...Physiology П 18 January 2009 Bipolar Disorder For my assigned research report, I will be covering Bipolar Disorder. I will be discussing what Bipolar disorder is, who it affects? Signs and symptoms, what causes it? How it’s diagnosed? Treatment and managing bipolar disorders in the next following paragraphs. What is Bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function. Different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. They can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide. But there is good news: bipolar disorder can be treated, and people with this illness can lead full and productive lives. Who does Bipolar affects? About 5.7 million American adults or about 2.6 percent of the population age 18 and older in any given year, have bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder typically develops in late adolescence or early adulthood. However, some people have their first symptoms during childhood, and some develop them late in life. It is often not recognized as an illness, and people may suffer for years before it is properly diagnosed and treated. Like diabetes or heart disease, bipolar disorder is a long-term illness that must be carefully managed throughout a person’s life. Signs and symptoms of Bipolar disorder? A person with bipolar disorder will go through...
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...The causes of this condition are contributed by genetic factors and as well as environmental influence (Kato, 2007). Study of Genetics had suggested that the regions of chromosome and the candidate genes are responsible for development of bipolar disorder. Genes of an individual are likely to effect in a small way to this disorder. Abnormalities or anomalies in the structural and functional circuits of brain could cause bipolar. Meta analyses of MRI study on structural basis of bipolar reports an increment in the volume of the globus pallidus, lateral ventricles, and in the white matter that is hyperintensities. Functional basis of MRI study shows that abnormal modulation among the ventral limbic and prefrontal regions, importantly the amygdala, contributes to mood swings and emotional regulation. Other component of brain which plays a role in this condition is the mitochondria, and the pump of sodium ATPase causing episodes of depression and mania. A study suggests that the environmental features play a wide role in the development of bipolar disorder. Evidences show that interpersonal relationships and events of life can severely affect bipolar disorder. Certain childhood events affect this condition severely. Neurological cause of this condition majorly includes stroke, brain injury, HIV infection, porphyria, multiple sclerosis, and temporal lobe epilepsy (Craddock, 2013). Dopamine which is a neurotransmitter plays role in mood swings shows a increased transmission in...
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...Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive disorder has been around for a long time, some said as far back as 300 to 500AD. Most people who were diagnosed with bipolar back in that time were considered or thought of as being crazy or being possessed by the devil’s spirit. In the Middle Ages those that were afflicted with mental illness were thought to be guilty of wrongdoing, since there disease was a manifestation of wrongdoing (Stephens, 2014). The treatment or punishment for those that had bipolar and that were thought of as being “crazy “, was to chain them up or to restrain them, or cut the person to let the blood drain out of the body. People who had bipolar were also given potions and electric eels were placed around the skulls of the person. There have even been times where witchcraft was used to “try” to cure those that that were ill. The ancient Greeks and Romans used waters from northern Italian spas to treat agitated or euphoric patients, and later the Greeks and Romans believed lithium salts were absorbed into the body as a naturally occurring mineral (Stephens, 2014). Now, bipolar disorder is treated differently, when treating a person for bipolar, the individual is given a doctor and a therapist who understand the disorder. There may also be group or family counseling sessions that may need to be done as well. Treatment options that there are today versus the old ways have changed drastically. Patients are now hospitalized if...
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...Bipolar Disorder: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach Introduction Bipolar Disorder is a condition that many children and adolescents across the nation struggle with. The Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation estimates that “at least three quarters of a million American children and teenagers struggle with bipolar disorder, many of whom are undiagnosed and untreated (as cited in Killu & Crundwell, 2008, p. 245). Individuals with this disorder not only suffer emotionally and socially, but academically as well. With so many children and adolescents being affected, it is imperative that counselors familiarize themselves with this disorder so they can help these individuals be successful in school. This paper will provide counselors with basic information about Bipolar Disorder, the most appropriate approach to apply when working with students with this condition, and also provide two case studies that help counselors understand how Bipolar Disorder affects individuals academically. Literature Review According to Olfsen, “one out of 100 kids is now diagnosed with bipolar disorder” (as cited in Cleaver, 2009) and these “numbers are on the rise” (Cleaver, 2009, p. 62). “The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) acknowledges that individuals with psychological problems will likely experience difficulties with performance at school” (Bardick & Bernes, 2005, p. 72), and since so many are being affected by this disorder, it is important that educators familiarize themselves...
