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BIO 1020 – Fall 2012
Laboratory 1: Bacteria and Protists pp. 1-29

You will be required to identify all of these organisms by kingdom and phylum/division (phylum = animal, division = plant). If a genus name (italics) is given on this handout, you will be responsible for that as well. You must know all of the structures and terminology listed below. Due to the ever-changing nature of biology, the nomenclature used in lab may differ from that used in lecture. A labeled drawing and short written description is required for each numbered and highlighted organism. Please number your drawings accordingly. Be sure to use high magnification when necessary to see detail, and always note magnification next to each drawing. If in doubt, just ask.

Domain Bacteria • Phylum Bacteria: True Bacteria (pp. 1 – 5) □ Observe the three morphologies of bacteria on prepared slides. Draw and describe in your notebook 1. Bacilli (rods) 2. Cocci (spheres) 3. Spirilla (spirals) □ Observe two types of living bacteria. Draw/describe in your notebook. 4. Rhodospirillum – A purple, nonsulfur bacterium, found in marine environments and certain types of mud. Note the spiral shape. • Prepare a wet mount: Scrape culture with a toothpick, apply to a clean slide, add a drop of water and coverslip, observe under microscope. 5. Bioluminescent bacteria - observe the demonstration by the instructor and describe in your notebook (no drawing necessary). • Phylum Cyanophyta: Cyanobacteria or Blue-green Algae (pp. 6 – 7) □ Observe living cyanobacteria. Draw, and describe the movement and morphology of each specimen. 1. Oscillatoria • Prepare a wet mount slide and view under microscope 2. Anabaena • Prepare a wet mount slide and view under microscope

Domain Eukarya, Kingdom Protista • Protozoa (not a true taxonomic group): Heterotrophic protests = ingest food particles (pp. 11 – 19) □ Observe each of the following, and draw in your notebook. Describe morphology, and the structures that are used for motility by each specimen. Label cilia, flagella, pseudopodia, nuclei, and cell membranes when present. 1. Phylum Rhizopoda – Amoeba (live, wet mount) 2. Phylum Foraminifera – Forams (prepared slide) 3. Phylum Actinopoda – Radilarians (prepared slide) 4. Phylum Zoomastigophora – Trypanosoma (prepared slide) 5. Phylum Apicomplexa – Plasmodium (prepared slide) 6. Phylum Ciliophora – Paramecium (live, wet mount): follow procedure on p. 17 of lab book to examine live specimen. • Algae: Autotrophic protests = photosynthesis (pp. 20 – 29) □ Observe each of the following, and draw in your notebook. Describe morphology for all. Also, describe movement patterns for living specimens. Label cell walls, cilia, flagella, stipes, blades, holdfasts, gas bladders, and daughter colonies when present. 1. Phylum Dinoflagellata – Dinoflagellates • (14a.) Peridinium (live, wet mount) • (14b.) Dinoflagellates (prepared slide) 2. Phylum Bacillariophyta – Diatoms • (15a.)Assorted Diatoms (prepared slide): draw several different morphologies. • (15b.)Navicula (live, wet mount) 3. Phylum Euglenophyta – Euglena (prepared slide) 4. Phylum Phaeophyta – Brown Algae: draw and describe each of the following, labeling all appropriate structures. • (17a.)Fucus (preserved) • (17b.)Laminaria (preserved) • (17c.)Postelesia (preserved) • (17d.)Sargassum (preserved) 5. Phylum Rhodophyta – Red Algae: draw and describe the following, labeling all appropriate structures. • (18a.)Chondrus (preserved) 6. Phylum Chlorophyta – Green Algae: draw and describe each of the following, labeling all appropriate structures. • (19a.)Chlamydomonas (prepared slide) • (19b.)Spirogyra (prepared slide) • (19c.)Cladophora (prepared slide) • (19d.)Volvox (live, wet mount) use a depression slide

*you should have a total of 26 drawings/descriptions for this lab.

Due next lab: ▪ Read pp. 30 – 45 (Kingdom Fungi) and pp. 61 – 78 (Plant Diversity I) on ANGEL ▪ Read Lab 2 Handout on ANGEL (these handouts are subject to change, based upon the availability of living specimens) ▪ Write a one page summary (in your lab notebook) of the material we will be covering in Lab 2[pic]

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