Biology Influence of One Environment Factor Onto the Morphology of the Oak Tree (Queveus Species).
Submitted By noatall Words 1123 Pages 5
Aim The aim of this practice is to design an experiment in which we need to investigate the influence of one environment factor onto the morphology of the oak tree (Queveus species).
Research Question Which kind of leaves have longer central veins, the ones that grew in shade or the ones that grew under sun?
Hypothesis My hypothesis is that those leaves from the tree that has been growing under the sun have longer length than those which were growing under shade. Since here the independent variable is the amount of sunlight, so one oak tree grew up under shade while another one grew up under sunshine; the tree that grew under shade would lack sunlight so it try harder to get more sunlight, therefore, it would grow larger leaves to own more area and get a bigger chances for sunlight to hit on them. On the other hand, the tree that was growing under the sun should have smaller leaves due to the fact that they did not need to force themselves to grow lager for getting sunlight.
Variables Independent variables: independent variables are the variables that we change. Here in my investigation the independent variable is the amount of sunlight these trees got. One of the trees should have been growing under shade or at least have been growing under much less amount of sunlight than the other one (because we can not make sure that the tree grew in complete shade). Another tree should have been growing under a large amount of sunlight. Dependent variables: in this task, i investigate how long leaves’ central veins are according the amount of sunlight that trees got. Therefore, the dependent variable is the length of leaves’ central veins.
Control variables: To make sure the investigation goes on well, we need to control several variables which means these variables should be the same for both trees.
Age of trees is one of the variables,