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Big Man


Submitted By ishcloud9
Words 256
Pages 2

* Please be sure when putting the system on by pass you must: 1. Fill out the Hot Work Permit (If any hot work is being done) Keep the first copy in the office the other two is given to the contractor. 2. Call API & Toronto Fire Dept. / Log the operators # into the Fire Panel Log 3. Email Kathy, Shane, Ray, Brad & Dispatch.

When putting the system back online please follow steps 2 and 3. (It is very important that emails get sent out in order for the client to be up to date!)

Requesting Service:
When requesting for Elevator/ Escalator Service: 1. Email (Kathy, Shane, Ray, Brad, Dispatch & Tony) explaining details of what’s not working, please incl. the reference number of the service that has been requested. 2. When the technician arrives on site please be sure, they are signed in, and given a badge. Do not forget to sign them out, once finished. 3. Email everyone that is mentioned at point #1 informing whether the elevator/ escalator is back to service and any other details in regards to the incident.
Remember to send emails about everything that is happening in the premises so there’s no reason to have complains!!

* Please be advised that in order to send Reports to the iPhone email to forward it to the client and dispatch; from now on you will be using; password: TheStockyards!23. DO NOT use your personal email to get any incident report forward to the iPhone email.

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12 Angry Men

...there is one man who stands out. During the trial he was observing and taking down notes in his mind about the case. Others were also doing the same thing, but did not take in account how to analyze the situation like the old man did. This vote/tally by the whole group is basically a system. They all use this system to see where they all stand on the verdict. The old man decides to state his individuality because these factors: his beliefs, values and morals. This man has a belief that you cannot just send a young man off to possibly die without having talked about it first. He also made this decision based on the context on the situation. He knew some of the people in the room would be too scared to voice their own opinion.  Others people’s belief though in the room are not in the right place. Some are more worried about a baseball game or money. Others are basing some things off their background such as the one of the other older gentlemen and his issues with his children. Their background experiences all reflect their actions and attitudes during the whole movie. This was also due to the perception of the situation they were in. Their attitudes and values were also a big influence on them during the movie. The old man that first voted not guilty was definitely a leader. He also had very high self-esteem because he was not afraid to voice his opinion. Many people went through intrapersonal communication during the movie, because of the examples and flaws the old man was sending...

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Masculinity Issues

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