...children in their own home. The classroom is an immediate environment where management is applied in order for students to acquire formal knowledge. It is made up of the teacher, students, learning devices, and the learning environment. Management, on the other hand, can be seen as a process of designing and maintaining any setting in which people work in groups for the purpose of achieving common goals. The Oxford Dictionary defines management as the act of running or controlling or skill of dealing with people or situations in any way. Loomiz (1980) defined management as a method where a group of people at the highest level of organization plan, organize, communicate, coordinate, control and direct the actions and activities of people who work for the organization toward the achievement of organizational objectives. In the school setting, in order to achieve its aims, a school has to have objectives, and to achieve these objectives, the various people with responsibilities in the school, especially in the classroom have to plan organize and lead. Classroom management is the term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that the classroom lessons runs smoothly despite disruptive behavior of the students. Many authors have their own definitions of classroom management and most of them agreed that it is a process of maintaining and establishing effective learning environment. Classroom management strategies changes through times....
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...Understanding How People Form Perceptions In the case of Joe Salatino, he is the new president of Great Northern American and he bases the success of his company by the amount of money he pays the employees. The firm’s salespeople sell millions of products each year. The lead person of this telemarketing company believes that spending money on commissions and bonuses is necessary to keep his salespeople motivated. The company uses all kinds of motivational tactics in the salesroom to keep the employees engaged at work. Many of Joe’s top workers earn thousands of dollars a year plus commission, but usually it takes about a year for an employee to build up their clientele. With in the article it goes to discuss how the salespeople go above and beyond to build a strong relationship with the customers. Joe believes it increases sales when the employees for a memorable relationship with the customers. As a result, when Joe is looking to hire new people; he looks for them to have great communication skills, be highly motivated and considerate. Finally, Joe looks for workers that know their strengths and weakness and thrive to take the initiative without having to be direct all the time. In the workplace, perceptions quickly become formed whether accurate or artificial. Perceptions and inaccurate assumptions of work habits, personal relationships are mostly form over company gossip. Joe Salatino needs to explain to his employees that perceptions in the workplace can impact careers, promotions...
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...Welcome to VangoNotes for Organizational Behavior, 13th edition by Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy Judge. Chapter 1: What Is Organizational Behavior? Section 1: Big Ideas Do you ever wonder why people at work behave the way they do? Or why you act as you do? Chapter 1 sets the stage for learning what Organizational Behavior is, how it will help you understand yourself and others at work, and what some of the organizational behavior issues are that people are talking about today. Let’s start with interpersonal skills. Practicing managers have long understood the importance of people skills for organizational success in today’s competitive and demanding workplace. Who do we mean by managers? Managers get things done through other people. They do it by planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Managers also fill interpersonal roles, such as being a leader, a liaison, or a figurehead. They serve in informational roles such as monitor, disseminator of information, or spokesperson. Finally, in their role as decision maker they might be entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator. All these roles are important to the functioning of the organization and its people. Who’s the best manager you’ve ever known? Think about the special skills that helped this person to be effective. Researcher Robert Katz has identified three essential sets of management skills. The first set includes technical skills, the ability to apply specialized...
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...Google’s Organizational Behavior Essay Introduction The theoretical and practical thinking about Organizational Behavior (OB) is based on the assumptions that since people are the main asset of an organization, their behavior is decisive for its success or failure. Hence, OB advocates maintain that human behavior must be studied and managed more than any other aspect of the organization. The study of OB is predominant in management science, shaping decisions largely beyond human resources management. This paper will focus on several key issues in OB and will examine how those aspects can be observed by using a real-life example: the Internet giant Google Inc. Organizational Culture and Behavior Organizational culture is a fundamental concept in OB. It describes the set of perceptions and beliefs, which are shared by all members of an organization. Based on those values, people will shape their workplace behavior and partially their job performance. OB research describes seven dimensions of organizational culture: 1. Attention to detail (in terms of e.g. accuracy and analysis) 2. Outcome orientation (focus on outcomes instead of means) 3. People orientation (concern for the effect of organizational decisions on members of the organization) 4. Team orientation (the tendency to divide work among teams rather than individuals) 5. Aggressiveness (the intensity of competition among workers) 6. Stability (focus on maintaining a cultural status quo) 7. Innovation and risk...
