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Biff And Briff Analysis

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Dinner with Biff and Happy
Dinner with Biff was not a success. He said that Bill Oliver made him wait six hours for nothing. Biff stole his pen to top it all. Biff is just a failure. If he hadn’t flunked math he could’ve been something. No, he’s no good, he’s no good for anything. He would’ve had lunch with Oliver tomorrow if he wasn’t a dirty thief. I’ve provided for that kid my whole life and this is how he repays me? Where’s the respect? All Biff does is spite me! He says that he only went to visit Oliver because of me, but is that such a bad thing? Is it bad that I want Biff to be something other than a louse and a thief!? Then they both just left me. Both Happy and Biff. Happy went with a couple of girls he met and Biff stormed out. …show more content…
Bernard was there. He’s doing well. He’s going to argue a case in front of the Supreme Court. Imagine that. Charley never intervened in his life and Bernard was never well-liked like Biff was, but look at him now. Successful and two sons. Bernard and I started talking more and he questioned me about what happened in Boston, but I couldn’t bring myself to face him. It’s as if he knew. I yelled at him for accusing me, but he had to leave on the train soon after. Was it all my fault? Is Biff a failure because of me? All I ever wanted was the best for that kid. Oh, I remember it so clearly. Biff was just like his old self up until that point. He was so disappointed in himself for flunking math. Biff begged me to talk to Birnbaum to raise his grade. He was so sure that I could convince him. He was so sure that he’d like me. Until he saw Ms. Francis… I can’t believe I ever did that. Why did I do that to Biff and Linda? And I gave her the stockings right in front of him! How Biff must’ve suffered. I yelled at him to get my things and he just broke out crying. I promised him I’d go see Birnbaum, but he insisted that he wouldn’t listen to me. Biff realized what a fake I really am. I’m nothing but a louse and a failure who can’t even support his family. Biff decided he didn’t want to go to the U. of Virginia anymore. Right then and there he gave up, just as Bernard said. Biff called me a fake as he left and …show more content…
Linda yelled down at me to come up to bed. Oh, that poor woman. How she has suffered. But she will suffer no more. No more will my dear, Linda live in poverty. No more will she have to mend stockings. Finally, I will be able to give her- and Biff- the life they deserve. Imagine? When the mail comes he’ll be ahead of Bernard again! I climbed down the steps of the house, the house with the ceiling I built. The only thing I ever succeeded at before this. I will finally be able to make Biff a success. Linda continues to call my name as I get nearer towards the car. She will be proud of me soon enough. She will never have anything to worry about again. She will never have to suffer any more. I start the car. I see Biff up in his window. I can finally undo all that I had ever done to my boy, Biff. Now, I can give Biff the life he deserves. What a success that boy will be. So well-liked. What a funeral I’ll have. They’ll come from all over. I am known and he’ll see it with his eyes once and for all. He’ll see what I am. He’s in for a shock, that boy! I see it like a diamond, shining in the dark, hard and rough, that I can pick up and touch in my hand. The car rumbles beneath my feet and the leather wheel beneath my hands. What a rush! I’ll finally be a succ---

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