...Cell Biologist Essay This essay is about a female biologist. Her name is Carol W. Greider.Carol W. Greider discovered how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomeres. She is an incredible woman for finding something new. I believe that it is great that more women are now coming out and doing more, and proving that we are better than boys. Carol W. Greider was born April 15, 1961 in Davis, California. She has a husband named Nathaniel C. Comfort. She went to the University of California, Berkeley for college. Carol also got a Nobel prize in medicine and physiology. She has gotten many other different prizes but another prize she has gotten is a Louisa Gross Horwitz. The field she is in as a biologist is, molecular biology....
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...There are two types of cell transport mechanisms. These types of transports are passive and active transport. The difference between active and passive is that passive does not require energy and active does require energy. The reason passive does not require energy is because it travels down a concentration gradient. On a concentration gradient molecules naturally move from high to low concentration. In active transport, molecules move from low to high concentration. There are three different types of transports for passive and two types of transports for active. The three types of passive transports are diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated diffusion. The two types of active transports are endocytosis, and exocytosis. Passive transport does not require ATP, also known as energy. The reason it does not require energy is because it travels down a concentration gradient. This means molecules naturally travel from high to low concentration. The first type of passive transport is diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of molecule across the membrane from high to low concentration. Diffusion naturally occurs until equilibrium is reached. Only very small molecules can cross the membrane in diffusion. These include ions, gases, alcohols, and small lipids. The next type of passive transport is osmosis. Osmosis is the diffusion of water across the cell membrane. Three examples of osmosis are hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions. A hypertonic solution is a solution that has a higher...
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...1. Explain how human activities can cause an imbalance in biogeochemical cycling and lead to problems such as cultural eutrophication and fish kills. Eutrophication is a naturally occurring, slow, and inevitable process. However, when it is accelerated by human activity and water pollution called cultural eutrophication, it can lead to the premature aging and death of a body of water. Cultural eutrophication occurs when humans speed up the aging process by allowing excessive amounts of nutrients in such forms as sewage, detergents, and fertilizers to enter the ecosystem. 2. Compare and contrast the traits and growth patterns of opportunistic versus equilibrium populations. Provide one example of each. Opportunistic species use the r-strategy. They produce millions of eggs and sperm since only a small percent will actually meet, join, and become offspring. Opportunistic species are often the first to colonize a new environment with a “boom and bursts” growth pattern, with a short life cycle. They tend to “crash” when they run out of food, space, oxygen, sunlight, or whatever the limiting factors is in that environment. Examples are most insects, and corals, barnacles, clams, scallops, and oysters, who spawn and fertilize their eggs in the water. Equilibrium species use the K-strategy. The carrying capacity of the environment. These species produce much fewer offspring and usually brood them and/or take care of them in other ways. The populations of these species may first...
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...how does human activity affect nature? human activity affects nature in many ways, as time goes on and civilization advances nature pays the toll more and more. due to the number of the human population rising constantly more and more animals need to be killed for food but in the lines of nature more space is required for living so forests may be cut down meaning less oxygen in the air which increases harmful gases in the air which could lead to more acid rain so more plants could be killed. we are also using more resources from the Earth, especially natrual raw resources found in the ground, this leads to mining and so destroys landing and may mean animals will have to leave affecting biodiversity. This also leads to the fact that other species might be in the face of harm and could be killed or forced to migrate again effecting diversity. but yet again you cant completely rule out the idea that its always a loss in biodiversity since if a certain species was to live in a specific habitat and we were to destory that habitat they could be forced to move to another species habitat and adapt which increases biodiversity. due to these points the need to conserve species was realized. reasons to conserve could be economical or ecological reasons, this could cover conserving things suhc as regulation of atmospere and climate and retention of fresh water. this would also cover recycling and the growth of food and fuel. there are also ethical reasons for conserving as well as astethic...
