|Name | |Phone | |Time zone and | |Email |
| | | | |Availability During the Week | | |
|Sonia Thompson | |434-917-3212 | |Eastern time zone/mon and wed anytime/other days before | |sgrimmt@yahoo.com |
| | | | |3pm and after 10 pm | | |
|Jenny R. Jackson | |770-254-1703 | |Pacific Time Zone/ Monday thru Friday 4 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.| |jrj3615@yahoo.com |
|James Patton | |412-609-3980 | |Eastern always available | |Jpatton.412@gmail.com |
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Team Ground Rules and Guidelines
What are the general expectations for all members of the team?
All team members participate.
Respect one another • Jim Patton o Maintain good communication with the group. o Complete assignments and turn them in on time.
Expectations for Time Management and Involvement
(Participation, communication with the team, accessibility, etc.)
Each team member should check into the team forum at least once per day. All assignments should be posted into the team forum the Saturday before they are due to give the one putting it together time to review it.
All team members should work together.
Jim Patton - Time management and lack of participation within the team are some potential conflicts. Expect accountability from all members, be respectful to others schedules and work together as a team will get us through the conflicts as a team!
Ensuring Fair and Even Contribution and Collaboration
What strategy will you use to ensure that all team members are contributing and collaborating appropriately? Describe the communication strategy you will use if a team member is not contributing and collaborating effectively. How will the team manage conflicts between team members?
Conflicts should be discussed among team members and in case it cannot be resolved then the instructor will be consulted. Team members will divide all work evenly.
Problems that occur like internet or being really sick, working long hours will be considered and understood before making the decision to not include someone on the project. If there are no problems and the team member does not do their part then their name should not be on the finished assignment. • Jim Patton o Check postings within the Learning Team a minimum of three times a week. o Complete assignments in time for group review before deadline. o If a member does not participate or complete their assigned task their name will be left off the final submission.
Special Considerations
What do you, as a team, agree will make this team experience different from past team experiences?
That everyone will participate in all assignments. Jim Patton: Just to have everyone do their best…that’s all we can ask.