...Assignment 1: Biology Article Cinthya Jacobo Professor: Dr. Francie Coblentz Introduction to Biology: SCI115 11/08/2015 The article “Therapeutic Cloning, and stem cell Research” by Gena Smith is about how we can extract stem cells from replicated human embryos and use them for medical and therapeutic purposes. The stems cells are perfect because they are what the article calls “master cells” which with the help of science, can be manipulated to become anything from brain cells to kidney cells. The article also revolves around the amount of controversy over the issue of cloning. The article mostly reviews the medical side of cloning rather than the reproduction side which can one day lead to the cloning of individual people. The article has high hopes for the potential use of cloning stating that “Down the road, scientists believe it will be possible to create complicated structures such as blood vessels, liver tissue, and whole kidneys. In fact, ACT scientists have already succeeded in building tiny cow kidneys that could be used for kidney transplants. It isn't hard to envision, Lanza says, a future where pretty much any kind of organ or tissue could be engineered to replace those damaged by age, injury, or disease.” Overall, this new study of cloning could help clone new body tissues which can help regulate, maintain and potentially replace importance body organs that could then lead to the salvation of millions of lives. According to an article by Norwegian University...
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...Running Head: Biology Article 05/14th/2015 Experimental Biology SCI 115 Pamela Anderson Professor: Maria E. Monzon-Medina DUE 05/14th/2015 BIOLOGY ARTICLE Introduction Several lines of evidence support the claims surrounding the knowledge of biology. To begin I will discuss experimenting of drugs and other forms of biology linking to different topic on experiment. Then to discuss the history that link with the 17th century thinker. After that I will explain the three basic assumptions or principles of biology. BIOLOGY ARTICLE Experimental Biology This claim surrounding the knowledge of biology, is to begin with experimenting on different form of living things using drugs and other ways to test, our ideas, according to scientific principle on one occasion people have been engaging in experiment for as long as we are learning to eat and develop life saving drugs and medical treatment. Identifying the toxic chemical in our environment and food supply lab works is made evident to support research of modern lives (extracted from biology article 2013 ) this article relate to this course in many form. E.G. Biology dealt with plant, animals and human which is the component of biology it also dealt with research and experiment. In biology today book there is a subtopic evolution of diseases it explain how micro organism existed for many years it also explain the deference between pathogen and armless. (Star 2013). BIOLOGY ARTICLE History of...
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...Biology Article Isaac Ayers Professor Carol Hoban SCI115012VA016-1136-001 Introduction to Biology August 2, 2013 * The title of the article that I have chosen for this assignment is “The Era of Memory Engineering Has Arrived”. The article begins by explaining a basic plot of a sci-fi movie in which the main character has had his memories altered by scientists using electrode caps. The article then goes into detail about how a new set of experiments, led by MIT neuroscientists Steve Ramirez and Xu Liu in Susumu Tonegawa’s lab, shows that by using a stunning set of molecular neuroscience techniques. Scientists have captured specific memories in mice, altered them, and shown that the mice behave in accord with these new, false, implanted memories. The scientists needed a way of labeling neurons that were active during a specific experience, and a switch to make them work. It has been found that by using by using the molecule Channelrhodopsin, in already genetically modified mice. Scientists could see recent events that had been recorded to specific brain cells in those mice (Castro 2013). The article then states how with the use of doxycycline, the scientists were able to turn off the labeling or recording process of the experiment. This is important because the scientists were able to label memories in specific times and places. Once the scientists had labeled a memory to the mice, and were able to re-awaken that memory by using light that was shone...
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...Globalizations and HRM Strategies For Dr. Larry Byrd BUS325 Date: 7/26/13 Globalizations and HRM Stategies The Enterprise This paper will discuss Google Inc. (name of MNE) concerning globalization and its HRM strategies. Google Inc. is an American multinational corporation that provides Internet-related products and services, including internet search, cloud computing, and software and advertising technologies. The company was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Larry and Sergey met at Stanford University in 1995. By 1996, they had built a search engine (initially called BackRub) that used links to determine the importance of individual webpages. Larry and Sergey named the search engine they built “Google,” a play on the word “googol,” the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros. HRM Function There are several factors that affect the HRM of Google Inc. Some of these are discussed in the succeeding paragraphs. Globalization impacts the company in the following ways: The first impact of globalization is Google provides a variety of services for people and businesses. They provide a variety of tools to help businesses of all kinds succeed on and off the web. Their advertising programs, which range from simple text ads to rich media ads, help businesses find customers, and help publishers make money off of their content. They also provide cloud computing tools for businesses that save money and help organizations be more...