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...Lee, Cynthia. “Walking fish reveal how our ancestors evolved onto land” Biology News Net Aug. 2014. http://www.biologynews.net/archives/2014/08/27/walking_fish_reveal_how_our_ancestors_evolved_onto_land.html This article was about how fish evolved onto land, which could have led to how our ancestors evolved onto land. About 400 million years ago, fish began exploring the land around them and soon, they evolved into tetrapods. Tetrapods are today’s reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals. A fish called Polypterus can breathe air, walk on land, and they look a lot similar to ancient fish that evolved the same way. For example, when the fish walked on land, they would place their fins close to their bodies and lift their heads. Soon, their skeleton changed to become more elongate to adapt with how the fish walked by supporting their head and neck. The scientists have hypothesized that the behavioural changes reflect what may have occurred when fossil fish first started walking. One of the main issues in this article was how the scientists were going to compare fish walking and our ancestors walking on land today. The main question the author was investigating was how fish walking on land could have led our ancestors in the same direction. The evidence that supports the findings is found in old fossils of fish. By examining the fossils, they can see that the fish adapted to their environment by adapting their skeletons to walk on land. Often, there was controversy about how this...
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...Lesson 3 essay questions Exam # 25085400 1. Directional and disruptive selection can be compared because they both favor extreme phenotypes, they adjust to their environments over time and they both cause a shift in the distribution curve. The contrast in directional selection is the distribution curve shifts one way and only focuses on one extreme phenotype. An example of directional selection would be the gradual increase in size of the modern horse. This change occurred due to the environment changing from forest conditions to grassland conditions. The contrast in disruptive selection is the distribution curve shifts both ways and focuses on two or more phenotypes versus intermediate phenotypes. An example of disruptive selection is the British snails. They live in low-vegetation areas and in forest areas. Thrushes feed on the the snails with dark shells and no bands in the vegetation areas and they feed on the snails with the light bands in the forest areas. Therefore, these snails had to adapt to their own environment. 2. Overuse and misuse of antibiotics can cause resistant bacteria to form through natural selection. When you introduce selective pressure (antibiotics) to a bacterial infection, some of the bacteria can acquire “free” DNA from its environment. Which can mimic the antibiotics genetic make up. This causes some bacteria to create a resistant gene that can be passed to the next generation. As a result the genetically resistant bacteria keeps increasing...
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...Essay Questions 10/11/15 1. Directional selection occurs when one of the extreme traits of distribution is eliminated and causing a shift in the frequency. For example, the beak length of finches changed due to the food sources that were available. The finches with larger beaks survived because they were able to crack seeds that they could eat. As time went on, insects became plentiful and now finches with smaller beaks were now favored by the directional selection. Disruptive selection occurs when the average phenotype is selected against. For example, in a population of white, grey, and black rabbits if the grey rabbit dies the white and black rabbits become concentrated. 2. Populations of bacteria evolve to become resistant to antibiotics through the process of natural selection. When a population of bacteria gets exposed to any give antibiotic, most of the bacteria will die. However, if some bacteria cells have resistance due to plasmids, they will survive. They will then pass this trait to their offspring, which will be a fully resistant generation. 3. Tooth reduction is one of the major evolutionary trends that developed among major vertebrate groups that allowed for the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life. Evolution of limbs and being able to breath air are other evolutionary trends that took place. 4. The nonvascular plants and even a few vascular plants like ferns reproduce by having the sperm swim through the external environment. This swimming...
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...mankind. The earliest records date back to rabbinical writings of the Talmud documented in the second century. A law was present that stated that if two sons of a woman die from circumcision then her third would not be required to be circumcised. This was an illustration that the Jewish were aware that mothers passed it on to their sons. Up until 1937, the cause of this disease remained unknown. Modern studies began in 1803 when a Philadelphia physician named Dr. John Conrad Otto wrote a review about a hemorrhagic disposition that occurred in families affecting males. Following that, Nasse gave the first review in 1820 and Wright demonstrated evidence of laboratory defects in blood clotting in Aaron Chan Biology 330 06261560 1893. Our forces strengthened exponentially in 1937 after Patek and Taylor found the role of the soon to be named factor VIII describing its action in hemostasis. They characterized and named it an “antihemophilic globulin substance”. Not long after, the protein was purified and the gene was open to study for many scientists. The root of this evil The mastermind behind Hemophilia A is the gene coagulant factor VIII. The factor VIII gene sits on the long arm of chromosome 10 at location 28, more specifically, from base pairs 154,064,062 to 154,255,350. Its protein sequence is 2351 amino acids long transcribed from a 191,288 mRNA. This gene produces two alternatively spliced transcripts...
