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Big Grey Elephant Research Paper

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The Big Grey Mammals
The biggest land-animal on the planet has become vulnerable and endangered. The Asian and African Bush elephants are considered to be at a high risk of endangered or extinction in the wild because of poaching, limited territory, and handling methods in various part of the world. The African Forest elephant, another species of elephant, has the worst population compared to the other two, what was the cause of the numbers to actively decline compared to the other species? Is there a way to stop this method for the other two vulnerable species? What are the different ways to help limit the threats to elephants? Many organizations have been created to prevent the growing decrease of these prized animals but have only slowed …show more content…
The very first circus elephant was a grey African elephant called Old Bet, shipped to the United States in the late 1700’s and was founded by a farmer. Old Bet was soon touring the whole country, leaving at night so people would not catch a free glimpse of the magnificent creature without paying. Soon the neighbors of the farmer joined in and followed with their unique creatures, later becoming a circus. Old Bet was the first circus animal and the start of the menagerie of elephants as entertainment. Old Bet was shot and killed in 1816 by another farmer while on tour, rumor has it that the farmer was a religious fanatic and did not approve of poor people spending money to see an elephant or he was motivated by jealousy (Radeska). A statue stands to this day to remember Old Bet and the bones and hind of the elephant are now stationed at “Barnum’s American Museum in New York” (Radeska). Elephants were also used to attract tourist and visitors, Zoos around the world mostly hold at least one elephant along with other animals of different shapes and sizes. The reason for zoos was to show off exotic and unique creatures around the world, instead of leaving the comfort of the city or state, some most known beings in other parts of the world are brought to zoos so many people can experience see a creature …show more content…
A good agency is African Wildlife Foundation, which ensures that elephant has a lot of room to explore by buying land in Africa just for animals, so human expansion does not limit their territory any less than it is now. Another organization is World Wildlife Fund, whose mission is to stop the illegal ivory selling of elephant tusks and reducing the conflict between human and animals all around the world (Abbott). These communities help in any way that they can to benefit the lives of elephants, so no more of their species reaches the extinct list, by doing so, they collect enough money and signatures to help elephants and other animals gain land, protections, and safety among the wild. Because of these fundraisers, the elephant population has not risen by has gradually slowed down the decrease. Elephants are essential creatures to the environment and the community, they “dig wells to access water underground” which gives other animals a chance to drink and hydrate, and also “create clearings by trampling” which provides the forest floors sunlight, and encourage plant growth (Govier). Without elephants, many species would die from lack of habitat, food, and water. Elephant provides other animals a chance to live; they act as a guardian and a leader amongst the smaller animals. In human culture, elephants symbolize strength and leadership, Asian culture sees elephant the same

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