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Functions of Management Paper


Submitted By batron10101
Words 839
Pages 4
Functions of Management Paper

University of Phoenix
Management theory, Application, and Practice

October 25, 2010

Functions of Management Paper This paper identifies the four functions of Management and their relations to a combined government and military job. The four functions of management are Planning, leading, organizing, and controlling (Timmreck, 2009). The paper identifies how internal stakeholders of Norfolk Naval Shipyard apply the four functions of management. It is apparent that these four functions of Management within both military and civilian organizations have simulularities and work together to accomplish their goals. The United States Navy is a military service that receives orders from higher servicemen of rank to complete various missions at sea. The word “goals” in the military is not used; instead they use the words “Objective or Mission.” Norfolk Navy Shipyards is a Navy ship repair facility in Portsmouth Virginia since 1767 (October 25, 2010), which applies the four functions of management in its own way. Norfolk Navy Shipyard repair facility repairs and overhauls Navy ships and uses the words, agenda, commitments, and plan of actions instead of the word “goals” when conducting both administrative and mechanical work.

Government and Military Internal Stakeholders The Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s internal stakeholders are government employees including the military, superintendents, directors, and supervisors. These stakeholders have a productive, efficient, and positive influence on the head of the shipyard decision maker, the Shipyard Commander (Morris, 1997). A shipyard Superintendent’s decision can be influenced by any of these stakeholders in business or corporate-related agendas. For example, planning is conducted daily. Bateman says, “Planning is specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance

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