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Charles And Ray Frames Research Paper

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My favorite designers are Charles and Ray Eames. This couple were made famous by their groundbreaking contributions to furniture design, archatecture, graphic arts, manufacturing and industrial design. Charles Eames was born in 1907 in St. Louis, Missouri. Charles attended Washington University in St. Louis on scholarship for two years. He was then thrown out for his advocacy of Frank Lloyd Wright. Charles then began working in an architectural office. At the age of 22 Charles married his first wife, Catherine Woermann who gave birth to his only child, a girl named Lucia. In 1930, Charles started his own architectural office where he began extending his design ideas beyond architecture. Charles received a fellowship to Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan. Whilest there he became head of the design department. …show more content…
She spent her childhood living with her parents in their appartment. She then moved into a bunglow outside Sacramento. Rays inventions in furniture and toy designs came from her belief in quality of enjoyment which her parents taught her from a young age. Ray studied abstract expresionist painting with Hans Hoffman in New York. In 1936 Ray founded the American Abstract Artists Group and desplayed some of her paintings in their first show in 1937 at Riverside Museam in Manhatten. Ray lived alone in New York City until she was called home to be with her dying mother, who passed away in 1940. After this, she went to the Cranbrook Academy where she met Charles and Eero Saarinen and helped them to prepare designs for the Museum of Modern Art’s Organic Furniture Competition. Their designs were created by molding plywood into complex curves and these designs won them the two first prizes at the

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