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...Running head: Standing Up Against the Epidemic of Bullying By Benita Gamble Assignment 3: A Problem Exists Submitted to Professor Danny Meadows BUS 100 Strayer University November 10, 2012 We need to turn this widespread epidemic into prevention and intervention strategy, bullying in our nation schools is a problem worldwide. “Bullying can include aggression that is physical (hitting, tripping), verbal (name calling, teasing), or psychological/social (spreading rumors, leaving out of group)” (CDC.gov, 2012.). We cannot continue to ignore the negative effects, affects, and consequences that is becoming in our schools atmosphere. “Bullying can result in physical injury, social and emotional distress, and even death. Victimized youth are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, and poor school adjustment” (CDC.gov, 2012). Every child regardless of race, gender, age, ethnicity, disability, or sexual orientation deserves the right to be able to learn, grow, and develop in a safe environment without being bullied or feared. This urgent matter needs to be addressed. We as students, teachers, school staff, and parents need to implement policies and procedures, awareness, preventable measures, and training to turn the epidemic challenge. It is imperative that states have the resources to train school staff on prevention and intervention to help recognize any characteristics of bullying. The history of bullying has always been an ongoing issue in...
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...Did this article catch my interest, yes, because it’s talking about how bigger areas of where people live and economies growth of industries and pollution rates are more affected by the bacteria and the difference in the cell biology growth process. Also the difference between the growth processes in one land verses another. This article did hold my interest throughout reading it to the end. I had a hard time at first understanding what they were doing and how. I don’t feel like they explained how as much as what they were doing. Understanding what they were meaning took extra research to clarify meanings to the type of research and the components to what they were researching. Also the microbiology components and the different types of cells, are unknown areas of knowledge to me. So again it took some extra research and definitions to understand exactly what they may have been talking about and the different processes to the components that made up this process and outcome. This article helped my interest in economy and the life to life. To me the world and its natural resources that it with holds are slowly changing due to the economic changes we have inquired and worries me of the long term outcomes we will be facing in decades to come. I wish we recognized this more and acted upon it more. I feel like we are stuck in the mind set of businesses and advancing in technology that isn’t really looking into the earths affect and even human and animal’s long term affect. What I...
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...Using the CBE Style The Council of Biology Editors now named the Council of Science Editors Citation-Sequence (C-S) system for writing. http://contentselect.pearsoned.com/CBE-style.html#citations-numbers © 1997-2011 Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved. This system requires an in-text number, rather than the year, and a list of "Cited References" that are numbered to correspond to the in-text citations. After completing a list of references, assign a number to each entry. Use one of two methods for numbering the list: Arrange references in alphabetic order and number them consecutively, or Number the references consecutively as you put them into your text. Writing In-Text Citations with Numbers. Follow these guidelines for using numbers within the text: 3 1. Place the number within parentheses (1) or brackets [2] or as a raised index numeral. A name is not required and is even discouraged, so try to arrange your wording accordingly. For example: It is known (1) that the DNA concentration of a nucleus doubles during Interphase. A recent study [1] has raised interesting questions related to photosynthesis, some of which have been answered [2]. 1 In particular, a recent study has raised many interesting questions related to photosynthesis, some of 2 which have been answered. 2. If the sentence uses the authority's name, add the number after the name. Additional testing by Cooper (3) includes alterations in carbohydrate metabolism and changes in ...
