...been debated and voted on in five voter driven states. The states are Arizona, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Oregon. The voters have been asked to make decisions about the education of the English language learners (Mora, 2009). But only three states, California (1998), Massachusetts (2002), and Arizona (2000) passed the laws for English-only learners to be put in programs, and Colorado (2002) and Oregon (2008) rejected the initiatives of the ballot (Mora, 2009). The voters were in English only groups that were against having bilingual education for the students’ (Mora, 2009). The teachers were having a hard time in learning how to teach the English language learners. But in the 1960s, the federal and state governments have created new laws and policies that give the English language students’ the rights to a meaningful and equitable education (Mora, 2009). The government also provided funds and guidelines for a transitional bilingual education program for the English language learners to help them to become educated (Mora, 2009). In the Lau v. Nichols (1974), the courts decided to take affirmative steps to protect the civil rights of the English language learners in the school districts (Mora, 2009). Because the districts were not providing them with the right programs to teach them the English that they needed to learn. On the other hand, most schools in the United States use English for their content area instructions. They also use a mixture of sound programs...
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...controversy over bilingual education. “The ultimate goal of any approach is for students to become proficient in the English Language” is agreed upon by opponents and proponents of bilingual education. The proponents state “that bilingual education is simply the most effective method for fostering the acquisition of English.” In describing many bilingual programs the Center for Equal Opportunity states that “students who don’t speak English are locked away in special programs that try to maintain native languages rather that teach English, often without their parents consent.” 2) This article discusses the public policy questions and the history of bilingualism in education in America. Most people do not realize the complexity and the history of bilingualism in America. The use of more than one language by a community has been part of the American social and political landscape for more than two centuries (Kloss, 1977). According to the wishes of parents in Ohio in 1839, the law allowed for instruction in German, English, or both in the public schools. There are probably less students receiving Spanish-English instruction than at the turn of the century when six hundred thousand elementary students were receiving all or part of their education in German, according to Kloss, 1977. The article proceeds to further discuss the political issues surrounding bilingual education. 3) From an NBC correspondent Miguel Almaguer is an article discussing bilingual education in a school...
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...the most volatile states when considering how best to instruct English language learners (ELLs). There has been regular discussion about the best way to educate ELLs. In 1968, the door to funding was officially opened for bilingual education. According to Purcell (2002), the Bilingual Education Act authorized federal funding for programs that addressed the needs of students who had limited English skills. With more cases of disgruntled students and parents, it was clear that the education of English language learners was not going to come easily. While the concept of bilingual education is admirable, the fact is that the delivery of the education left much to be desired. With the level of dissatisfaction, the need for reform had arrived. According to Purcell (2002), businessman Ron Unz funded a large portion of Proposition 227. Under Proposition 227, Limited English Proficient (LEP) students would be given instruction in “sheltered English immersion” classrooms for a period not to exceed one year (Purcell, 2002). The instruction would be in English not the native language of the student. After the initial transition time, the student would be placed in a mainstream classroom. The California voters voiced their opinion and the proposition passed in 1998. Bilingual education was at an end. Often, voters are not able to see all that is accomplished within the walls of the...
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...Bilingual Education in the US For this activity I would like you to examine your own preconceptions of bilingual education. Please answer the following questions: 1) Do you view bilingual education in a positive light or negative light or both (please be honest)? Why do you think you have this view? Bilingual education is positive for student education because it uses the learning tools students already have as the basis for building new skills and acquiring new knowledge. Most children enter school with basic language skills in English or other languages, which are already in place. If teachers are able to use the native language skills of the student, the native language will help students develop the academic competence they need to succeed in education. Children learn more effectively if they learn English through the use of their native language, which provides a contextual basis for learning and allows them to keep pace with their peer group while acquiring the language they will need to learn in order to interact effectively in today's society. There are several other distinct benefits to the use of bilingual education, besides its basic effectiveness. First, it preserves children's sense of pride in the language of their parents, allowing them to move freely in an English-language dominant society while retaining an important link to their cultural and linguistic heritage. It helps protect their sense of identity, which is also strongly linked to the language and...
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...Voter-Driven Initiatives/Laws Christy Stewart Grand Canyon University: ESL-223N September 19, 2012 English Only Voter-Driven Initiatives/Laws There has been heavy debate over the best way to educate students whose first language is not English. Historically, past federal laws and court decisions protected the rights of non-English speaking children. One federal law established during the 1960s was the Bilingual Education Act (Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1968). This law provided legal guidelines and funding for transitional bilingual education programs. In the Lau v. Nichols, case, the Supreme Court ruled that school districts were required to take affirmative steps to protect the civil rights of limited-English-proficient students (Mora, 2009). Due to the increase of non-English speaking students in the schools, several states asked the voters to make policy decisions regarding the education of English language learners. Voters in California, Arizona and Massachusetts by large percentages voted to pass the anti-bilingual education initiatives. However, other states like Colorado and Oregon rejected the initiatives. California’s Proposition 227, Arizona’s Proposition 203 and Massachusetts’s 603 CMR 14.00, state that all English language learners be educated for one year through a sheltered (or structured) English immersion program. This program would provide all instruction in English for the year; students must then transfer...