Words: 2699 - Pages: 11
...A Fallacy of Biblical Proportion Monosaccharides, also called simple sugar, any of the basic compounds that serve as the building blocks of carbohydrates. One major function of a monosaccharide is its use for energy within a living organism. Glucose is a commonly known carbohydrate that is metabolized within cells to create fuel. This helps with your energy levels. Fiber is one of the most important things we absorb into our body. It is also one of the most important in our diet. It helps with bowel movement and keeping everything right in your digestive system. Soluble fiber may help to slow your body’s breakdown of carbohydrates and the absorption of sugar. In moderation, fiber can be helpful to our bodies. Exercise is not a significant weight loss factor. Most of your weight loss happens when you are watching TV or sleeping. A few things that exercise is good for is building muscle, but you have to put energy in to get the energy out and to help the start of weight loss. The mitochondria is where some of the fat is burned and if it is working properly, you may lose more weight that way. If your mitochondria is working correctly then it also helps keep your liver to be in good working order. The two things that a successful diet shares are low sugar and high fiber. We are talking about real food. We want to put the best foods in our bodies. Processed food phenomenon is what most will call it. Most people do not have the money to eat healthy so people will turn to processed...
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...CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination CAPE ® BIOLOGY SYLLABUS Effective for examinations from May/June 2008 CXC A10/U2/07 Published by the Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the author or publisher. Correspondence related to the syllabus should be addressed to: The Pro-Registrar Caribbean Examinations Council Caenwood Centre 37 Arnold Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I. Telephone: (876) 630-5200 Facsimile Number: (876) 967-4972 E-mail address: cxcwzo@cxc.org Website: www.cxc.org Copyright © 2007, by Caribbean Examinations Council The Garrison, St Michael BB14038, Barbados CXC A10/U2/07 ii Contents RATIONALE.....................................................................................................................................................1 AIMS ..................................................................................................................................................................1 SKILLS AND ABILITIES TO BE ASSESSED ...............................................................................................2 PRE-REQUISITES OF THE SYLLABUS .......................................................................................................5 STRUCTURE...
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...BIOLOGY 111-01 PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY I MWF 9:00-9:50 FALL, 2013 Instructor: Ellen S. Lamb Office: 307 Sullivan Phone: 334-4974 (office) Email: eslamb@uncg.edu Office Hours: TBD For whom intended: Bio 111 is the first of a two-semester series of general biology courses for science majors. IF YOU HAVE BEEN ADMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF NURSING, YOU SHOULD NOT BE IN THIS COURSE!!! If you are considered “prehealth,” instead, then this is where you should be. This course satisfies one of the natural science courses (GNS) necessary for the completion of the General Education Curriculum (GEC) requirements. However, this course is not intended for non-science majors. Major Concepts in Biology (Bio 105), which may be taken with a laboratory component (Bio 105L), is also a GEC Natural Science course and is designed for students who are not majoring in the sciences. NOTE: YOU MUST BE REGISTERED FOR BIOLOGY 111 LABORATORY (BIO 111L) Required Items: • Text: Principles of Life, Hillis et al; 2012; first edition; you also need online access to BioPortal • Lab Manual: Principles of Biology I – A laboratory manual for students in BIO 111, 2013-2014 edition; (Lab coordinator is Mr. Joseph Bundy, Sullivan 304. Only he can help you recycle a previous lab grade, although you are welcome to ask me questions before seeing Mr. Bundy.) • Answer Sheets: All tests will be optically scanned multiple choice; YOU must provide your own 200-item answer sheets (Scantron Sheets...
