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Domestic Violence In The NFL

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Domestic violence is a behavior that involves physical or mental abuse by a single person. Over the past few months it has became a big issue in the NFL. The NFL (National Football League) has since then revised their domestic abuse policy and promised to strictly enforce the policy. They made the decision to increase penalties on domestic violence offenders under the Personal Conduct Policy for all NFL employees and players. With recent player Ray Rice accused of beating his fiancé months ago, the NFL just recently decided disciplined him due to the video leaking to the media. Since then the NFL as whole has been under review. Players’ accused of domestic violence for the first offense will be suspended for six games, for the second offense …show more content…
Domestic violence is unpredictable, it can happen to anyone at any time, regardless of gender or their race, or any other factors. Safe Horizon, the largest organization gathered to help support victims of crime and abuse in the United States says, “1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in their life-time” and “Most domestic violence incidents are never reported.“ These two quotes show that the domestic violence is real problem and will never end. I asked myself “What if every incident was reported? Would that increase the ratio to 2 in 4? Or even a high number?” Domestic violence is a serious issue and it has to be addressed. A lot of the incidents go un-reported and victims must suffer the consequences for the rest of their …show more content…
My mother was a victim of domestic violence. As a child there is certain experiences that are unforgettable. That day felt like it was yesterday. When I was young, about 4 or 5, I can remember my father striking my mom in the kitchen, across her face. At the time I remember her lying on the kitchen floor crying. Being so young, I didn’t really know what was going on. I can remember the police coming to the house but my dad wasn’t there. That experience was something I could never forget. Its something that I know was hard for my mother. Growing up my mother never really had to pay for her situation by relying on my father to do things for her. Writer Starmer said, “At least 750,000 children a year witness domestic violence.” The effects of children experiencing domestic violence can really affect them in the long run. It doesn’t only affect the parents, but it can have a lasting impact on the child as well. The child is forced to only grow up with one parent, and not having two parents in a child’s life can cause the child to have behavior issues in school. Sara Jarmen said, “Witnessing domestic violence can have a devastating effect on children’s development.” This statement is very true. Children who grow up experiencing domestic violence can grow up having behavior issues throughout their

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