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...“Raising your game” means stretching yourself beyond where you are today. This will require you to take some risks, continuously setting your sight on higher goals and being willing to accept failure. People who are afraid of trying out different things or stretching beyond their comfort zone lose the opportunities for growth. Below are five (5) steps I can take as a project manager (PM) to improve the behavior of my team members from lower-level to higher-level behavior. 1.Clear purpose: Establishing a clear understanding of the purpose for a project is the responsibility of the PM. The project team must share a common goal and a view; thus eliminating internal conflict and hurries decision-making and project completion. 2.Open communications: The communications within the project team is vital. It is important for the project manager to receive weekly status reports, for example. These pulse checks in the project ensure that as a project manager, I am on top of my game and there are no conflicts. Wong (2007) states that, “transparency and active listening are keys in developing positive team communications” (p. 284). 3.Participation: Project success requires a great level of involvement by each team member. As the project manager, I will facilitate brainstorming sessions to “bridge” thoughts of team members before making my own comments. Bridging is a highly effective conversational technique to gain respect and help participants rise to a higher- level...
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...responsibility and Managerial Ethics WHAT IS SOCIAL RESPONISBILITY? Two views of social responsibility The classical View * The classical View says that management’s only social responsibility is to maximize profits. * Management’s only social responsibility is to maximize profits (create a financial return) by operating the business in the best interests of the stockholders (owners of the corporation). * Expanding the firm’s resources on doing “social good” unjustifiably increases costs that lower profits to the owners and raises prices to consumers. The Socioeconomic View * The Socioeconomic View is the view that management’s only social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving society’s welfare. * Management’s social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving society’s welfare * Corporations are not independent entities responsible only to stockholders. * Firms have a moral responsibility to larger society to become involved in social, legal, and political issues. * “To do the right thing” Comparing the Two Views * A stage 1 manager is following the classical view of social responsibility and obeys all laws and regulations while caring for stockholders’ interests. * At stage 2 managers expand their responsibility to another important stakeholder group – employees. Because they want to attract, keep, and motivate good employees, stage 2 managers improve working conditions...
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... 5 Benchmark 8 Conclusion 9 References 12 Introduction This assignment is about work force behavior and how employee and employer deal with each other. If we see in depth this is all about organizational behavior means how organizations make their policies and procedures, what culture they have and how they deal with their employees. All companies have their code of conduct or policies which defines the dos and don’ts of employees. The policies serve several important functions, * Communicate values and expectations for how things are done at organization. * Keep the organization in compliance with legislation and provide protection against employment claims. * Document and implement best practices appropriate to the organization. * Support consistent treatment of staff, fairness and transparency. * Help management to make decisions that are consistent, uniform and predictable. Discription A policy is a formal statement of a principle or rule that members of an organization must follow. Each policy addresses an issue important to the organization's mission or operations. The goal of implementing the policies is to support the development of effective organizations. Workforce behavior could be good up to the standard of the company and could be bad below the standards. Both scenarios have reasons which could be, Leadership Culture Schedules Stress (work related/family) ...
Words: 1330 - Pages: 6
...Media Management Center Media Team Members • John Lavine John Lavine • Mary Alice Shaver • Phil Napoli Phil Napoli • Ed Malthouse Ed Malthouse • Bob Calder • Limor Peer • Rich Gordon • Sora Park © Media Management Center Media Recent Studies in U.S. • PEW, Biennial Media Consumption PEW, Survey, 2006 Survey, • Ball State, Middletown Studies, 2006 • State of the Media, 2006 • Center for Digital Future, USC, 2005 • Carnegie Corporation, “Abandoning the Carnegie News,” 2005 News,” © Media Management Center Media Main Conclusions • Use increases for all media – media day Use • News online growing, though slowed, News supplementing other news sources supplementing • Young people moving away from Young traditional sources of news traditional • Young people - 20 media hours in 7 Young 20 clock hours daily clock © Media Management Center Media Team Approach • Beyond descriptive studies – what are Beyond what the important questions to ask? the • Focusing on three main areas: – Defining audience – Audience measurement – Historical & critical perspectives © Media Management Center Media Defining media audience • What do we need to know about What audience? audience? • Who benefits from certain definitions of Who audience? audience? © Media Management Center Media Defining media audience • Napoli: Different ways audiences are Different perceived and measured perceived • Media Management Center...