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...Bipolar Disorder, also known as Manic Depression, involves episodes of mania and depression, with periods of stability. Manic episodes are characterized by elevated energy levels, restlessness, feeling of nothing can go wrong, and high self-confidence; while depressive episodes are the exact opposite: low energy, sluggish, sadness, and feeling of hopelessness. Occasionally, people suffering from Bipolar Disorder can suffer more severe symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking. Although they do not know the exact cause of Bipolar Disorder, researchers believe that biologic, genetic and environmental factors are all involved in causing and triggering episodes of the illness. Evidence suggests that an imbalance of neurotransmitters (chemical substance) in the brain is the culprit. Episodes can last weeks or months. Manic or Bipolar disorder affects more than 2.3 million American adults. Bipolar or Manic disorder affects males and females equally although females are more likely to experience more depressive and less manic symptoms. Twenty to 30 percent of adults bipolar patients noticed their first Bipolar or Manic Depression before the age of 20. In the cases of a teen suffering from manic or bipolar. A diagnosis to bipolar or manic depression has to be made carefully by a psychiatrist base on the following test: the adolescent age and medical history, adolescence tolerance for specific medications or therapies, expectations for the course...
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...Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric condition, once known as manic-depressive disorder. In a basic sense, it is a disorder of mood swings – patients experience alternating extreme moods, between what is called mania (or an overly happy mood) and depression. Some psychiatrists describe these moods as “elevated energy moods” It affects both males and females at an equal rate, usually starting at early teenage to their mid-twenties. The cause of bipolar disorder is still unknown, but it has been shown that the condition is more likely to occur if a family member already suffers from it. This led some scientists to investigate the genetics behind this condition. However, although several studies were conducted, they were very inconsistent. Some studies even looked at physiological and environmental effects on people and how they are related to bipolar disorder. A few triggers of manic episodes have been observed in people who are already diagnosed with the condition, such as the use of different drugs as well as major life changes. The severity of the condition varies between individuals, as do the symptoms shown. Some patients show episodes that can be clearly defined as mania and others that are described as depression. Other patients exhibit behaviour that shows a rapid change between different symptoms. Doctors have come to classify the disorder into three categories: 1. Type One Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression) – these patients experience long periods of severe depression...
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...It has been estimated that about 2 million Americans suffer from bipolar disorders. Symptoms usually appear in adolescence or early adulthood and continue throughout life. The disorder occurs in males and females equally and is found more frequently in close relatives of people already known to have it.. It has been very noticeable among creative individuals, affecting such artists as Hector Berlioz, Gustav Mahler, Ernest Hemingway, and Virginia Woolf. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. Bipolar disorder is a long-term psychological condition known to create extreme changes in mood, which range from extreme lows of depression to extreme manic highs. The rate of mood swings varies from many times a day to a handful of episodes in a year. The condition can be controlled with the use of medication and counseling. The disorder is defined in a hierarchy of severity. There are different levels of bipolar disorder which will be discussed. Bipolar I involve intense and potentially dangerous manic episodes, and often negatively impacts work, education, and personal relationships. Bipolar II is not as severe as Bipolar I, but still includes heightened mood and agitation. It is possible to live a more normal everyday life with this level of the disorder. Lastly, Bipolar III, a fairly recently discovered form, comes about as the result...
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...Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder in Adolescents Before the 1990s, it was believed that children under the age of eighteen would have been rarely diagnoses with bipolar disorder. This all changed in the mid-1990s when there were 800,000 children labeled with bipolar disease and an astonishing number were under the age of five (Carmichael, 2008). The controversial findings have alerted psychiatrists and psychologists that the disease is much more common than originally thought (Carmichael, 2008). Psychiatrists have been discontent with the number of children being labeled with bipolar disorder at alarming rates (Woziak & Biederman, 1995). Woziak, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School of psychiatry, was educated with the idea that a professional in the psychiatric field would only see one or two cases of a child with bipolar disorder in a lifetime because of the rarity (Woziak & Biederman, 1995). Woziak, along with the famous Harvard child psychiatrist Dr. Joseph Biederman, felt that there were a number of children whose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) problems seemed to stem beyond the normal anger characteristics of ADHD (Woziak & Biederman, 1995). Woziak and Biederman (1995) completed research to reflect a much more violent attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with children showing signs of heightened uncontrollable temper tantrums, violent hitting, screaming and kicking beyond the normal irritability. These signs included children not...