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...Public Speaking – COMMSTUD.103 Preparation Outline Guide for all 3 graded speeches The preparation outline helps you prepare the speech. The outline reflects a student’s research and thoughts about their presentation topic. In addition, this outline helps to verify that the speech is the original work of the student. Furthermore, the instructor uses the outline to provide comments and suggestions to students for future speeches. Guidelines for writing the Preparation Outline: Please see chapter 10 for additional information about preparation outlines and a sample preparation outline with commentary. The preparation outline must be 2 to 3 pages, typed, stapled, and free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors or points will be deducted from your speech grade. Copies of PowerPoint slides (if used, print 6 slides per page) must also be stapled to the preparation outline. Evaluation: There will not be a separate grade for the preparation outline, but it will contribute to your overall speech grade. A poorly written outline or one that does not meet the provided criteria (see sample outline) may reduce your speech grade. On the other hand, a well written outline can improve your speech grade. Submission guidelines: Please note that TWO submissions are required to earn full credit for your speech. 1) Before you present your speech (on your way up to the podium),you are required to hand-in a typed 2-3 page preparation outline to the instructor. This allows...
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...Biology From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For other uses, see Biology (disambiguation). Biology deals with the study of the many varieties of living organisms. Clockwise from top left: Salmonella typhimurium, Phascolarctos cinereus, Athyrium filix-femina, Amanita muscaria, Agalychnis callidryas, and Brachypelma smithi Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy.[1] Biology is a vast subject containing many subdivisions, topics, and disciplines. Among the most important topics are five unifying principles that can be said to be the fundamental axioms of modern biology:[2] 1. Cells are the basic unit of life 2. New species and inherited traits are the product of evolution 3. Genes are the basic unit of heredity 4. An organism regulates its internal environment to maintain a stable and constant condition 5. Living organisms consume and transform energy. Subdisciplines of biology are recognized on the basis of the scale at which organisms are studied and the methods used to study them: biochemistry examines the rudimentary chemistry of life; molecular biology studies the complex interactions of systems of biological molecules; cellular biology examines the basic building block of all life, the cell; physiology examines the physical and chemical functions of the tissues, organs, and organ systems of an organism; and ecology...
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...MICHAEL AWUAH DENKYIRAH BIO/101-PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY NOVEMBER 16TH, 2013. JEBA INBARASU 1. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other—related to the scientific method, creating hypotheses, or designing experiments. Include the link or reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better understand how the scientific method is used to create hypotheses and experiments. Answer: The scientific method is the best way yet discovered for distinguioshing the truth from lies and delusions. The scientific method is just a list of steps that one needs to follow when solving a problem. The procedures for scientific methods are: a. Questions and Observation: One must observe some aspect of the universe and ask questions about it. Do research about the observation. b. Experiment and Evidence: Invent a tentative description, called a hypothesis that is consistent with what you have observed .Use the hypothesis to make guesses or predictions .Test those predictions by experiments or further observations and modify the hypothesis in the light of your results. c. Analyzing the date and draw conclusions from the experiments d. Publishing our final results into journals or a display board for other professionals to examine our scientific work. When consistency is obtained the hypothesis becomes a theory and provides a...
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...Running Head: Biology Article 05/14th/2015 Experimental Biology SCI 115 Pamela Anderson Professor: Maria E. Monzon-Medina DUE 05/14th/2015 BIOLOGY ARTICLE Introduction Several lines of evidence support the claims surrounding the knowledge of biology. To begin I will discuss experimenting of drugs and other forms of biology linking to different topic on experiment. Then to discuss the history that link with the 17th century thinker. After that I will explain the three basic assumptions or principles of biology. BIOLOGY ARTICLE Experimental Biology This claim surrounding the knowledge of biology, is to begin with experimenting on different form of living things using drugs and other ways to test, our ideas, according to scientific principle on one occasion people have been engaging in experiment for as long as we are learning to eat and develop life saving drugs and medical treatment. Identifying the toxic chemical in our environment and food supply lab works is made evident to support research of modern lives (extracted from biology article 2013 ) this article relate to this course in many form. E.G. Biology dealt with plant, animals and human which is the component of biology it also dealt with research and experiment. In biology today book there is a subtopic evolution of diseases it explain how micro organism existed for many years it also explain the deference between pathogen and armless. (Star 2013). BIOLOGY ARTICLE History of...