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...Bilingual Education: Voter Driven Initiatives XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Grand Canyon University: ESL 523N February 27, 2013 Bilingual education is a very important topic in education. Classrooms are filled with diverse populations, including those that are learning English as a second language. Learning a new language and having to adapt to a new culture can prove to be detrimental for a student’s academic progress. English language learners struggle in the classroom and are in need of teachers that will work relentlessly in helping them be academically successful. To regulate bilingual/ESL education, there have been various state and federal decisions made. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act was passed on the heels of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The purpose of ESEA was focused mainly on eradicating poverty, providing equal education services to all students, and implementing high standards for students and teachers. The ESEA also provided funds for state established educational programs and low income students ("Elementary and secondary,"). Although the ESEA benefited many deserving students in bad economic areas, it did not specifically benefit English language learners. Making matters worse, ESEA was reauthorized as The No Child Left Behind in 2002. NCLB required states to align their standards/requirements with the federal NCLB standards/requirements. Although it looked good on paper, requiring schools to meet what is known as Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) forced...
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...mother tongue by the age of 17 • English-Spanish bilingualism was the most common, but 65% lost their parental language • 90% of children lacked fluency Is Complete Language Assimilation Desirable? • These trends raise the question of whether complete language assimilation (acquisition of fluent English and abandonment of native languages) is desirable • Madorah Smith declared bilingualism to be a hardship devoid of any advantage • Study did not distinguish between fluent bilinguals and limited bilinguals whose command of one language or the other was poor Are Bilingual Students Better? • Bilinguals outperformed their monolingual counterparts in almost all cognitive tests • Bilingualism at an early age influenced subsequent cognitive development • Bilinguals’ enhanced cognitive performance is explained by their having more than one conception for a concrete thing Greater Self-Esteem • Positive association between bilingualism and better academic performance • Children who were fluent bilinguals had significantly higher educational aspirations and self esteem • Retaining the parental tongue allows children to better understand their cultural origins • Bilingualism also increases communication...
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...communication and understanding in the classroom. Many developing countries are characterized by individual as well as societal multilingualism, yet continue to allow a single foreign language to dominate the education sector. Instruction through a language that learners do not speak has been called “submersion” (Skutnabb-Kangas 2000) because it is analogous to holding learners under water without teaching them how to swim. Compounded by chronic difficulties such as low levels of teacher education, poorly designed, inappropriate curricula and lack of adequate school facilities, submersion makes both learning and teaching extremely difficult, particularly when the language of instruction is also foreign to the teacher. Mother tongue-based bilingual...
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...Bilingual Education Defining bilingualism is problematic. Most part of the time, it is confused to a second language learning (a foreign language often) and greatly used. Take simply, bilingualism is the ability to use two languages. However, many definitions of bilingualism are ranked. According to J. Noll Wn., published in 2004 by The Controversy, those definitions are ranked from a minimal proficiency in two languages, to an advanced level of proficiency which allows the speaker to function and appear as a “native-like” speaker of the two languages. A person may describe himself as bilingual but may mean only the ability to communicate and converse orally. Another person, when describing himself as a bilingual may mean the ability to read two or more languages. The problem here concern education. In fact, a person should be call bilingual when having the ability to communicate and read two or more languages, one as well as the second. Withal, this is applicable when having grown up in learning and using two languages simultaneously: this is the bilingual education. Nowadays, it is not surprising to meet people comfortably speaking two or more languages. Mostly because they are mixed race or because they left their home country for another one where a different language is spoken. Either with one of these situations, a bilingual education has been adapted to those people lives. Bilingual education, together with the immigration issues running all over the world has become...
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...and an important issue concerning English language learner from the school system to legislative forums, and there have been different policies and opinions for over forty years. Bilingual education is a method used to teach ELL students partly in their own language. The concept is that it will enhance their understanding of the curriculum and help them succeed in an English based classroom. The premise is that once the student is fairly competent in English they can progress in the classroom with their peers. Weather these programs are the best education method for ELL students this question has not been answered to address the issues concerning ELL students. The opponents of Bilingual Education believes that it is the ELL student right and need to make use of their native language to ease their transition into a English only education. The opponents also believe that the programs are hindering students’ ability to learn curriculum by keeping them in their native language too long. The Bilingual polices of today society are polices of the Bilingual Education Act of 1968 (Title VII). Congress passed the act as part of Civil Rights Title VI, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or natural origins in programs or activities in any program receiving federal finical assistant. The Bilingual Education Act requires that when needed schools must provide equal educational opportunities specifically for non-English speakers the act is enforce by the Office of Civil Rights...
