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Beowulf's Definition Of A Hero

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Every year on September 11, the country mourns a terrible tragedy that happened in America. A tragedy that changed America forever and brought attention to the importance of the need for strong emergency services. America lost nearly 4,000 people that day and 400 of them were firefighters and police officers. They represented on that day what the definition of a hero is. A hero is somebody who puts their life before others, who shows bravery in time of trouble and who didn’t ask for recognition for their heroism. With two buildings going down and civilians still inside, the New York Firefighters and Police Officers put their lives on the line. Their responsibility was to make sure they could get as many people out as to the best of their ability. The Officers and Firefighters had to come to terms with the fact that their chances of getting out of this was not very high. Even though they could not save everyone, the emergency service tried to complete their job to the fullest. They were going to make sure as many people could get out of the building and be taken care of by the paramedics down below. Without their bravery and courageous acts many of the people that survived would …show more content…
He brought great strength and bravery and that showed through his approaches into the battles he fought against the Grendel duo. “Grasped at strong-hearted wakeful sleeper/-And was instantly seized himself, claws/Bent back as Beowulf leaned up on one arm./” (Beowulf 270-272) He started off the battle with Grendel with no hesitation and by expressing great strength. With the battle of Grendel's mother, he jumps in head first. “He leaped into the lake, would not wait for anyone’s/ Answer; the heaving water covered him over.” (Beowulf 450-452) Beowulf shows tremendous strength and bravery and has very little hesitation in his

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