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Biggest Fear


Submitted By Tabbytea
Words 844
Pages 4
Life is full of battles and battles are a choice. The choice could either be good or bad. A good choice takes more courage; good courage grows into good memories. The farther life goes the more questions appear. A bad choice can be as simple as one little mistake on a test when a person is in a classroom, full of students typing away, and this one student is in a state of panic because their grade is depended upon it. Every person is full of courage, and courage determines a person’s character. Courage comes from friends and also from foes. Look at Demi Lovato’s song called “I Really Don’t Care”. This song is about a breakup but it can be about any loss and overcoming. Courage sprouts from inspiration. Inspiration can come from anyone, anywhere, or anything. The more you live the more courage it takes and that is just how life goes. Life is not just a representation of emotions but it is a way of dealing with circumstances of the emotion. The monster that I have battled was moving from Connecticut to South Carolina.
When I moved, it felt like one of the worst things that could have ever happen to me. I felt like my life was over. I can tell you that I was the person that took it the hardest. I had to leave my friends, my school, my neighbors, my church and my old house. I had to leave everything to be forced to a place where I knew nothing and no one. It was like leaving your favorite childhood blanket. I was going to a place where no one who knew my name better yet they could not even pronounce it. What a horrible lonely place. And no one even cared! Connecticut held a lot of memories. I had my first birthday party at 9 Rainbow RD, but I can’t remember the party. I remember the large yellow pick-up truck making a lot of noise as it backed up into the back yard. It was one early Saturday morning; they were removing dirt to make the room for the pool. This was the pool where I learned to swim.
One of the hardest parts of the situation was leaving my best friend. Without her my chances of life without depression were slim. She may have been older than me by one year but, we had the same interests. She was the most influential person in my life, she made feel special. I felt important to someone more than just to my family. Our friendship started with our parents. They meet because we lived only a block away from each other. We knew each other for as long as I could remember. We shared everything. Her parents were like my second parents. I will miss them all, my house, my pool, and my friends.
My Cat “Prince” was also confused with the process of moving he went from a nice loving cat to a confused cat once we moved. He wanted adventure and freedom; he was constantly destroying the furniture. My dog “Fluffy” also did not adjust well he never really liked to stay in the house, so he eventually started to run away every day after we moved, until we got a privacy fence. I now had my crazy cat and my lost dog to depend on.
The only thing that made me happy was my Nana. Nana is my mother’s mother. My Nana is my favorite person in the whole wide world. She comforts me better than a pillow on a stressful day. Nana made the trip with us from Connecticut to South Carolina. My parents drove in 2 separate vehicles. My mom drove the van which had the DVD player, my Nana, my brother, Prince, Fluffy and me. My dad drove the truck with all the boxes. The ride there was pretty much a blur because I was mostly asleep. Most of the time, I woke up because we stopped at a destination for a bathroom break or because my dog barked.
As a result, the experience was hard and my expectations did not help. The hardest part was losing a friend and my place of memories. It is not death, but it was a loss that was hard to for me to understand and how to heal with that loss. I soon learned that I was going to have to do many things by myself, but I would always have my memories. Memories were always going to be with me so I was not alone. I just had to learn how to release them. Real memories stay in your heart; they are nailed down and will never float away or moved because they are emotion moments. The monster that I have battled was moving to South Carolina. Moving to South Carolina was just an emotional moment. I truthfully say I have learned courage. And that courage is within me. The energy goes to the solution so the problem is no more.

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