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...David Dunmore III 03/12/12 What is Bipolar, bipolar is a serious mental illness that cause extreme changes in people mood swings for example you could be on a trip to Disney land and your enjoying the rides but mid way through the trip you loose all interest and fun and all of a sudden become distant and aggressive and your facial expression completely changes and your thoughts switch as if your in an environment you don’t want to be in so your actions of escape take over and your behavior crush’s relationships and can also cost you or a friend there careers. Bipolar disorder is very dangerous disorder so watch for symptoms/signs one of the most common symptoms is a dramatic or unpredictable mood swings, there are several types of bipolar disorders; all involve episodes that are related to this disorder start with depression or mania to a certain degree. There’s a process that happens as the diagnosing of bipolar becomes successful the process can be a silent enemy as it takes over your body but if people know of the symptoms it can easily treated if caught at the right time, the symptoms also differ from each person it acts different for every human it effects which means it happens at no specific time which makes it a silent killer cause your thoughts become corrupt and the person becomes suicidal and if the thoughts get serious that’s when a professional should be recommended because if gone unseen this disorder results in 9...
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...Bipolar: The Emotional Curse Many people today suffer from a condition called manic-depressive disorder, more common known by many people as bipolar disorder. Bipolar is mental illness that has been around since the 16 century. This condition affects a person by giving them instant mood swings. One can be happy at one point time and in a few seconds be upset for no reason. It’s a condition that affects approximately 5.7 million people in the United Sates or 5% of people in the world. (Bipolar Disorder Statistics) many people are affected with this condition and are not well educated on the topic and have many questions like where did I get it? What can I do? Is there a cure? Most often the question is why me? The cause this condition is a chemical imbalance in one’s brain. Three brain chemicals noradrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine are involved in both brain and bodily functions. Noradrenaline has been consistently linked to psychiatric mood disorders such as depression. Serotonin is connected to many body functions such as sleep, wakefulness, eating, sexual activity, impulsivity, learning, and memory. Lastly the brain chemical dopamine is commonly linked with the pleasure system of the brain. (Kent). Emotions are controlled by the limbic system; it lies on both sides of the thalamus, just under the cerebrum. Studies have shown that’s this trait is genetic and is passed down from generation to generation. Just because a person may have the bipolar gene doesn’t necessarily...
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...Abstract Bipolar disorder has two levels that is associated with mental illness. The diagnosis of Bipolar disorder correlation with other disorders and has made it very difficult to diagnoses without connecting it to another mental illness. The most common links associated with Bipolar are mood disorders, disruptive disorders, panic disorders, and anxiety disorders to name a few. Each of these disorders has very similar symptoms changing personalities at any given time. Bipolar I and II have manic and hypomanic episodes occurs in an everyday or a total of a week the symptoms are increased displaying abnormal behavior. Hypomanic episode is a higher level severity of mood swings with elevated energy lasting four consecutive days and is present the majority of the day. Bipolar II has the same episodes reoccurring with escalated energy and activity, lasting longer than four days. According to research, Bipolar II is linked to substance abuse, severe depression, and schizophrenia that are unpredictable with the symptoms that cause clinical distress and impairment in social setting and a work environment. Hypomania episode and Depressive Disorder fluctuate between Bipolar I and II disorders. Researcher has found that Bipolar Disorder is genetically connected at an early age. Diagnosis is very difficult to recognize at such an early age, because is connected to other illness such as medical diagnoses or ADHD. Bipolar disorder is highly unpredictable with students were missed...
