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Benjamin Franklin: The Founding Father

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The Founding Father that I choose was Benjamin Franklin because who doesn’t like a
Benjamin in their pocket. Seriously though I chose Ben because of his inventions and his contributions to our independence. Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston. He was a married man to his wife Deborah Read. They had 3 children William, Francis, and Sarah. William was born out of wedlock. Which means he was born while Ben and Deborah were still dating. Francis was their first son as a pair. He was born in 1732 and died four years later due to smallpox, and Sarah was their only daughter. Benjamin Franklin’s father, English-born soap and candle maker Josiah
Franklin, had seven children with first wife, Anne Child.
Ben learned to read when …show more content…
By 1748, at the age of 42, Franklin had become one of the richest men in Pennsylvania, and he became a soldier in the Pennsylvania militia. He turned his printing business over to a partner to give himself more time to conduct scientific experiments. He moved into a new house in 1748.
In 1748, Franklin had the first of his slaves to work in the new home and in the print shop.
Franklin’s views on slavery evolved over the following decades to the point that he considered the institution inherently evil, and thus, he freed his slaves in the 1760s. Later in life, he became more vociferous in his opposition to slavery.
When the French and Indian War began in 1754, Franklin called on the colonies to band together for their common defense, which he dramatized in The Pennsylvania Gazette with a cartoon of a snake cut into sections with the caption “Join or Die.” He represented Pennsylvania at the
Williams 1
Albany Congress, which adopted his proposal to create a unified government for the 13 …show more content…
In years to come he drafted a pamphlet, “Causes of the American Discontents before 1768,” and he soon became a delegate for Massachusetts, Georgia, and New Jersey as well. Franklin fanned the flames of revolution by sending the private letters of Massachusetts Governor Thomas
Hutchinson to America. The letters called for control of the rights of colonists, which caused a firestorm after their announcement by Boston newspapers. In the wake of the scandal, Franklin was removed as deputy postmaster general, and he returned to North America in 1775 as a devotee of the patriot cause.
In 1775, Franklin was voted into the Second Continental Congress and named the first postmaster general for the colonies. In 1776, he was appointed the commissioner to Canada and was one of five men to draft the Declaration of Independence.
Benjamin Franklin was elected in 1787 to serve as Pennsylvania at the Constitutional
Convention, which outlined and establish the new U.S. Constitution. The oldest delegate at the age of 81, Franklin initially supported proportional representation in Congress, but he

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