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...subsequently, the invention of the internet, the science community particularly has had a drastic shift in the scientific publication process. Journals that took months to publish, print and be delivered, are now instantly made available through online websites. Moreover, modernizing resources results in the increase in the available, accessible information for the community. Since the beginning of the century, online science journals have made the scientific community cohesive by providing with the most up to date findings for research being conducted in particular fields as well as all are new ways to “interact” amongst individuals. For this report we have chosen four online resources that provide information on the area of biomolecular biology and neurology, we will enumerate their usefulness to our particular field of interest and their incidence in our future professional careers. In the 1850’s, an Austrian monk Gregor Mendel discovered that he can manipulate plant offspring to breed plants selectively with traits that he wished to see; he cross-bred two tall pea plants and found that the offspring almost certainly expressed the "tall" feature. At the time, the scientific community was ignorant with genetic and DNA comprehension, but Mendel's work would prove to be a precursor to Darwin's evolutionary theory and eventually a foundation for all medical practice performed today. While our understanding of genetics is superb at best, new ideas and practices keep the medical...
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... 1. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other—related to the scientific method, creating hypotheses, or designing experiments. Include the reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better understand how the scientific method is used to create hypotheses and experiments. [pic] 2. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other—that recognizes the fundamental concepts of chemistry in biology. Include the reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better understand how fundamental concepts of chemistry affect biology. [pic] 3. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other—that describes the energy metabolism of cells. Include the reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better understand the energy metabolism of cells. [pic] 4. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other—that compares structures and functions of different cell types. Include the reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better compare structures and functions of different cell types. [pic] 5. Discuss what life means to you after completing questions 1–4. [pic] Citation and Reference page http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/scientific_method.html Science Made Simple, Inc. http://www.infoplease.com/cig/biology/chemistry-biology.html ...
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...Biology Article Amir Chaudhry Biology 115 February 8, 2015 Professor Johnson Biology Article The article that I chose is called “Foods that speed up your Metabolism” from the Natural Health & Organic Living website. This article talks about foods that will help improve weight loss by consuming certain foods that supposedly increase your metabolism. The foods written to improve your metabolism and help burn fat are: hot peppers, whole grains, broccoli, soups, green tea, apples, pears, spices, citrus fruits, foods high in calcium, foods high in Omega-3’s, and purified water. All of these foods are said to have health benefits including boosting your metabolism and helping you burn body fat. Other ways to boost your metabolism are also listing such as refraining from sugar filled soda, energy drinks, and other processed foods. Also, getting plenty of sleep is high on the list. Performing cardiovascular exercise on a daily basis also improves metabolism instantly, and even a light weight exercise such as walking for fifteen minutes a day has great benefits, contrary to popular belief. For people looking for a more intense way of boosting metabolism, performing a colon cleanse and a liver and gallbladder cleanse are also options. These methods not only increase metabolism but also improve overall health. This article relates to this biology course because we have been studying metabolism. Metabolism is defined as the chemical processes that occur within...
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...BIO 113 Environmental Life Science (online) * Unit Assignment * NAME: Connor Craig Assignment for Unit 1. Introduction to the Course * Spring 2016 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GOAL: The goal of this “warm-up” assignment is to introduce you to the three major means of doing work in this course via CANVAS and test your ability to follow directions ;-). You will: (1) Take a Survey that mimics a Quiz. (2) Contribute to a Discussion that mimics one or two assignments. (3) Use this file to mimic a regular Weekly Assignment. General Instructions: • This file is named U01_YYY_Z_S16.doc. Download and save this file, changing the leading “YYY” to the first three letters of your last name and the “Z” to your first names’ initial (ALL IN CAPS). • Add your name to the right of “NAME” above. • Do the following and do them in the sequence provided, please. • Add you answers into the block provided – otherwise, do not edit the document in any way. • When a question has sections (like a and b), start the answer to each on a separate paragraph and use the section label (a or b) so that the transition is clearly demarked. • Submit as instructed. (A) Course Survey: Go to the “Week 1” page, click on Unit 1 Quiz “Warm-up Survey” and take the very short survey. (Note: Surveys have the Quiz symbol, but this one is not graded.) (B) Discussion:...
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