the works of great German composers like Pachabel. Soon, Bach began receiving a Lutheran education at Lundeburg’s famous religious school where Bach developed a strong faith that greatly influenced his later works. …show more content…
Netherless, his talents eventually won him the position of organist at Duke Wilhelm Ernst’s Court in Weimar. It is here where Bach wrote some of his most famous pieces like “Toccata and Fugue in D minor." ( As his fame grew, Bach did not hesitate to “jump” court positions between Germany’s many royal dukedoms and principalities, and it is because of this that in 1721, Bach composed the “Brandenburg Concertos”, widely considered to be some of his best works and indeed the best Baroque pieces, in honour of the Duke of

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