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Two Things You Want To Know: Questions On Voluntary Driver

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K—What You Know
Discuss two things you know about driving.
A. at our age we are the most "at risk" people for driving
B.our carelessness when diving can put us "at risk" when driving such as drinking while drving or driving under the influnce, another carelessness is not having our eyes on the road this can cause a crash or a very fatal accident.
W—What You Want to Know
Discuss two things you want to know about driving.
A. How can I as a driver better protect my self when im on the road,what actions help prevent a crash or an acident on the highway.
B.What do all the signs mean when drving like a yield sign or one way road sign.
L—What You Learned
Discuss at least two new things you learned from this module.
A. One thing I have learned is …show more content…
A.One characteristic is someone who is recklessly driving.
B.Another characteristic is someone who is driving very fast with no regard to others
C.Another characteristic is someone who is drving with no seatbelt or someone is not keeping there eyes on the road.
Describe three characteristics of safe drivers.
A.Wearng seatbelts at all times when the car is moving.
B.Pay attention to the road and not let your self get distracted by other people in or out of the car
C.another good keen characteristic is not to be a fool while driving, such as roadrage etc keep a calm steady mind while driving on the open road.
Describe three driver errors that could cause a collision.
A.Texting while driveing.
B.Talking on the phone while driveing.
C.Or being under the influnce while driving.
How will this information affect you as a driver now and in the future? (2-3 sentences)
This information will affect me as a driver drasticlly becuase without this information I could not go on the road, as is stressed in the lessons we are most prone at risk for fatalties on the road.And so forth becuase of that this information is keen at protecting myself and other drivers from fatalties and accidents on the

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