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...Bipolar Disorder Ginger Zacharias Kaplan College Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness that causes dramatic mood swings. People with bipolar disorder cycle from energetic highs and lows or irritable moods, to sad and hopeless moods and then back again. Bipolar disorder is a serious illness that causes dramatic mood swings. People with bipolar cycle from energetic highs and lows or irritable moods, to sad hopeless moods and then back again. Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is a serious illness, I would like to guide you and give you the best knowledge I can to help you learn more about this illness. I hope you learn a lot from the information I have to provide. Studies have showed that twenty five to fifty percent of people with bipolar disorder (manic depression) attempt suicide. Early diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder should be an urgent matter. Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes strong mood swings or “episodes,” which include both manic episodes (also known as mania) and depressive episodes, (also known as depression). The symptoms of manic episodes, or mania, include: feelings of euphoria, abundance of energy, extremely active, restless, inability to concentrate, racing thoughts, talking very fast, ideas rushing through the mind one after another, switching from one subject to another. A manic episode may occur when an elevated mood exists with three or more of the other...
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...Bipolar Disorder Physiological Psychology PSY-322-CL02 October 22, 2010 Introduction There are more than three million Americans equating to 1 up to 2 1/2 percent of the population. Even the rich and famous, movie stars, great singers, television personalities and artists such as Jim Carrey, Abraham Lincoln, Cary Grant and Sigmund Freud, to name a few, are affected or were affected by this disorder. A large amount of the public continue to think people with this disorder are in 'categories' such as homeless, aggressive, like the cast portrayed such as "One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest" and, people who are thought of to be fragile, will not "pick themselves up by the boot straps". Their judgment is misconceived. This disorder is not prejudice it does not know color, gender, race or anything of the sort, but most commonly starts between the ages of 15 to 24. This disorder is called bipolar and is sometimes referred to as manic-depressive disorder. Bipolar disorder is an affliction that causes intense mood swings going from hyper, agitated state to sadness or despair within seconds. The swings can happen a couple times throughout the year or throughout the day daily. This disorder can produce extreme actions so much so that it is difficult to function on your job, at home or in social situations, or in affairs with others and it can also make you turn out to be suicidal. It is a long-term; it is possible to assist in controlling the moods with the appropriate medication...
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...Bipolar Disorder can be a very scary thing for people to go through. You can go from being extremely “happy”; to extremely upset within seconds, which is due to the serotonin levels in your brain. Bipolar disorder causes people to have mood swings which most of the time have nothing to do with anything going on in their lives. This disease is exactly that, a disease. People who get it cannot help it, just as people with cancer cannot help what they have received. Another name for bipolar disorder is manic depression, which is a very effective definition of the disease. Bipolar means 2 poles, in this case meaning mania and depression. When you have an increased level of serotonin on your brain, you are said to be hypomanic. When you have a low level of serotonin in your brain, you are depressed state. Bipolar patients have both of these going on at the same time throughout their lives, possibly even many times a day if they are what they call a rapid cycler.People with bipolar disorder may try to commit suicide or do things to harm themselves. Such things may include cutting themselves, drinking, using drugs, most popularly marijuana. People with this disorder, to relieve the symptoms of pain and stress, supposedly use marijuana. Although marijuana does have antidepressant properties, it can cause amotivational syndrome. This occurs when people who use it begin to perform at a very low level, lower then they were before using the drug. The person may feel relief from their symptoms...
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...Bipolar 2 disorder is a form of mental illness that is characterized by one or more major depressive episodes accompanied by at least one hypomania episode. This condition is depressive and more frequent and intense than manic episodes. The difference between bipolar 2 and bipolar 1 is bipolar 2 displays hypo manic episodes and bipolar 1 displays manic episodes. That means that the symptoms of mania is more severe in bipolar 1 than in bipolar 2. People in bipolar 1 may experience psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations which is not present in bipolar 2. People with bipolar 2 does not experience a full manic episode but they can experience periods of high energy and impulsiveness similar to but not as extreme as mania. (Amal, 2009). The episodes of hypomania that are associated with bipolar 2 disorder must last all day for at least four days. These periods will alternate between episodes of depression and may cause episodes of normal moods. These symptoms can make it difficult to function in society. Hypomania does not cause harm or performance and it does not necessities means hospitalization. Bipolar type disorder can affect anyone. Most people who develop this disorder are in their teens or early twenties. However anyone who is susceptible to develop this disorder will do so before the age of 50. People with close family suffering from this disorder are at greater risk of developing it. Bipolar 2 disorder is caused by alteration of moods which elated to...
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