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Disorders In Children

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Behavioral issue can stem from temporary stressful situations in a child’s life or they might also represent more lasting disorders. Children with behavioural disorders can exhibit characteristics such as, inability to learn that cannot be explained by sensory, health or intellectual factors, an inability to maintain interpersonal relationships with their peers and teachers, a likelihood of developing fears associated with their school and home environment, in addition to this they might experience episodes of unexplainable feelings and mood swings under normal circumstances. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), approximately 8.3 million children (14.5%) aged 4–17 years have parents who have talked with a health …show more content…
Children with Down syndrome have a tendency to engage in behaviours that can be particularly problematic for family members and caregivers, as well as professionals who work with them. Such behaviour, referred to as challenging behaviour, is defined as that which results in self-injury or injury of others, causes damage to the physical environment, interferes with the acquisition of new skills, and/or socially isolates the learner . The presence of challenging behaviour, along with characterizations such as “stubborn,” has also been observed. More recently, parent and teacher ratings indicate that children with Down syndrome show higher rates (than typically developing children) of attention problems, social withdrawal, noncompliance, and compulsions such as arranging objects and repeating certain actions e.g., and high rates of self-talk. Additionally, behaviours associated with anxiety, depression, and withdrawal, have been noted to increase with …show more content…
Inclusive education is when children with and without disabilities are educated within the same classroom, they learn and participate together. Good behavior develops if inclusive education is adopted but simply placing the children with and without disability does not produce positive outcomes. Ongoing advocacy, support, planning and commitment are required to reap the success for inclusion. Inclusive education is a child’s right, not a privilege. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) clearly states that all children with disabilities should be educated with non-disabled children of their own age and have access to the general education curriculum. Therefore, I will be using the “school routine skills checklist” and “behavior checklist” to monitor the behavior of the students in the inclusive setting, these checklists will be completed by the class teacher, the teaching assistant and the clinician for the inter rater reliability. This will help me to find out the behavioral issues and their impact on students. As far as the reservations of parents are concerned, I will be using the “attitude towards inclusive education scale” to find out about the parents’ concerns

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