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...natural sciences is perhaps the most heated of debates and research into neurotheology such as the existence of the ‘god spot’ shows how vast the subject is. The subject encompasses many of the life sciences and would allow me to gain knowledge of several different disciplines. Combining knowledge of physiology from biology and with the structure of substances learnt in chemistry provides me the rigorous scientific background that is crucial in the neuroscience course. My understanding of molecules and chemical concepts developed in ‘A’ Level Chemistry will prepare me for this degree as the same knowledge can be applied to understand how simple neurotransmitters can impact on human behaviour. In class, we undertook a module called “What’s in a medicine?” where we learnt about the importance of medicines in curing diseases. This entire unit focuses on the mechanisms of action and the clinical significance of drugs such as aspirin or penicillin. This unit links well with the pharmacology aspects of the neuroscience degree as I believe that the knowledge I have gained thus far in this topic will prepare for the concepts introduced at university level. The human biology aspect of the neuroscience degree is an area that intrigues me the most as learning the mechanisms of some of our most complex systems is something I find fascinating and highly enjoyable. Learning about the process of photosynthesis in greater detail was exciting to me as it highlighted how many complex processes...
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...Biology Essays 1. The human population reached a new milestone on Oct 31, 2011. How does this impact evolution? Include climate change as one aspect of your response. (Think about Darwin's observations which led him to Natural Selection.) -The first sentence of this question refers to our human population reaching to about 7 billion people. To my knowledge the earth can hold that many people, but on the other hand, if our human population keeps growing, I think that then nature will select (according to Darwin’s observations) due to over-reproduction and our resources being limited. When natural selection comes along there will be a lot of competition, suffering and death so that there can be room for our upcoming population. Climate change can impact the evolution in many ways because of weather intensity such as; droughts, flooding, harsh snow, heat waves and emerging disease that can occur throughout the change which can decrease our human population (death). 3. Explain which parts of evolution are random and which are not random. -According to my notes, evolution is a process, but not a random process. It’s certain things that makes it random. Natural selection is one of those things to make parts of it random. Evolution is determined by ancestors, traits inherited and also what genes are passed. 4. Explain why pseudo genes accumulate mutations more regularly than functional genes. (Include natural selection in your response.) -Pseudogenes accumulating mutations is basically...
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...HISTORY OF BIOLOGY Though biology is generally regarded as a modern science with late origins in the early to mid-nineteenth century, it drew on varied traditions, practices, and areas of inquiry beginning in antiquity. Traditional histories of biology generally target two areas that merged into modern biological science: medicine and natural history. The tradition of medicine dates back to the work of ancient Greek medical practitioners such as Hippocrates of Kos (b. 460 B.C.E.) and to figures such as Galen of Pergamum (c. 130–c. 200), who contributed much to early understanding of anatomy and physiology. The tradition of natural history dates back to the work of Aristotle (384–322 B.C.E.). Especially important are his History of Animals and other works where he showed naturalist leanings. Also important is the work of Aristotle's student Theophrastus (d. 287 B.C.E.), who contributed to an understanding of plants. Aristotle and Theophrastus contributed not only to zoology and botany, respectively, but also to comparative biology, ecology, and especially taxonomy (the science of classification). Both natural history and medicine flourished in the middle ages, though work in these areas often proceeded independently. Medicine was especially well studied by Islamic scholars working in the Galenic and Aristotelian traditions, while natural history drew heavily on Aristotelian philosophy, especially in upholding a fixed hierarchy of life. The Roman naturalist Caius Plinius Secundus...
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...Reminiscent of ethnology, evolutionary psychology roughly states that the mind is the way that it is because of adaptions to the environment, and that insights of evolutionary biology can be used to bring new light onto the human brain, and human behaviour more generally. These neo-Darwinists have sought to apply natural selection to social organization much like Herbert Spencer’s meek justification that the social stratification and colonial domination of expansionist industrial capitalism reflected natural selection. Evolutionary psychology takes fairly mundane observations—such as cells being spherical—to claim that physical principles provide channels of development that extend up to individual action and social organization. It does so...
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