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The Classroom & Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (Odd)


Submitted By rksaunders
Words 957
Pages 4
By Rosalinde Saunders



 Oppositional

Defiant Disorder or ODD in children is a psychiatric disorder that can persist into adulthood. Students with ODD have an underdeveloped conscience and poor relationship skills. They display a great deal of aggression and purposefully annoy others. The actions of these children seriously interfere with their functioning at home and at school. Being defiant and argumentative are typical patterns of behaviour these children display throughout their school years.


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Being easily aggravated and annoyed Irritating others intentionally Exhibiting sudden, unprovoked anger Blaming others for their mistakes or for their misbehaviour Refusing to comply with adult requests Bragging about being mean and never truly being sorry Lying Being vengeful without provocation Being easily angered, frustrated and annoyed Cursing and using inappropriate language Seeking attention Having low self-esteem Provoking conflict among peers, family members and other adults



 The

cause of ODD is unknown. Some researchers have speculated that ODD results from incomplete child development. These children do not seem to learn the coping skills that most children absorb early in life. The disorder may be related to a child’s temperament and the family’s reaction to it. Poor parenting skills, loss of a family member to death, divorce or incarceration, other family adversity may also play a role in children developing ODD.


 These

children need a comprehensive evaluation by a psychiatrist or other qualified mental health professional. Medication is not usually used to treat ODD; however, medication may be prescribed when ODD is accompanied by one or more additional disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD),

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