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Submitted By stoisamark
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5001 N. MacArthur Blvd.
Irving, Texas 75038-3899

Office Location A310
Phone # 972.273.3480
Call the office for hours of operation

Instructor Information:

Professor: Sharon A. Manna, Ph.D.
[pic]On Twitter: @ProfessorManna
Office Hours: by appointment

Course Information
Course title: Texas Government
Course number: GOVT2306
Section number: -73432/93448
Credit hours: 3
Class meeting time: [online]
Course description: GOVT 2306 Texas Government (Texas Constitution and Topics)
Origin and development of the Texas Constitution, structure and powers of state and local government, federalism and inter-governmental relations, political participation, the election process, public policy, and the political culture of Texas

Course prerequisites: TSI reading & writing

(1) Required or Recommended Textbooks and Materials
Gibson, Tucker, al al. Government and Politics in the Lone Star State, 8/e
ISBN: 9780205927067. [See our eCampus page for text options]

Supplemental Reading: Be sure to read newspapers and/or newsmagazines and be prepared to discuss current events. The best way to learn about what can sometimes be dry concepts is to see them at work in real time examples.

(2) Units of Instruction/Tentative Calendar: Our course is divided into three (3) units: the setting and constitutional origins of Texas government; institutions of Texas government, and the role of individuals and groups in Texas politics. Our schedule for this semester should proceed as follows:

|Week 1 | |Jan 20-25 |
|Read: Gibson, Ch.1, The Social & Economic Milieu of Texas |Due Date (by

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