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Principle Centered Leadership Analysis

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Organizational Leadership Final Exam There are many behavioral issues today within organizations, and although organizations are not people, they are made up of people. What happens within an organization affects the people in and around it, people spend a very large part of their lives working for or with an organization so it's best to remove and limit any problems whenever possible. One problem is that many organizations seem to lack trust, this can be seen whenever there is a big scandal within an organization or many employees leave expectantly because of one reason or another. "People also resist change when they do not understand its implications and perceive that it might cost them much more than they will gain. Such situations often occur when trust is lacking between the person initiating the change and the employees" (Kotter 33). When employees distrust their leaders, it breaks the unity and effectiveness of an organization. This could be within a church, a non-profit, a Walmart, or anything else, but it will always affect the end product, or the goal of the company at some point down the line. I think another issue within organizations is a lack of principles. I love this line in Principle Centered Leadership, "principles are self-evident, self-validating natural laws. They don't change or shift. They provide 'true …show more content…
These are, "character, then competence, and finally chemistry with me and with the rest of the team" (Hybels 80). These three qualities are also in an order, bring most important to least from first to last. Character is a very, very important part of any leader's assets. It is irreplaceable, it cannot be quickly grown or fixed, especially if one is already a team member. Character is someone is committed to, the stuff they're made of, ideally consisting of humility, teachability, reliability, work ethic, and especially commitment and devotion to

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