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Interest Inventory Paper

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I created and administrated an interest inventory on a student in my field placement. The interest inventory looked at the student as an individual and how the students’ family, emotions, culture and social aspects played a role on the students’ academic success. I then analyzed the results and the implications for the classroom and wrote a paper on my findings.

I feel one of the biggest challenges at the beginning of the year is how to get to know your students and engaging the in learning. It is important for a teacher the first few weeks of school to involve their students with activities for getting to know them, their interest, hobbies and activities they like to do. It is important for teachers to form connections with their students. One way in which a teacher can do this is through an interest inventory. The questions on theses interest inventory should help a teacher learn about the student’s favorite books, TV shows, sports, family activities, culture and interests. Likes, dislikes, and learning style preference just to name a few …show more content…
When creating an interest inventory one should look at the curriculum for the year when they are making it. What are some daily objectives where it is easy to let your students guide your teaching? What about math and reading? What kind of reading program do you have? A teacher should their students to find books that interest them and that you have read, too. Then have casual discussions with your students about books they love in subjects they find interesting to check for comprehension or work on reading skills. In math, word problems sometimes give students of all age’s difficulty. By making up word problems starring your students and their hobbies to work on different math skills will help them be more involved and interested in the

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