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...acted on because the followers believe their leader is extraordinarily gifted” (Patrick, 2011, page 364). Charisma is the interplay between the leader’s traits and behaviors and the follower’s needs, beliefs, values, and perceptions. Charisma inspires devotion and enthusiasm. A charismatic leader is one who by their personality can have profound effects upon followers. The characteristics of a charismatic leader are a strong sense of self-confidence, conviction of the rightness of their own beliefs and ideas, and dominance (Patrick, 2011). Charismatic leaders are role-models who set the values and beliefs they want their followers to follow. They set high goals and demanding expectations, show confidence in their follower’s abilities, and articulate their visions of the future. The relationship between the leader and follower is emotional in nature and effects the follower’s commitment, motivation, and performance (Patrick, 2011). There are certain behaviors a charismatic leader exhibits. A charismatic leader sets the example for their followers. They model the value and beliefs they want followers to adopt. Charismatic leaders also build the image they want portrayed. They take actions that are viewed favorably by followers that provide an impression of competence and success. Lastly, goal articulation is another behavior of charismatic leaders. They will articulate the goal desired to their followers. This becomes the basis for movements towards moral rightness. Charismatic leadership...
Words: 472 - Pages: 2
...discoveries. There is no business immune from experiencing a crisis or challenging event. It can happen at any given time without warning which can devastate any organization not prepared. A new approach to crisis management is emerging which progresses beyond a purely reactive response and creates fresh opportunities for improved organizational development. There will be discussion on the traditional event approach to crisis management, which focuses on preparing for and responding to a major adverse occurrence, and discusses the new process approach, which reshapes crisis management within a broader range of management activity. Crisis prevention instead of just crisis response necessitates moving responsibility from the operational to the executive level, and the discussion will explore how crisis management activities can be clustered together and integrated to optimize organizational effectiveness. Virtually nothing can damage organizational reputation and financial performance more rapidly and more deeply than the impact of a major crisis. Yet many organizations continue to delegate responsibility for crisis management to operational middle managers, while reputation management increasingly secures a place at the executive table. However, a significant trend in crisis management is now emerging which has the potential to reshape the discipline with substantial implications for the development of organizational structure and design. This trend is the advance of proactive crisis prevention...
Words: 1937 - Pages: 8
...Contemporary Approaches to Management & Environments The Four Contemporary Approaches to Management 1. Socio-technical Systems 2. Quantitative Management 3. Organizational Behavior 4. Systems Theory How the Approaches are Different from One Another Socio-technical systems theory is a contemporary approach to management that says that a proper combination of workers (the social system) and their knowledge, training and tools (the technical system) leads to organizational effectiveness in satisfying customers. Emphasis: Social + Technical Quantitative management is another contemporary approach to management that prioritizes mathematical or statistical analysis as basis for decisions. Emphasis: Quantitative analysis The organizational behavior contemporary approach mainly considers the behaviors and interactions of workers. Emphasis: Individual and group behaviors Systems theory shows that the organization’s performance depends on how effective it is in providing goods or services using inputs from the external environment. Emphasis: Changing inputs into outputs Definition: Open System In the systems theory contemporary approach to management, an open system is a set of components and processes, i.e. the organization, subject to the influence of the external environment. The organization is an open system because its components and processes change due to external factors. Internal, Competitive, and Macro-environments of an Organization The internal environment...
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...suggest that these extra-voluntary behaviors, called organizational citizenship behaviors, are positively related to the indicators of organizational effectiveness. Katz and Kahn (1978) mentioned that organizational citizenship behaviors can be extremely valuable to organizations and can contribute to enhance better performance as well as competitive advantage (Jahangir & Akbar 2004). The purpose of this paper is to provide a review on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and its impacts on organizational effectiveness. The first section will define organizational citizenship behaviors and reviews some standpoints from different authors. The second section will explain the main types of behaviors. However, many behavioral patterns are likely to fall into this category, but we focus on the most important ones. Furthermore, the antecedents of the OCBs as well as its consequences will be discussed. Finally the paper will propose HR practices that can help to encourage employees to exhibit favorable behaviors and enhance effective OCBs. An Introduction to Organizational Citizenship Behavior Katz, as far back as 1964, was the one who emphasized on the need for a behavioral system that went beyond the required role of the job description. He realized that this behavioral system was tantamount to organizational effectiveness. By considering concepts such as “willingness to cooperate” (Barnard, 1938) and “innovative and spontaneous behaviors” (Katz, 1964), Organ (1988) defined...