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...Bilingual Education and the Success of Boston’s Latino Youth The success of Latino students in the Boston Public School system is undoubtedly and inextricably linked to the success of the district, in partnership with state government, combining both proven and innovative strategies in delivering English language instruction to the city’s students. At 43% of total enrollment, Latino students are the largest and fastest-growing demographic in Boston Public Schools (Handy). And while a majority of Latino students speak English proficiently, census records show that in the City of Boston half of all Latinos were born outside of the United States; 30% of Latinos in the Boston Public School system are English Language Learners (Uriarte, Chen, and Kala 9), and, not surprisingly, the majority (57% in 2012) of Boston’s students classified as Limited English Proficient, speak Spanish (Uriarte). Simply put, there is no way to ensure that schools are working to the best capacity for the district’s largest ethnic group without also ensuring that proper systems are in place to educate English Language Learners, who are disproportionately Latino. Unfortunately, this has not always been the easiest of tasks, and a ballot initiative of over a decade ago would come to undermine much of the needed progress in the Boston Public Schools. November 5, 2002 may seem like a distant memory for some, but on that day, the result of that year’s election would come to have a resounding impact on Massachusetts’...
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...Leader 1 Mary Leader (Vesey) Professor: Michael Bell ENGLISH 701 9 September 2015 Essay Paper 1 Thesis Title Using these two articles, the Kenyan Malik articles, “Let Them Die, and Emilo Gutierrez, “My Bilingualism,” I will be supporting both articles, with statements about children being left at school because they are bilingual, and why languages should not die. Why we should preserve the languages dying, and the benefits in learning two languages. In Kenyan Malik’s article, he says, “There are 6000 languages in the world today, and that by the year 3000, there will be 600. He says languages die because people die. Malik, also states, that each nation speaks in the manner it thinks. For instance, if we live in France, the common language is French. If we lived in China the common language spoken, is Chinese, if we lived in Japan, the common language spoken is Japanese. And in my theory, opinion, if we do no preserve the language, there will be less for bilingual teachers and bilingual schools. Here is a false dilemma, fallacies Malik uses. Malik, says, “A language spoken by one person, or a few hundred, is not a language at all.” It is a private conceit, like a child’s secret code. This author is basis. The whole point of a language is to enable communication. Languages, can be saved, through books, and the internet. In Maliks article, he quotes, from Enoch Powell and he says, “Languages...
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...I agree with the plan aimed at making all Puerto Rican children bilingual by 2022 because it could potentailly increase the student's chances at landing jobs and, Puerto Ricans can communucate more with english speaking people . As you read the my essay I will further explain how it is better to make children bilingual. First is that it could potentailly increase the student's chances at landing jobs because stated from the text " ...being bilingual could potentially increase students' chances of landing good jobs when they enter the marketplace. " Though some teachers may know the grammar the spoken language is still not their strong point. Puerto Rican are running behind many Europeans in second-language skills because " According to one...
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...English more effectively. On the other side of the issue are the supporters of bilingual education programs. In this program students learn the content in their native language and through this gain competence in English. Both of these approaches have valid arguments behind them and can find statistics to prove that their approach is better in a certain area. It is left up to every state to decide which method is going to be best for their particular state. The demographic changes with every state and for this reason, it is crucial that a side of the debate is chosen. Some states have a much higher population of students that speak a certain language and that may be the determining factor when looking at the English-only issue. Most people agree that the main goal in the classroom is to educate ELL students in the mastery of English in academic areas. However, it has been a long debate on what is the best way to go about this. In Pennsylvania, they passed a law called “Pennsylvania regulation of English as a Second Language and bilingual instruction” (COP). This law ensures that every school district provides programs for students that have a dominant language other than English. These programs must help the student achieve proficiency in English and meet the academic standards that Pennsylvania has in place. The law states that “programs under this section shall include appropriate bilingual-bicultural or English as a second language instruction” (COP). Under this law...
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...Bilingual Education : Friend or Foe? Jennifer Smith Faulkner University Abstract This paper explores both the history of bilingual education as well as it’s implications for American Society. We will define the difference between bilingual education and bilingualism. It takes a formative look at the Bilingual Education Act to see our roots in bilingual education. We will examine both the advantages and disadvantages of bilingualism and it’s effect on the brain. Also, we will attempt to shed some needed light on just why this is such a hot political topic. Why do Americans still seem unwilling to accept bilingual education as a necessity for their children? Bilingual Education: Friend or Foe? Bilingual education is a polarizing topic in America. Torn between preserving American culture and what makes us American, and providing immigrant children with the same access to education that all Americans deserve, bilingual education is now a political topic in America. There have been many attempts to make positive changes in our education system concerning bilingual education. Even for those who agree that bilingual education is important, arriving at the answer to the best approach is on a meandering path. With decades of studies, opinions and speculation as to the right way to best educate English language learners, it is not unlikely that many Americans wonder if bilingual education is friend or foe? Answers to these questions...
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