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Biological Approach to Abnormality


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The purpose of the biological perspective is to determine the physiological basis of psychology and most importantly behaviour. The perspective primarily uses the experimental method and has been criticized for being too reductionist and for using non-human animals.
By knowing the physiological basis of behaviour we can treat symptoms with drugs evolutionary theory can explain things that would otherwise be unexplainable
It is difficult to seperate genetic influence from environmental influence
It's reductionistic
Can't explain altruism well
Historical Context The biological perspective was created as a reaction to the theory of dualism, that the mind and the brain are two seperate entities. Some important researchers in the development of the biological perspective are:
Darwin- Outlined evolution and the idea of nativism and heredity
Jean Baptiste Lamarck-studied heredity
Phineas Gage- Brain injury has the ability to affect behaviour
II. Key Concepts
Heredity- influence of genes
Nativism- certain traits are inately hardwired at birth
Hemisphere specialization
Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS = Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion)
Biological preparedness
Basic Assumptions
There are four main basic assumptions of the biological perspective:
Behavior is biologically determined
Behavior has a genetic basis
Localization of function
Animals may be used to help understand human behavior
Which basic assumption would be the easiest to write an essay about? -Behavior is biologically determined Research to use in supporting this assumption:
Phineas Gage- After a physiological injury to the frontal lobe, Gage experienced a significant personality change and became more vulgar, impatient, and obstinate. Methods of Investigation
The main methods of investigation for the biological perspective are : twin studies correlational studies, twin studies experimentation lab research
Double Blind Studies Which method would be the easiest to write an essay on?
Twin Studies
Twin studies can be used for research in the biological perspective in an attempt to isolate the influence of genetics on behavior rather than environmental influence. For example, by studying the similarities in behavior of two twins that have been seperated at birth it is easier to determine how much of an influence genetics has on their behavior rather than the different environmental influences they have experienced.
Gives two exact DNA models to compare, strong for research in genetically determined behavior
It is difficult to completely eliminate the effects of environmental influence
Useful studies Researcher: Roger Sperry
Study: Lateralization of the brain by studying split brain patients. Discovered there are specific functions for the left and right hemispheres of the brain Researcher: Paul Broca
Study: Studied an aphasiac named Tan, by conducting an autopsy discovered that damage to the left hemisphere of the brain was responsible for speech trouble. Researcher: E. Roy John
Study: Studied the brain through EEG, found we rehearse our behavior in our brain before we carry it out. Researcher: Simon Le Vay
Study: Study of male homosexual brains, found smaller INAH3 nuclei in the hypothalamus of gay men, making it more like the female hypothalamus Free Will Vs. Determinism
-Many behaviors are biologically predetermined -D4DR/’Warrior’ gene -Nativism
Gender Differences
-Women and men have different behavior patterns due to the differences in the hormone levels of estrogen and testosterone. Men are naturally more aggressive due to their testosterone levels whereaz women are not as aggressive and react more to things such as oxytocin
Practical Applications
Treatment of disorders such as depression, etc. with pharmaceuticals, recent research by Ted Kaptchuk reveals placebos are effective
Treatment of seizures, corpus callosum