Words: 4135 - Pages: 17
...Management Planning Paper L Johnson MGT/330 – Management: Theory, Practice and Application University of Phoenix Edward Zilton April 17, 2006 Planning is necessary function of management for the evaluation of the current and future direction of any company, large or small. Planning includes the implementation of procedures for dealing with legal issues, ethical issues and corporate social responsibility. Why is there a needed to effectively manage protocols in the workplace and set the standard that keeps the company moving in the right direction; to ensure that all events that take place in the organization are consistent and work toward the continued progress of the company? Ethics identify both the policy that should be administered managers and employees behavior that need to be addressed. Ethical decisions are guided by the core values of the managers and employee’s and are principles of conduct that include caring, honesty, keeping of promises, pursuit of excellence, loyalty, fairness, integrity, respect for others, and responsible for ones actions. Managers and employees alike would agree that all of these rules and values are admirable guidelines for behavior nevertheless ethics becomes a more complicated issue when circumstances determine that one value take precedence over the others and the system of rules and values that governs the ordering of values. Managers and employees all have to address a situation, dilemma, or opportunity in which...
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...House, R. J. (2002). The full range leadership theory: The way forward. In B. J. Avolio & F. J. Yammarino (Eds.), Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead (pp. 3–33). Boston: JAI Elsevier Science. Aquino, K. (1995). Relationships among pay inequity, perceptions of procedural justice, and organizational citizenship. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 8, 21-33 Avolio, B. J., & Bass, B. M. (1987). Transformational leadership, charisma, and beyond. In J.G. Hunt et al. (Eds.), Emerging leadership vistas. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. Avolio, B. J., Bass, B. M. and Jung, D. I. (1997). Replicated Confirmatory Factor Analyses of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Center f or Leadership Studies, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY. Avolio, B. J., Zhu, W., Koh, W., & Bhatia, P. (2004). Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of psychological empowerment and moderating role of structural distance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25(8), 951–968. Retrieved February 16, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. Barak, M. E. M., Nissly, J. A., & Levin, A. (2001). Antecedents to turnover and retention among child welfare, social work, and other human service employees: What can we learn from past research? A review and meta-analysis. The Social Service Review, 7(4), 625–661. Retrieved April 19, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. Bass, B. M. (1998). Transformational Leadership: Industry, Military...
Words: 1635 - Pages: 7
...the encouraging classroom. With this approach, teachers think beyond the kind of conventional classroom discipline that aims merely to keep children in line—and often fails even to do that! Teachers are to help children develop lifelong skills such as mutual acceptance and cooperation, creative and peaceful problem-solving strategies, and acceptable ways to express difficult emotions. 1. Patience and Understanding are used with guidance; teachers are firm when needed, but firm and friendly, not firm and harsh. 2. With misbehavior or mistaken behavior teachers do well to think of a child’s age in terms of months rather than years. They understand that young children are just beginning to learn difficult life skills that may take a lifetime to master. 3. A partnership between the teacher, the child, and the family is necessary for guidance to be effective. Beyond Discipline to Guidance / 19 CHAPTER 4 The Guidance Premise: Family–Teacher Partnerships / 36 CHAPTER 5 Using Guidance to Build an Encouraging Classroom: Beyond Time-Out / 62 CHAPTER 6 Using Guidance to Maintain an Encouraging Classroom: Four Intervention Alternatives / 80 CHAPTER 7 Sustaining the Encouraging Classroom: Class Meetings / 93 CHAPTER 8 Guidance with Boys in Early Childhood Classrooms / 106 CHAPTER 9 Societal Violence and Guidance: Liberation Teaching / 125 CHAPTER 10 Strong-Needs Mistaken Behavior: Strategies for Crisis Management and Comprehensive Guidance /...
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